"No, I don't have anybody, at least not yet." Kurtz replied and Linda looked down for a moment before speaking again, "not yet... do I have any chance?" she asked.

Kurtz looked on at her for a moment before sighing and speaking, "I am sorry Linda." he said and the lady nodded before standing and walking into the room, the she closed the door behind her.

Kurtz closed his eyes for a moment, before a violent tremble suddenly rocked through the whole building.

"The hell!" He exclaimed springing up before as he looked towards the ceiling.

"Stay in the room Linda, I need to see what is going on." He shouted, dashing out into his garage and another impact, this even stronger than the first rocked through the building again.

Kurtz had moved towards a car by the side opening it and from inside, he removed two double barreled rocket launchers before moving to another car and removing a large bag.