22- Heading to Japan

Chapter 22- Heading to Japan


After Zephine, I didn't find anyone interesting enough to make a part of my crew in America, but it was to be expected. After all, geniuses are rare. Although, according to the plot of Percy Jackson, there are Bianca and Nico, the children of Hades, who could be recruited. But in the plot, Hades was unusually concerned about their well-being. Me recruiting them could cause some conflicts with him, although the chances of it happening were not too high. But they weren't valuable enough for me to destroy the plot and potentially conflict with Hades.

Some time ago, I got this idea that if one day I might be able to go to other universes, there wouldn't be a need for me to limit my crew to just this world. That immediately raised my standards for crew to a very high level. The rest of the America trip was fun, with more modern lore monsters in the country. I even took in an entire tribe of dryads into my dimension. They happily agreed since the environment of the human world was steadily degrading, and the dryad population had shrunk quite a lot.

I also added a separate region in my dimension specifically for ghosts and similar types of monsters. Keeping them all together, although it made the ghosts happy, resulted in the birth of a creepy area where no one wanted to go, including me. Although I don't fear them, it doesn't mean I am a friend of spooky things. Maybe I should take inspiration from the nine realms of Norse myth and create a similar setting in my dimension—one for each environment and one in the middle just for me and my partners or peerage. Though the number can't be the same, they should all be interconnected to not let anyone feel a sense of division.

Then it would be like, although certain creatures could hang out in some plane, they would have a home to eventually return to. Maybe I should create some robots as the jurisdiction—it will make it more efficient. Though that is all for later. For now, we are going to Asia, Japan to be exact. Yeah, you may be wondering why we are going straight to the other side of the world instead of visiting nearby countries first. We had a group discussion about where to go next, and our resident weeb, Rias, pestered everyone to go to Japan. And we would teleport over there, so the distance is actually meaningless to us. There is no need for planning—we can just do whatever we feel like. Truly, being a devil is awesome. Of course, that is not the case for lower devils, but yeah, sucks to be them. Why do I care?

Since Japan is a beautiful country and I have never been there before, it made me interested in visiting the place. It was also the place where the plot of DxD took place. We would be going to Kuoh Town first, which is currently being ruled by Cleria Belial, a high-level devil. She would probably die in the near future, allowing Rias and Sona to take over the city. Maybe it will still happen. I would often come to visit Rias but probably won't join her—I am not so bored as to join school once more.

Even if I have to join one, that would probably be the devil's noble school in the underworld, where almost every noble went to study, especially to make connections. But heirs of the several clans would most often choose being homeschooled as they have their own connections with each other. Even if they go to the school, it will only be to collect subordinates. Maybe I should also go and check once; maybe there is someone who could interest me. In Japan, there were several talents, but none who could be directly recruited. Tobio Ikuse, although talented, was a user of a Longinus, and I already had a Longinus in my peerage. I was also planning on recruiting Valerie Tepes, another Longinus user, so not to make others wary of me uselessly, another Longinus was a no. Then there were Akeno and Sona's entire peerage.

Let's leave them be. It is useless for me to rob from Rias, after all, she is going to be my wife one day. As for Sona's… nope. Her peerage wasn't nearly enough to interest me. Tsubaki and Saji were good, though, and Tsubaki's mirror-type Sacred Gear was interesting. Maybe, if used correctly, she could enter the mirror dimension or repel all attacks. So the potential was there. Well, if there's a chance, I will take her as a pawn. That would bring the number of my peerage to four. I was determined to get Stephen Hawking and Valerie Tepes. It was sad that I was born too late, or I could have taken people like Newton and Einstein in my peerage. My time of birth was simply too late.

Wait! Time... that's my thing. Shit, how could I forget? Okay, another project: travel back in time and bring people back from it. Though I need to be careful with how I do it. I should bring them just a single moment before their death and then reincarnate them, bringing them back with me. I should also create a clone of them and replace them, which should die in their place, leaving no clues and not having a butterfly effect changing the entire history.

The problem with traveling to the past would certainly be changing the course of the world over time. Maybe not even meeting anyone would be the best since even a single contact could have consequences. Like, imagine me interfering with someone, and they were supposed to have sex on that day, resulting in the birth of a child. But something I did resulted in them not having sex that day but the next day. Then the sperm which managed to become fertile would change, and the baby would be different. And since it is a thing of the past, an entire lineage would either be changed or eradicated even. So yeah, every action has consequences, especially during time travel.

Therefore, I would have to first figure out a way to go so far back in time and create a plan that prevents causing a butterfly effect. And planning is what I enjoy most. The group is all gathered, and I have to teleport them all over to Japan since my abilities are much better than any teleportation circle. And just as everyone was ready, with a flick of my fingers, we teleported to a room that had been prepared in advance in a hotel owned by House Gremory.

And so begins our journey in Japan, the holy land where millions of weebs go on pilgrimage every year.

---end of chapter 22---