Chapter 34:Who's to be held accountable.
[Sir I think you should calm down..., Your begining to let your emotions cloud your judgement.]
_But they killed a little girl!, no that's wrong, the sick b*stards tortured her before ending her life like some kind of lab rat!, How on earth do you expect me to remain calm after knowing of this...._ Gift replied, His teeth gnashing together.
[I'm not saying that what they did was right Sir, all I'm saying is that getting swallowed in rage about it would only lead to more problems later on when confronting whosoever did this.]
BAMM! Gift punched the ground in frustration, causing a small Crater with spiderweb like cracks spreading outwards.
He lifted his clenched fist only for a drop of blood to fall into the ground from an injury he had gotten on his hand, but like a hallucination, The wound quickly vanished the next moment as his Nano-bots quickly healed him.