Chapter 94: Goals Aligned

"Alright, this is it, it's right in here," Remarked Jules, as she came to a stop in front of a large doorway.

She'd led them through the city and into the Royal castle, and they were currently standing outside the throne room.

Despite knowing that this was unlikely to be a trap, The Irregulars couldn't help but feel wary, their guards were up, ready to attack at the slightest hint that this was a trap.

"I sense a whole lot of people in there," Raven informed the others, as Jules pushed the doors open and walked in.

The Irregulars followed behind her, looking around cautiously as they stepped into the throne room.

At the back of the room, was the new Queen, Lyra Diamond, seated on the throne. The Pope was seated next to her, and there were several other notable figures lined up on either side of the room.

The group included the heads of the highest ranked Noble houses that hadn't been imprisoned or executed, the Captains, Vice-Captains and several First-Class Knights of the Knight Order, along with the Vice-Commander as well.

All the windows in the throne room were wide open, a gentle breeze blowing into the space, as The Irregulars entered the room, the guards shutting the doors behind them as they followed after Jules and approached the throne.

"Hm, I see...those open windows, they're probably to indicate to us that this isn't a trap. They're trying to tell us that there are plenty of escape routes if we need them. Plus, a lot of the Nobles here are noncombatants, they wouldn't be here if the Knights really intended to attack us," Noted Aster thoughtfully, before thinking, "Still though, that's no reason to completely let our guards down here, we should stay on high alert regardless. But, so far, it's increasingly starting to look like this offer really was genuine."

"Welcome, let me start by thanking you for coming here, I'm sure that wasn't a decision you made lightly," Lyra greeted The Irregulars with a smile, before adding as she looked around at them, "I can see that you're all a bit on edge, and I can't blame you for being wary. That's why I'm grateful that you've come here, despite the doubts and uncertainties you undoubtedly harbored."

"Well, a significant factor in our decision to come here was everything you accomplished over the course of this last week. If we really do have the same goal, and if it'll be accomplished more effectively by accepting your offer, then it'd be stupid to not at least hear you out," Said Aster in response.

"Yes, I was hoping you'd come to that conclusion. But let me assure you, what I did was by no means solely to gain your goal is simple, I intend to change the Kingdom of Persona for the better, and to the end, these changes are absolutely necessary.

And with how powerful your group is, having you as allies instead of enemies would go a long way towards accomplishing that goal. I'm confident that our nation can reach unprecedented levels of prosperity, for all of our people, if we work together," She replied, a look of determination on her face.

"I don't sense any deceit in her words, she really means what she says. I'm glad we got the opportunity to kill the former personal grudge aside, if he were still alive, nothing would've changed, regardless of the Undead King's defeat," Raven thought to himself.

"Of course, there's more depth to my reasoning for wanting you in the Knight're all Commoners, and having you among the forces of the Knights will serve as a ray of hope for other Commoners, as well as an indication that the Kingdom of Persona really is changing to better accommodate the lives and prosperity of Commoners. While I already promised as much in the speech I issued a few days ago, I know that words alone aren't enough to convince people who've suffered so unfairly for all this time," Stated Lyra, a hint of guilt in her eyes.

"And just so we're clear, Commoners will no longer be restricted from being promoted beyond the rank of Second-Class. And we will no longer tolerate any Knights being awarded ranks that they don't deserve...from now all, every single Knight in the Order will be given ranks that fairly reflect their skill level and abilities, it will be purely merit-based.

There are already a number of Commoners in the Knight Order who are First-Class level, or even higher. And as for all of you, you're all at least at Captain level yourselves, that much was clear during this last battle. I'd say that some of you are even close to my level," Chimed in Jules.

"Ahem, a slight correction, I'd say that at least a couple of us are possibly at a level, or two, above you," Responded Aster with a wry smile.

"Perhaps, but that's beyond the point," She replied with a slight, defensive huff.

"Oh, good, it seems you're already getting along," Remarked Lyra with a slight, amused laugh.

"We do have some concerns that still need to be addressed, though. You've eliminated a large amount of the corruption in the church, if not all of it, and you've detained and even executed several Nobles...but I highly doubt that all of those who are prejudiced against Commoners have been apprehended. I can't imagine that those Nobles will just sit idly by and accept this," Pointed out Raven.

"Yeah, and we have killed our fair share of Knights and Nobles...I bet there are plenty of people who harbor grudges against us over that," Added Lexia with a frown, as she noticed Fyre Mozill, the Captain of the Second Squad, eyeing The Irregulars venomously.

"Rest assured, they will be dealt with. As you know, we've already arrested several Nobles who were engaging in corrupt, criminal behavior, but we're well aware that we're not even close to having caught all of them.

Unfortunately, the previous King helped bury a lot of evidence and covered for many of those Nobles who were abusing their power and preying on or mistreating Commoners. And we can't convict anyone without proper evidence, so we'll first need to gather proof of their misdeeds before going after them," Lyra informed them.

"With the corruption in the church all but dealt with now, I'm having the Inquisitors investigate and gather evidence of any and all crimes committed by members of the Nobility who are under suspicion. And as soon as any such evidence is discovered, the guilty parties will be charged accordingly with immediate effect," Spoke up the Pope, before turning his gaze to the twins and adding as he bowed his head, "As the current leader of the Church of Persona, I must apologize and assume responsibility for what the two of you went through at the hands of my subordinates. I know that simple words of apology could never be enough to make up for it in the slightest, so if there is anything I can do, you need but only ask."

"For starters, make sure that corruption doesn't creep into the church again. That aside, I only have one thing that I want...if there's a way to turn my brother back, find it," Replied Ravella with a grimace.

"Of course...I shall have the entirety of the church's archives searched through, and if I discover any form of Ancient Magic that could reverse the effects of the Homunculus Ritual, I shall share it with you immediately," He responded without hesitation.

"While these powers have helped me a lot, it would be nice to feel human again. So if there really is a way to turn me back, I would definitely want that," Nodded Raven, as he clenched his fists.

"The corruption that allowed this to be done to you, it will have no place in the society I intend to create in this current priority is to spare no effort in cutting out all traces of that corruption and making sure that no one else will ever suffer like that under our watch. We owe all of you an apology...I don't know the exact details of your respective pasts, but I know you've all suffered greatly at the hands of the church and Nobility thanks to the very laws that were being enforced, unforgivably so.

As you know, I've abolished the law regarding what was known as Irregular Magic, but I know that won't undo what any of you have been through. And I know it's asking a lot of you to trust us, but please, give us the chance to prove to you that trusting us won't be a mistake. Of course, you're free to participate in the investigations of corruption in the church and Nobility, if you don't trust us to handle that matter ourselves.

And while I can't exactly condone the way you went about it, I know that you were left with little choice, and it's undeniable that the seven of you have done a lot of good for the people of this nation...and I cannot, and will not, ignore that. And now, you can accomplish a lot more with the support and resources that I and the Knight Order can provide you with, you'll be able to do so much more with a lot less risk to yourselves.

Alright, I believe I've covered everything I wanted to say to you...if any of you have any questions or concerns you want to address before giving me your response to our offer, by all means, feel free to voice them."

"Well, there had been a few things we planned on bringing up, but you already addressed those concerns with everything you said," Replied Aster wryly.

"I see, I'm glad to hear that. Alright, will you respond?" Inquired Lyra, looking a bit nervous as she waited for their answer.

The Irregulars exchanged glanced with each other, before Aster met her gaze and spoke...

"Alright, then...we accept the offer. We'll join the Knight Order."

"Wonderful!" Grinned Lyra as her expression lit up, before declaring, "And with that, I officially pardon all seven of you. From this day forth, you will no longer be regarded as criminals."

"Wow, just like that? I guess we no longer need to live in hiding, huh?" Responded Celia in bemusement.

"We'll arrange residences for each of you soon, you're free to request any specifications and the location you'd like to live in...within reason, of course," Jules informed them.

"Cool, we'll discuss it and let you know later. Alright, if there's nothing else, we'll be off now. We need to gather up our stuff and whatnot," Replied Aster, as he and the others turned around and began to head off.

"Very well. We'll see you again soon," Nodded Lyra with a smile, as The Irregulars walked out of the throne room.

The seven of them then made their way out of the castle, processing everything that had just happened. It didn't feel real to them, how drastically their situation had just changed.

"This might be weird to say, but a small part of me is kinda disappointed that we aren't criminals anymore...I mean, we were regarded as the most wanted criminals in the entire nation, I thought that was pretty cool," Sighed Ravella wistfully.

"Yeah, uh, I think it's safe to say that the benefits outweigh the drawbacks. It is a bit strange to think that we're just regular citizens now though...I still feel a bit tense walking around out in the open like this," Responded Raven with a wry smile.

"It'll probably take some time to get used to, but we-...," Began Celia.

"Hold on," Suddenly came a voice from behind them, the group glancing back in response.

"I had a feeling he'd show up," Sighed Lexia.

"Hm? Well, if it isn't the Second Squad's Captain. Can we help you?" Inquired Aster, narrowing his eyes as he took note of the Knight's hostility.

"You...I challenge you to a duel," Stated Fyre as he glanced at Celia, before adding with a grimace, "While I don't accept the fact that all of you were pardoned, I do understand why that decision was made, it's for the betterment of the future of our nation. That's why I won't object to, regardless of the result of this duel, I won't get in your way after this."

"First off, I never said I accepted your challenge. And second, you basically just admitted that you're doing this to blow off steam, you just want to make yourself feel better about the fact that you failed to stop me from killing one of your subordinates. Well, that guy was a dick, so I regret nothing, and I certainly have no interest in humoring you," Responded Celia dryly.

"Yeah, she has no reason to fight you, there's no point to this," Added Raven with a frown.

"Your malice is clear to see...this isn't going to be some friendly duel, you're going to try and kill her, aren't you?" Spoke up Colt icily.

"That'll depend on her...if she's strong enough, she won't die," He responded as he narrowed his eyes at Celia.

"Ugh, seriously? You know, what...fine, I accept. Just so long as you stick to your word and never bother me or any of the others after this fight. And I'll make sure you regret challenging me," Declared Celia, as she took her gauntlets out of her Storage Ring and put them on.

"What? Hey, come on, you don't need to do this, you've got nothing to prove to this guy," Protested Raven worriedly.

"He's right, you-...," Began Colt with a nod.

"It's alright, I'll be just fine. This won't take too long, just stand back and watch," She remarked as she cracked her knuckles.

"Fine, but we will step in if it looks like you're in danger," Replied Aster, as he and others reluctantly stepped back.

"Yeah, alright...but I won't let it come to that. Okay, let's do this...hurry it up, I don't have all day," She called out, as Fyre brought out his spear from his Storage Ring.

"I'll make you pay for what you I come!" He snapped, as flames erupted around the blade of his spear before he shot towards her rapidly.

As he began to close in on her, he unleashed pressurized bursts of flames from his heels to launch himself forward with a sharp burst of speed, driving his spear towards her with a roar of exertion.

But his attack was too straightforward, having let his hatred and rage get the better of the spear closed in on her, Celia swiftly struck the side of the handle with the back of her right fist, deflecting the trajectory of the thrust off to her right before she charged explosive energy into her left fist and unleashed a swift jab, striking the middle of his stomach.

A small but intense explosion burst out upon impact, knocking him back a few meters as he gasped sharply in pain, before coughing out blood with an agonized wheeze, his knees wobbling as he just barely managed to maintain his balance.

"D-damn it...! [Inferno Breath]!" He snapped, before blasting out a massive, scorching wave of flames towards her from his mouth.

"[Explosion Zone]," She chanted as the flames closed in on her, her body glowing intensely before a swirling sphere of explosive energy expanded around her, the flames unable to get through the sphere, before it erupted fiercely, the force of the explosion blowing away the flames and forming a crater around her.

"Tch...I have to admit it, but she's quite strong, I can't afford to let my emotions get the better of me. I need to compose myself and keep a cool head here," Fyre thought to himself with a grimace, before taking a deep breath to calm himself down.

He then shot towards her, whipping his spear across and firing off a slashing wave of flames at her, which she swiftly ducked under before quickly springing back as he leapt forward with bursts of flames from his heels and swung his spear down towards her.

She narrowly evaded it as the blade of the spear whizzed past the tip of her nose, before she fired out a rapid explosive arrow at him.

He quickly tilted his body across, the arrow shooting past his left side, missing by a whisker, before hitting the ground a few meters behind him and exploding.

Celia then shot forward, grabbing the handle of his spear with her left hand as she closed in before driving her right fist towards the middle of his chest.

He quickly raised his left hand up defensively and unleashed a burst of flames from his palm, knocking her fist back before he wrenched his spear free from her grasp and backed away, getting some distance.

He then fired out a piercing beam of flames at her from his finger, which she leapt across to evade, before he launched himself towards her with pressurized bursts of flames from his heels and unleashed a powerful thrust of his spear towards her stomach, before she could land and regain her balance.

Celia mustered up her strength and twisted her body across in midair, grimacing as the blade sliced across her right side, wincing sharply as the flames wrapped around the blade seared the wound painfully.

She then gritted her teeth and grabbed the handle again, before yanking it forward as her feet hit the ground and swung her head towards him, slamming her forehead against him and dazing him.

She let go of the spear as he stumbled back, a trickle of blood running down the middle of his forehead, before he quickly raised his spear up defensively in alarm as she fired off an explosive arrow at him, which struck the middle of his handle and erupted fiercely, blowing him away several meters before he jammed the blade of his spear into the ground to bring himself to a halt.

"I can't deny that you are indeed powerful, the Commander wasn't exaggerating when she said that all of you are at Captain level...but I will not allow myself to be defeated here! Now, take this, [Flame Nova]!" He exclaimed as he raised his left hand up, a massive, swirling sphere of flames forming above him.

"I don't want to kill you, but I certainly don't want to be killed by you which case, I don't have much of a choice. So, try and survive this, if you can...[Explosion Nova]!" She chanted, as a large, ominous ball of explosive energy forming above her.

As the two of them began to launch their attacks at each other, the others getting ready to intervene, a roaring blast of flames suddenly blazed through between them with immense force, stopping them in their tracks as the flames scorched the ground black.

"What the hell is going on here!? Fyre, you fool...damn it, I thought I warned you not to step out of line!" Snapped Jules, as she stormed over with a furious look on her face, glaring at Fyre angrily.

"My apologies, Commander, but I felt that I had to do this. Please allow me to complete this duel and-...," He began, before he was abruptly cut off as she swiftly drew out her sword and slammed the flat of the blade onto the top of the blade, a loud clang echoing out as she knocked him out.

"You better hope you don't regain consciousness for a while, you damned moron...," She muttered as her right eyebrow twitched in exasperation, before letting out a sigh and turning to Celia, "I apologize for this...I'll make sure he doesn't bother you again."

"Uh...right, I'd appreciate that," Replied Celia with a bemused nod, as Jules dragged the unconscious Captain away while muttering under her breath.

"Hey, you okay?" Inquired Raven with a worried frown, as he rushed over and healed her.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just a little scratch," She responded with a thumbs up, letting out a quiet sigh of relief as the pain faded.

"Let's hope she manages to keep him in check from now on," Remarked Colt, before patting his sister's shoulder as Raven finished healing her.

"And here's hoping that there aren't any other Knights who show up to challenge one of us over whatever grudge they might have," Added Ravella warily.

"I say bring it on, I'll gladly crush anyone who's got a problem with me," Smirked Lexia with a sadistic gleam in her eyes.

"Ugh, that sounds like it'd be a real pain...can we please go now?" Grumbled Tacitus, as he took out his Teleport Spell.

"Yeah, sounds good," Replied Aster as he stretched his arms up, before adding, "Come on, let's go home, guys."