Chapter 20: Witch’s Night, Ten Days Left!

At the convent entrance, Heidi had just returned, carrying a basket towards the Kitchen with two fresh sea fish inside.

The sky was already darkening; she had gone out to deal with the returning fishermen and purchase the freshest sea fish.

In this era, refrigerators were far from common, but fortunately, she could use magic to freeze these fish, ensuring they stayed fresh for the next few days.

Her steps were light because she was in a joyful mood. Master's magic studies had finally made a breakthrough in the past few days, and his body had shown noticeable development. She felt she needed to keep up the effort and further boost his nutrition.

As she walked happily and peacefully, a familiar voice suddenly sounded behind her: "Heidi, how have you been lately?"

She turned her head and saw Die walking towards her. She felt an inexplicable writhing beneath her Nun Garb; evidently, this fellow believed there were no outsiders in the convent, so he was too lazy to conjure up legs and was simply moving with his Tentacle Limb.

Heidi sighed inwardly, feeling a bit of a headache as she thought Die increased the chances of exposure to the other sisters.

However, Die seemed oblivious, smiling charmingly as she asked, "Have you been well lately?"

Heidi put on a smile and replied politely, "Everything is going smoothly, my dear sister. How have you been?"

After all, Die had lent her a large sum of money recently, and Heidi knew this witch likely had more resources. So, for Master's sake, she needed to maintain a good relationship with her.

Hearing this, Die's smile faded and she sighed softly: "Same as always, those lost memories can never be retrieved. Perhaps it won't be long before I lose everything and have to rely on you sisters to take care of me..."

The memory witch loses memories during Witch's Night, and along with them, possibly some of her powers.

In earlier years, these instances were still manageable, but in recent years, Die's situation has worsened...

She is deeply afraid that perhaps after the next Witch's Night, she will completely lose control and become a mindless, frenzied monster.

Hearing this, Heidi also showed a sorrowful expression, then walked over and hugged her arm, comforting her: "It's alright, it surely won't come to that. You have such good relations, everyone will be willing to help you."

"Besides, looking on the bright side, maybe it's still more than a year before the next Witch's Night, right? If we all work together, we'll definitely find the best solution!"

She encouraged her, hoping to cheer Die up with these kind words. However, unexpectedly, after she spoke, Die looked at her with a touch of peculiarity: "Heidi, you... didn't realize, did you?"

Heidi was taken aback: "What?"

"Witch's Night." Die said, "The next Witch's Night is almost upon us. It could be as soon as a week, or at most in two weeks."

Just like how many animals can sense an earthquake before it happens, in the nights of double moons and surging Magic Power, many dark malevolent entity can also sense its approach.

At this, Heidi's expression changed dramatically. She truly had no warning; she had no idea that it was coming so soon!

Seeing her expression, the experienced Die immediately understood everything. Her eyes turned very worried: "I thought you borrowed money from me to prepare for the next Witch's Night, but... you hadn't noticed at all?"

Every witch's method for getting through Witch's Night is a closely guarded secret, not to be shared with anyone. If the information were leaked, it would undoubtedly bring disaster.

So, even though they had a good relationship, Die didn't know how Heidi planned to navigate Witch's Night.

Facing Die's puzzled gaze, Heidi reluctantly explained, "I've been dealing with other issues lately and really hadn't noticed any signs... Thank you for the reminder, sister. I owe you another favor."

As she said this, her heart pounded, and she couldn't help but complain, "How can this be? It's only been six months since the last Witch's Night, and it's happening again... that's overly frequent!"

Intelligent life forms in the material world dislike the "Night of the Twin Moons," because during such times, dark gods create chaos, magical creatures riot, and major powers suffer significant losses.

Compared to mortals, supernatural Magical Creatures like witches dislike these days even more.

After all, mundane beings, if a bit lucky, can avoid the impact of the chaotic Magic Power entirely, but witches have no escape and must directly endure its effects!

Probably only the eternally mad Demons of the bottomless abyss, the schemers of major powers, and the malicious dark gods—those extremely powerful figures who can affect the world with a mere gesture—enjoy such days.

At this, Die also sighed: "Who knows, the movements of the stars are always like this. Before a clear omen appears, no one can guarantee when the next Witch's Night will occur."

Saying this, her gaze grew more worried: "Heidi, though you might not like to hear this, in my experience, losing the ability to sense the signs of Witch's Night approaching could very well be a precursor to something very bad."

"So... you really must take good care of yourself."

After saying this, with a sympathetic and worried look, Die turned and walked away. Heidi swallowed silently, her heart full of anxiety about the future.

What is happening to me?

Why do I have no clear warning?

Is it because of... Master?

After being Purified by Master's power, many subtle changes have indeed occurred in my body and strength. What will happen if I face Witch's Night in this state?

Hmm... Never mind, I should follow the original strategy and prepare well!

But before that, the first thing I need to do is take good care of Master...

With this in mind, and full of worry, Heidi placed the fresh fish back in the Kitchen and quickly walked towards Hawthorne's room.

However, when she pushed open the door and entered, she saw Hawthorne with a similarly worried expression, quickly approaching her and grabbing her arm: "Heidi, do you know that in ten days... more precisely, in 238 hours, your most dreaded 'Witch's Night' will arrive?"

At this, Heidi's expression turned to shock: "What?!"

"I... how do you know this so precisely?"