Pyramid City, Earth…

At the foot of a large circular platform from which a stair went down, Aria stood with some of the other Grandmasters watching Witches and Warlocks trooped in from several doors around the gigantic hall which was dotted with myriad of glowing white and silver patterns.

Soon, she noticed the Magician King, walking in with his two loyal lieutenants behind him.

At his entrance, a great silence immediately descended on the whole place as every single magician in the place turned to look at him.

Seemingly unconcerned with the attention, the Magician King walked right towards Aria who shook her head. The King’s presence had always been arresting, not even she could deny that and without the Dragon, the King still exuded that calm but hazardous aura which kept everyone around him on their toes.

“Grandmaster Aria, I am here as you demanded.” The King said looking at Aria with a wide smile on his face.