The Great One

Back in the human world…

On an expanse comprised entirely of dry, a single car emerged from inside the ground before speeding up off into the distance.

“Uh, I am surprised that you are personally delivering the target this time Boss.” Linda said while sitting beside the masked boss who rapidly drove the car on.

“We are deal with the government here, little Linda, I can’t take any chances.” The Boss voice replied through his bland black mask.

“You know, I never thought you fear anything, you always act like everything and everyone is under your control and it actually seems so, I mean, you even manage to tame Kurtz. He was a monster when he joined us.” Linda said shaking her head.

“Every single existence in the universe had their own fears and limit Linda, not even I am exempted but you are speaking too much already. The mission is still yet to be accomplished and I took you along so you could keep an eye on her.” The boss said.

“Uh… forgive me boss.” Linda said before spiraling round and she was facing a silver haired figure laid on a bed in the car.

“What a perfect depiction of sleeping beauty.” She muttered before chuckling in amusement.

The rest of the journey passed in silence and after some moments, the car stopped.

Looking around, Linda could see a small clinic along a deserted in front of which a rough shaggy looking man sat looking at the car with a curious face.

“Keep an eye on her, I will be back soon.” He said before exiting the car and walking towards the clinic.

“Hey traveler, would you play a game.” The rough man suddenly asked pointing at a scrabble board in front of him.

“Oh, you do play scrabble.” The Boss spoke before walking towards the rough man with an amused face.

“Well, I may not look like it but I do, quite well at that.” The rough man said boastfully.

“I believe you.” The masked boss replied simply.

“Uh, you are really too calm and what’s with the mask. Wait, what if you are some unknown grandmaster in the game and you are trying to hide your identity, still, it doesn’t matter, you will have to play according to my rule anyway.” The rough man spoke.

“Your rule?” The masked boss replied in question.

“Yes. My rules one of which is choosing your letter tiles.” The rough man said before ruffling through an old back by his side and pulling out a paper scrabble board.

He removed some plastics letters as well which he sorted carefully before throwing nine towards the mask boss who caught them all with a hand.

“I expected seven tiles.” The Boss spoke opening his hand, even though he had been given nine tiles, they were all only three letters which were seven S tiles, one R, and one E.

“That if you aren’t playing by my rules.” The rough man replied before swiftly arranging the tiles on the board.

“WHOAREYOU” The tiles read.

“I guess you are beating me on this one.” The Boss spoke before inserting a S tile to box above the rough man’s E, and then inserting a E between the S and the E and finally a R before the E.

“Seer, you lose but passed, take the left turn.” The rough man said and the masked Boss nodded before walking into the Clinic.

Inside the clinic, he could see a couple attending to a kid while two doors stood on either side, he immediately turned left to see a group of stairs which led into the ground, and soon, he was in a dark underground chamber.

Orange light lit by the side of the walls before a voice spoke.

“Where is the target?”

“She is here but first, I would have to have a talk with you.” The Boss said and the place quietened for a moment.

Slowly, a man walked into the circular chamber before looking at the Boss with slight frown, “who are you.” he asked.

“Throw me your R sensor.” The Boss spoke and the man’s frown deepened before he removed a device from his side and threw it at the masked boss.

When the boss caught it however, it suddenly dissipated into thin air.

“What, how are you still standing?” The man asked as he took a step back with alarmed face.

“That’s smart of you actually, I guess you know who I am now.” The Boss spoke.

“Gr…great one, forgive me great one. I didn’t know it was you.” The man said quickly bowing to the masked boss who nodded.

“You weren’t supposed to know, now listen carefully to this. If the magicians decide to get rid of the Seer Mercenary, don’t deny them the opportunity but exclude the information of the lady named Linda Jun. while other are expendable, I would actually like to keep her alive.” The masked Boss spoke before turning to go.

“So you were the in charge of the Seer Mercenary all along, no wonder we couldn’t find information about the leader.” The man standing behind him spoke.

“So?” The Boss said pausing.

“There is one more person, we don’t have any information about them but they exist without doubt. That person, are they like you.” The man asked.

“You are quite brave Jon, I think that’s why you are a general. But still, there are some things you shouldn’t try prying into, that person is one of them and no, he isn’t like me.” The Boss said before walking off the place.

Back in the car, Linda saw the Boss emerging from the clinic and behind him, a male nurse walked.

“Open the car, he will take her.” The Boss said on reaching the car and she nodded before opening the car for the male nurse who pulled the sleeping silver haired girl away and soon, the car was speeding off.