Chapter 24: Blending into the shadows.

Chapter 24: Blending into the shadows.

_Pixel, Care to explain?._ Gift thought, feeling alarmed.

[That's the erratic abnormality I was trying to explain, it seems the target is experiencing severe damage and by the looks of it, it's soon to turn critical.]

_Well then don't just stand there, Call back the already developed bot colony and carefully terminate the rest, leave no traces behind. _ Gift calmly commanded,

[I'm afraid it's impossible Sir, There seems to be something interfering with my connection with the Nano-bots.]

_Your kidding me...._ Gift thought grimly. _How come the connections only having faults now, it was fine all week._ He thought.

_Could this be a trap?_ A sharp glint flashed passed his eyes.

[There is such a possibility Sir, but I think that's the most unlikely case.]

_Whys that?._ He asked back.

[Because for one, you've been very discreet when infecting targets, also I find it highly unlikely that such a primitive world would be able to discover the movements of the nano bots.]

_Well you've got a point there, but I still think there's reason to be cautious._ Gift let out a breath before asking. _Since it can't be avoided, just tell me whats the next likely course of action then._ He asked, after seeing the huge number of nano bots the lady had managed to produce, he was completely adamant on retrieving them!, judging from their numbers, those bots would be able to increase his strength by at least


It might seem small but when one considered his overall current strength, 20 percent wasn't some small number!!!.

[I'm afraid Sir will have to collect the Nano-bots manually...] Pixel replied in a surprisingly helpless tone.

_Hehehe....figures.._ Gift chuckled wryly. _And here I thought tonight would be easy pickings..._ Gifts brows furrowed tightly before he let out a breath to calm his nerves. _Well we ain't getting stronger by just standing here, plus, I've been meaning to test out the capabilities of that new suits design._

Gift waved a hand, and the cosmic display faded, the stars and hologram vanishing into thin air. The room returned to its usual dark, quiet state.

Gift then glanced at Sera once more. He let out a breath of relief when he saw that she was still fast asleep, her breathing soft and steady.

'Better not let her catch me doing this,' Gift thought, his dark expression fading slightly into a charming one.

Though he didn't want her to know, For some reason he really didn't want to start keeping secrets from her.

Ever since coming to this world, he felt as if she was someone he could truly rely on and be himself around, like his mother, but when he thought of what he was about to do, he knew that this was something she wouldn’t understand even if he tried to explain himself.

_...Sigh..., if it means getting back home to mom and while protecting her, then I really shouldn't be hesitating about this, even if that means doing things non of them would approve of..._ He thought before he then felt pixel encasing him in his newly designed suit.

His nanotech bodysuit looked similar to a stunning blend of sleek black and vibrant red, exuding a silent, lethal elegance. The main body of the suit was a deep obsidian black, so dark it seemed to absorb the surrounding light and blend exceptionally well with the dark of night, easily allowing him to hide within the shadows.

The surface shimmered faintly with an almost liquid smoothness, adapting seamlessly to his form with every subtle movement he made. It clung to his body like a second skin, form-fitting yet fluid, moving with him as though it were part of his very flesh.

Along the arms, chest, and legs, faint crimson lines traced intricate patterns like veins of energy, giving the suit a pulsing, almost organic appearance.

He purposely designed these lines flare to life whenever he activated certain features, casting an eerie, yet mesmerizing glow or to be specific, just for dramatic flair and because he could.

The lines obviously hinted at the advanced technology embedded within, their glow was made to fluctuate with every command Gift gave to Pixel.

As for the face covering, however, was the most striking feature. A glass-like mask encased his face or to be exact, his face from the nose up like a child hood favorite member of a team of hero's, tinted a deep, metallic black, with angular streaks of red cutting across it and even to obsidian black mouth area.

These crimson lines followed the curve of his jaw and the bridge of his nose, converging at the forehead in a sharp, stylized pattern which was actually the trademark logo of his company back on earth.

They gave the mask a menacing, almost predatory look, making it clear that while the suit looked like it was designed for stealth, it was also a symbol of power.

The mask provided complete anonymity, allowing only Gift’s golden eyes to pear through it from his side, his face completely hidden behind the semi-transparent visor.

From the outside, it seemed like a solid, impenetrable surface, but for Gift, the advanced tech inside enhanced his vision, making everything clearer and sharper. He could toggle between thermal, night vision, and even zoom in on distant objects within the room and even those outside the window with ease.

_Not bad, not bad._ Gift ran his hand down the front of the suit, marveling at the smooth, frictionless texture. It was durable, yet flexible, providing armor-like protection while allowing full mobility.

The crimson accents added a touch of danger, a reminder that the suit wasn’t just for show, but something he designed for efficiency in the most hostile environments.

He smirked, pleased with how his mental designs had manifested into something this breathtaking.

"This is incredible," he whispered, admiring the intricate blend of function and flair. “Pixel, you’ve really outdone yourself this time.”

[Of course I did.] Pixel’s voice chimed in his mind, playful yet proud. [My analysis states that's it's exactly what you need for your mission tonight.]

With a last glance at the suit’s flawless finish, Gift moved to Sera’s bedside. He bent down, his movement silent and fluid in the suit, a warm glow in his eyes as he gently brushed a kiss across her forehead. "Goodnight," he whispered, a rare softness in his voice, before he turned toward the window.

_Now then..., let's see who dares to jeopardize my plans...._ He thought coldly, his eyes gleaming frostily like a harbinger of the night. Without further a do, he leapt out of the window, the black and red of his suit disappearing into the night like a shadow.


Hey everyone, it's your Wonderful author here, I just wanted to say that I'll be uploading more chapters per day!, awesome right?. But to do that I'm gonna need some motivation so please try to vote for my book or at least leave a review ok, I really want this book to grow to greater heights so please help me out.