Claire’s News

OverallSuspender and Basketball Lover stared in shock at AFKandChill's lifeless body on the ground. They exchanged glances, each reflecting the disbelief on the other's face. They hadn't expected Naomi to act so decisively, let alone actually kill AFKandChill. This action clearly crossed a line that couldn't be mended easily.

"Naomi, are you sure this was the right thing to do?" OverallSuspender asked, hesitating. He knew well the long-standing relationship between the Ingram and Vance families. Business partnerships and shared ventures had forged ties between them over the years. In fact, it was the Vance family that had saved the Ingrams from a significant financial crisis just a few years prior. The Ingram family owed them a considerable debt, one the family head was committed to honoring. Killing Hunter here might worsen tensions between the two families.