The Cold Never Bothered Him Anyway

Three weeks had passed, and Yukari had worked herself to the bone. She'd gotten better at her spells Dawn Flame, Dawn Burst, and Dawn Shield though Hinote still found ways to make her feel like she was failing spectacularly. Every. Single. Time.

But today? Today was a different kind of torture.

As they trudged through the snow-covered mountains, Yukari was seriously questioning if she'd somehow died and this was her punishment. The freezing air bit at her skin, her breath visible in the frosty air, and she had no coat, no gloves nothing but her thin clothes. Meanwhile, Hinote was… totally fine. Of course, he was. His fire magic kept him warm, but did he bother to share that heat? Nope.

"Remind me again why we're here?" Yukari asked through chattering teeth, wrapping her arms around herself in a poor attempt to stay warm.

Hinote flew lazily overhead, not a single snowflake daring to land on him. "We're here to test your resistance to cold. You know, toughen you up. See how much you can handle before you freeze like an icicle."

Yukari glared up at him. "Oh, great! That sounds totally fair! I'm only human, in case you forgot. I don't come with built-in central heating like you!"

He gave her a mock look of sympathy. "Aww, is the little fire witch cold? Maybe you should try using your magic to warm yourself up."

"I did try," she snapped, her teeth chattering so much she could barely speak. "But I'm using all my energy just to walk through this snow!"

Hinote snorted. "Well, you'll either get stronger or freeze to death. Either way, I win."

Yukari glared at him, wishing she could set him on fire. But no, that would require energy she didn't have.

After what felt like hours of climbing through the frigid landscape, they reached a plateau. The wind howled around them, whipping Yukari's hair into her face, while Hinote landed gracefully beside her, his talons barely leaving a mark in the snow.

"Alright, kid," he said, eyeing her with a grin. "Time to see how much you've improved. Show me Dawn Flame."

Yukari tried to warm up her hands, summoning the familiar golden fire. It flickered in the cold air, sputtering like a candle in a storm.

Hinote raised an eyebrow. "That's it? What happened to the massive fireballs you were throwing last week? Are you seriously telling me a little cold is too much for you?"

"I'm freezing!" Yukari growled, trying again. The flames grew brighter this time, but they were still small. "Give me a break, would you? My fingers are literally going numb!"

Hinote just smirked. "Excuses, excuses. What's next? You're going to blame the snow for your weak magic?"

Yukari clenched her fists, summoning more flames out of sheer frustration. This time, they roared to life, bright and hot. She threw the fireball into the sky, watching as it exploded into a burst of golden light.

"There we go," Hinote said, nodding slightly. "Now, Dawn Burst."

Yukari took a deep breath, focusing all her energy into forming the golden orb of fire. She flung it at a nearby snowbank, and the explosion sent snow flying in every direction. It was… okay. Not as big as she wanted it to be, but good enough.

Hinote, of course, wasn't satisfied. "That was pathetic. I've seen bigger explosions from a baby dragon sneezing."

Yukari threw her hands up in the air. "I'm trying, alright?!"

"Try harder," he said flatly. "Now, Dawn Shield."

Yukari grumbled under her breath, but she summoned the golden flames again, shaping them into a shimmering barrier around her. The shield wavered a little, but it held.

Hinote walked right up to the barrier and poked it with his talon. "Meh. I've seen stronger."

Yukari groaned. "Why do you have to be like this?!"

"Because if I don't push you, you'll stay weak forever," Hinote said, his tone almost bored. "And honestly, who wants a weak student?"

"I swear, I'll burn your feathers off one day," Yukari muttered, lowering the shield.

Hinote just laughed. "If you ever manage that, I might actually be impressed."

Yukari glared at him, shivering violently now that she wasn't surrounded by her shield of warmth. "Are we done here? Or are you going to keep torturing me?"

Hinote grinned, his eyes glinting with mischief. "Oh, we're not done. Not even close."

Yukari narrowed her eyes. "What are you planning?"

"Simple," Hinote said, spreading his wings. "You're going to fight me."

Yukari's jaw dropped. "What?!"

"You heard me. You've been practicing those spells for weeks now. Let's see how you handle a real challenge." He took a step back, giving her space. "Come at me with everything you've got."

Yukari stared at him like he'd lost his mind. "Are you serious? You want me to fight you?"

Hinote nodded, looking entirely too pleased with himself. "Yep. Time to see what you're made of, kid. Or do you want to keep whining about the cold?"

Yukari clenched her fists, her heart pounding in her chest. "You're going to regret this."

"I highly doubt that," Hinote said, his flames flaring around him. "Now, show me what you've learned, or you can kiss that warm body of yours goodbye. Because in this cold, it's survival of the fittest."

Yukari's blood boiled. She was freezing, exhausted, and had reached the limit of her patience. But if he wanted a fight, she was going to give him one.

She raised her hands, golden flames dancing at her fingertips, and with a fierce determination in her eyes, she launched her first attack.

Hinote smirked. "Let's see if you can handle the heat."