"Ahh, that was so good, I'm stuffed! We're definitely going back there again!" Grinned Celia, before letting out a stifled burp and adding sheepishly, "Oops, excuse me."
"Yeah, this place had some great food, the prices were super reasonable too," Raven nodded in agreement, as he leaned back in his seat and patted his stomach with a content sigh.
"They even gave us a discount, that was nice of them...though I'm guessing that's because of you," She replied with a wry smile.
"It sure seemed that way...I could do without the special treatment though," Responded Raven with a sigh.
It was the 30th of March, 1919, around 9 PM at night. After they wrapped up their patrol duties for the day, Raven and Celia decided to go out on a date, having dinner at a restaurant that had just opened in Opal Town.
And over the last few days, Raven had found himself at the center of attention, much to his chagrin.
Four days ago, Pope Micre Edge had given a big speech, which included a public declaration condemning the corrupt members of the church and Nobility who were now imprisoned or scheduled for execution.
The Pope issued an apology to all those who had been affected by the corruption in the church, taking responsibility for failing to prevent that corruption.
And then, he further declared that it was unforgivable how the church executed innocent children just for possessing Irregular Magic, stating that the law was imposed by a previous King and was never actually a part of the teachings of the Church of Persona.
He added that it wasn't just those with Irregular Magic, many others had also suffered at the hands of the church. He then went on to single out Raven, revealing that he was put through a cruel human experimentation ritual by a corrupt Priest.
He continued to say that, despite the torment Raven went through, he retained his humanity and now wants to use his powers for the sake of the nation, lauding him.
In other words, he used Raven's past as a sob story to garner sympathy and inspire the people...and it worked.
Raven had reluctantly agreed to go along with the whole thing, not fully realizing just how much attention it would draw to him.
As a result of the Pope's speech, his past was now well-known throughout the entire nation, and he wasn't particularly pleased about it.
"I don't think it's such a bad thing. Plus, I'm sure the attention will wear off after some time," Remarked Celia with a smile.
"Well, if nothing else, I suppose it is nice that I can walk out in public without getting stared at fearfully anymore...right after we joined the Knight Order, there were a lot of people who'd give me wary looks and avoid me, which was understandable, I suppose. Now that everyone knows why I look like this, I hardly come across such stares anymore...I still get stared at a whole lot though, the only difference is that, now, most people look at me with sympathy instead," Raven sighed in response.
"I think that's better than being afraid or wary of you...even if they don't really mean any harm, it must have sucked to have so many people look at you as if you aren't human," Pointed out Celia, as she placed her hand on top of his and gave it a light squeeze.
"I suppose so...though, physically speaking, I certainly wouldn't say that I'm human, so I did understand those reactions. I guess you're right, the attention will probably wear off after some time, once people are more used to seeing me. And while it was kinda manipulative, I do get why the Pope's speech was necessary, especially with removing the stigma around Irregular Magic, or Arcane Magic, as it's been renamed back to.
That whole experience was pretty awkward and embarrassing though...there were so many people present, and of course, they were all staring at me since I was the subject of the second half of the speech. But if it helps the nation change for the better going forward, then I'd say it was worth it," Replied Raven wistfully, before adding, "Let's change the subject, I feel like this is kinda bringing down the mood."
"Hey, you can bring the mood down all you want, I think it's important that you talk about this and how you feel, instead of bottling it in. No matter what's on your mind, you can always talk to me about it, I'm here for you no matter what," Celia assured him with a warm smile.
"Thanks, I appreciate that, Celia...I love you," Smiled Raven in response.
"I love you too, Raven. Hm...hey, what do you say we go get some dessert?" She suggested after a brief pause.
"Sure...but I'm kinda stuffed, so I'll pass on that, but we can stop by a confectionery or something if you wanna get something sweet."
"Nah, I'm pretty full too, I don't think I have room for any more food."
"Huh? Then why bring it up?" Responded Raven in bemusement, before Celia leaned over, lowering her voice as a seductive smirk spread out across her lips.
"When I said dessert, I wasn't talking about food...," She whispered suggestively, as she lightly tugged her shirt down, giving him a glimpse of her cleavage.
"I-I, uh...," Stuttered Raven as his face turned red, his mind blanking.
"Come on...it's been more than three months, don't you think it's time we take our relationship to the next level? Provided you're ready for that...because I know that I definitely am," She replied as she batted her eyes at him.
"...let's head home, ASAP," He nodded after taking a moment to process the not-so-subtle implication, eliciting a giggle from Celia.
They then called over the waiter, paid their bill and headed out of the restaurant, rushing back home with a sense of anticipation, along with a mix of nervousness and excitement about them.
After joining the Knights, the two of them had decided to live together, and were given a house by the Knight Order, after declining a mansion since they both felt that would be too excessive.
Despite having lived together for more than three months and even sharing a bed, the progress of their relationship had been relatively slow.
And a big part of that was Raven's insecurity over his inhuman body, something he'd had trouble getting over despite Celia's insistence that it doesn't bother her at all.
While they had fooled around quite frequently, Raven was always hesitant once things got more heated, and Celia held back since she didn't want to pressure him until he was ready.
It was something that they'd talked about a lot, to make sure they both knew where the other stood and ensure that there were no misunderstandings between them, and Celia had helped Raven get over much of his insecurities.
And a couple of days ago, Raven felt like he was ready to take that next step and communicated as such to Celia, so the two of them decided that they'd go for it whenever they felt that the timing was right.
And with their date having gone well, Celia got the feeling that now was the time, and as soon as she brought it up, Raven felt the same way.
"We're almost home...come on, let's pick up the pace and-...," Began Celia, as they approached a turn into the street where their house was located, before she trailed off as Raven suddenly grabbed her arm.
"Wait, hold on...I'm picking up a couple of scents following us, seems we're being stalked. They've been shadowing us for a while," Raven informed her with a frown, lowering his voice.
"Huh? Are you sure?" Responded Celia warily, while thinking to herself, "Damn it! Could the timing have possibly been any worse!? Whoever's following us, I'm gonna fucking kill them, damned cockblockers!"
"Let's head into that alley, that should lure the stalkers in," Suggested Raven quietly, before the pair headed towards the alley as Celia nodded in response.
"Well? Are they taking the bait?" She inquired quietly, as they strolled into the alley.
"Yeah, seems like it...they're walking this way, they should come into sight soon," He nodded, briefly glancing back before turning his gaze forward again and adding, "Let's act like our guards our down...they're more likely to make a move if they think we haven't noticed them yet."
"Sounds good, I'll follow your lead."
As the two of them continued heading through the alley, Raven swiftly turned around as blasts of water and wind came shooting towards them from behind.
He swiftly opened his mouth and unleashed a deafening roar as Celia clamped her hands over her ears, the force of his roar blowing away and dispersing the incoming attacks.
"Damn it!"
"Tch, I thought we had them..."
"Who the hell are you?" Inquired Celia icily.
"Watch your tone, Commoner bitch. We don't answer to your kind."
"How disgusting...to see such lowly scum donning the Knights' uniform, what a disgrace."
"Oh, just great...they must be some of the Nobles who went into hiding," Sighed Raven in exasperation.
"It's been a while since we got to tear shitty Nobles apart...and these two definitely deserve it. Let's make them regret ruining our night," Growled Celia, as her fists began glowing.
Meanwhile, elsewhere in the town...
"Thanks, come again!"
"Mhm, have a good night," Replied Ravella with a smile, as she walked out of the store and said to herself, "Nice, got a pretty good haul today, I should-...hm?"
As she stepped out into the street, she stopped and glanced to her left as she spotted an electric flash in her peripheral, to see a bolt of lightning shooting towards her.
She swiftly sprang back and fired out an arrow of light, hitting the lightning bolt and canceling it out, before she set her bag down and brought her whip out of her Storage Ring with a grimace, as cries of alarm rang out from the passersby, who began fleeing in fear.
"Clear the area and get out here, quickly! Head to the Knight outpost and let them know what's going on!" She called out to the civilians urgently, before narrowing her eyes as she spotted the assailant approaching.
"So, you managed to block that? I'm sure you have your Royal blood to thank for that...how vile, to think that the greatest bloodline of our nation has been tainted by filthy Commoner blood. You should not even be allowed to exist," He spat in disgust.
"Wow, you're practically begging me to kill you, that's one hell of death wish you've got there," She replied as a dark look appeared in her eyes, before adding as she cracked her neck with a tilt of her head, "Very well, then...allow me to grant your wish. And I'll be sure to make it extra painful."