Dionysus Zimmerman

When he woke up the next morning, at the foot of his bed, was a pair of green scrubs. He had made it. He. Had. Made. It! He excitedly got out of bed and rushed to inspect the scrubs. When he picked them up They were practically weightless, very high quality scrubs! When he went outside he was greeted by a man about 5'9 in height, rectangular glasses and black frames, with a black and slightly curly wolfcut like haircut, he had black eyes, deep black eyes, almost endless, almost...uncanny, he gave him a sense of deja vu almost. and when he smiled he had one dimple on his left cheek. Almost immediately Sunni shouted "who are you!?", he laughed and shook his head, muttering something about uninformed peasants, then he reached out his hand for a handshake while introducing himself. "My name is Dionysus Zimmerman, but most just call me Dion." he then asked for Sunni's name while still holding out his hand for a handshake. Sunni didn't shake Dions hand, just staring at it, then he answered Dion "su- Orion...what are you doing in my room..?" Sunni repeated the question. Dion once again laughed and repeated the name "Suorion? What a weird name!" He obviously knew it was a slip up and the "Su" wasn't a part of his name, but he did it just to irritate Sunni. He then answered Sunni's question "I was late for the test at 12:40, luckily my parents are influential and just paid to get me a separate test, you were selected to be my roommate, as you were the only person without one. If you want more answers take it up with the mother goddess!" He laughed at his own joke. He seemed like an energetic fellow, probably hard to live with too, Sunni noticed that he said something about a "mother goddess" but didn't say anything...then sunni looked down at what Dion was cooking, it seemed like he was cooking eggs. Dion noticed Sunni staring and asked suddenly, "do you want some? I made more than enough for myself.", Sunni was startled, he tentatively nodded, suspicious of poison in his food, he didn't want to be poisoned twice in two different lifetimes. He watched Dionysus cook and plate his food, then smelled it after, trying to catch a whiff of anything, of any kind of poison. After confirming the food had no poison, he ate. The food was delicious, the eggs melted in his mouth, the perfect combination of salty and sweet. Wait a minute..sweet? "What did you put in here!?" Sunni demanded angrily "whoa, no need to blow your top off, I just always add some sugar in my eggs" the way Dionysus was laid back and seemed like he wasn't intimidated made Sunni almost lose it. After hearing that Sunni calmed a bit. He was still wary of Dion. After breakfast Dion cleaned up both of their plates insisting on doing it, Sunni was in no mood or place to argue, he hated washing dishes and drying them and putting them away, ugh, just thinking about it made Sunni upset. Dion showered quickly and came out the ensemble, green scrubs. After a while of procrastinating, Sunni finally got up and changed, after putting on his scrubs he tied his hair back with a little black rubberband. He didn't shower like Dionysus because he didn't like showering in the morning, because when you do, you get clean just to get dirty again! And it made no sense to him. After that they quickly went to the office together and got their class schedules. Apparently fighting was also a mandatory class that they had to take, due to the rise in crime officials who controlled the city decided to make fighting a mandatory class everyone over 15 has to take, though the age mandatory for girls was progressively getting younger, as the rise in rape and sexual assault also increased as well as hate crimes against women. Unfortunately that was life, it was wrong but people do wrong all the time. Just hearing about the reason fighting was mandatory even further pushed Sunni's idea of there being no gods, because if there were gods then why did they let those innocent young girls get assaulted? This just made Sunni even angrier, especially because he had sisters in his past life and knew how hard being a woman was just from the days his sisters cried and was just talking about their problems being a woman, the crime, the demeaning language, the fascists and so on. It always makes Sunni's blood boil.

Sunni and Dion found out that they shared almost every class, for fighting they both got Ms. Cadence, science with Mr. A, medicine with Mr. Olen, anatomy with Ms. Madrona, science with Ms. Matin, and so on and so on, a very normal schedule. Despite not really liking Dion because of how obnoxious and loud he unconsciously is to everyone, he was glad to have a schedule that was basically the same, Dion seemed to know his way around the school, speaking of which, Sunni noticed that Dionysus' last name was Zimmerman, just like the school. He then realized that Dionysus was probably the principals kid or something like that. But that aside Dionysus was fairly smart. Hopefully they put them far apart though, he seemed like the type to talk in class and not pay attention. But even so, he passed the exam with the highest scores out of everyone, with a 98%. They headed back to their dorm, placed their schedules on the table and left in a hurry, their first class of the day was fighting and the bell rang 10 minutes ago. The class was outside and they were on the third floor. They were already late, but the stairs added about another 3 minutes, gosh, first day of school officially and they're already late! After making it down the stairs with him and Dion panting and hanging onto each other for support. After they gained their breath, which was a couple of extra seconds, they bolted outside. When they got there class had already begun, students were throwing punches into the air and breathing out audibly so that the teacher could monitor them and make sure they were breathing out while punching and stabilizing their lower bodies. This seemed a lot like karate, he took it as a little kid, he fit right in with that experience with Dion right next to him. After that morning, the rest of the day, he either followed Dion or Dion followed him. They seemed as inseparable as best friends! They were not. When they finally split up for the final class of the day Sunni was so glad that he didn't have to deal with him anymore, he did nothing but speak all day, and make jokes and stupid things like that. God, did no one teach him to close his mouth when needed? He spoke during lessons too! And whenever Sunni went to the bathroom he would go into the stall right next to him and talk or just stay outside of the door and talk! What was wrong with him? He needed his mouth glued shut or at least taped! Most of the classes before the final one was a blur to him, he only remembers Dion talking some more and then collapsing on his bed, weary and exhausted, mostly from Dionysus but partly from the classes. He didn't have the energy to take a shower, but he also didn't have the luxury to not take a shower. They always leave clothes at the foot of the students beds, this time he had shorts and a white tee shirt. The showers were as exhilarating as ever, he was so glad he was able to shower everyday, but that shower just made him even sleepier. He didn't have the energy to get up for dinner, but did so anyway, who knew when dinner would suddenly disappear and be there no more? Luckily Dionysus was already cooking, all he had to do was wait. After Dionysus was done with plating the food, which was a kind of "Aezolian" dinner, it was basically just boiled animal blood, they condensed into gelatinous beds, which Dionysus cut into small squares and served by the soup spoon full. Sunni didn't exactly like the idea of eating animal blood, but he was always open to trying new things. Despite being an American his taste buds weren't as uncultured as some. He could really appreciate an ethnic dinner. And he wasn't entirely sure but this "Aezolian" dish has to definitely be polish or something.. he swore he had seen it before, but maybe he was wrong. On top of the blood was served condensed milk with salt and cottage cheese in it. It turned into a white, salty, and slightly sweet kind of sauce to top the dish with. He looked at the meal in front of him. It looked kind of good, if not for the fact that it was animal blood. Ignoring that fact, he grabbed his fork and dug into the tiny gelatinous squares. He made sure to get a fair amount of sauce onto the squares called "Kondensiertes Blut" in their language. It literally translated to "condensed blood" He realized that some of these words are actual german. He put the "Kondensiertes Blut" in front of his mouth with a tiny audible gulp, after looking for a while, he put it in his mouth, it was amazing, sour and slightly iron-y with saltiness and sweetness! The texture when you bit into the squares wasn't as disgusting as he thought it was. It was actually a pretty good texture. He finished the plate immediately. Then he went to his bed and fell asleep. What an eventful day.