“Shit!” Kurtz cursed as he watched Mon’s body soared on in the air for a moment before slamming violently into the ground which trembled violently while Mon’s body rolled on for a moment before coming to an eventual stop.
Slowly, Lord Lugar walked towards him with incensed face, “I am Lugar, Lord of the East.” He shouted glaring at Mon who groaned on the ground before struggling to his feet with a side of his face caved in and dripping blue blood.
“Lugar…” Mon called with a scoff, “the only name I remembered father and mother calling you was Don. As for the Lugars are no more, the last Lugar was destroyed by Luc, the last Immortal King of the East, my and your great grandfather and also the one called the real…”
“Don’t you dare utter that! You sacrilegious bastard.” Lord Lugar thundered as he blasted forwards with great power reaching Mon in a moment.