“Anyways, I guess it is all good now. I see you have quite a stash there.” Aria said looking at a bad beside Kurtz.
“Well I do. And I am glad you are up now, please store this away.” Kurtz said handing the bag to her and it disappeared.
“So, what is next now?” She asked.
“I am glad you asked that.” Kurtz said standing before looking around with fed up face, “the next things is to get the hell out of this place, lets follow Linda’s map.” He said summoning an holographic image and soon, both walked off.
Sometimes later, Kurtz sat on a rock at the edge of a swamp looking at a tree with a deep frown on his face. It was just like the other strange trees within the swamps but this one had one distinguishing feature, instead of green moss, skeletons littered the ground directly under and instead of being buried in moss, its roots were buried by bones.