24- Shinra Clan

Chapter 24- Shinra Clan


Issei Hyoudou was a freak, good hearted as shown in the original work but a disgusting perverted animal who can't be viewed as a normal human by any sense, I mean look at him, not even 10, but already deep into the ways of perversion, well I was here just to check on him, not planning on doing anything right now, my Sacred gear extraction technique was not perfected, and trying anything right now would do more harm than good, so I decided to let him be for now and teleported to another coordinate I had scouted previously.

I was in front a massive traditional Japanese building, spread across a large area, there were several guards at the gate, and many magic based defences spread around the campus, this was the home of the Shinra clan, one of the five principal clans, my goal here was to check on a possible servant, Tsubaki Shinra, Sona Sitri's queen in the original work, good in both physical skills and magic and also a sacred gear user, Mirror Alice, her Scared gear, though quite ordinary at first glance did seem quite ordinary, but it had potential, so I hid my presence and simply walked inside.

The scenery was quite aesthetic, with minimalistic Japanese architecture style, lush green gardens which were well maintained, the principal clans really do enjoy luxury here in Japan, they are not strong, at least to me, they aren't, but they have the Shinto pantheon's backing, which would intercept if they are pushed too far, but kidnappi....ummm rescuing a little girl from them? nah, they won't care about that at all, since I could completely hide myself, and I was free, I just decided to walk inside instead of teleporting, it was kind of refreshing, seeing the guards walking right next to me without noticing me feels quite good, soon I came in front of a small storehouse like building, inside the building was a small girl of around ten, she was my target here, Tsubaki Shinra.

The inside of her house was quite different compared to the campus outside, while everything was luxurious in the Shirna clan's home, Tsubaki's home looked like a storehouse that had been cleared and just basic furniture were added, even Tsubaki was dressed modestly, her situation was easy to infer from the situation, while she wasn't imprisoned here, she was very much ostcrasized here, her sacred gear was seen as some sort of heretic power, for the Shinra clan it was impossible not to know of things like sacred gears, but they still treated her like this, apparently because they disdained this power because it came from a different pantheon, truly foolish.

But it made things easier for me, after all the worse her treatment here, the lesser her attachment to the place, and she would most likely be easy to convince to join me, and also more loyal, after all loyalty is important, even if one of my servants is extremely talented if he isn't loyal to me at all, then it's useless, then I would have to guard my secrets at all times, which would be quite the chore, especially things like the experiments I would commit, so I need to be more careful, Lavinia is good, she can be said to be amongst my most trusted people in the world, Zephine is still new, she can be trained, and she won't betray me, for that I am sure.

Still, I need to wait for a good time before appearing, maybe I should follow my racial stereotype and orchestrate a scene, where she is scolded and punished by the Shinra clan, and when she has been punished and locked back in her room, I would appear, treat her nicely and give good promises, maybe some gifts and then ask if she wishes to leave with me, considering her mental state at the time, she would most likely agree, and once she comes back with me, there is no chance she would even remember the Shinra clan again. Quite the devil like plan indeed, I like my new race much better than my last one, suits me better, plus the benefits are worth dying for....pun intended.

Sure, saying things related to big G would cause a sharp pain in your head, but I was never the religious guy, I just had to be careful with curses, but I still planned to remove that pain, the fact that even at my strength someone being able to cause me pain just at the mention of his name scares me quite a bit, I guess it is due to the devil's weakness of holy powers, so getting rid of that weakness should stop this too, as devils we have a natural weakness to light and holy powers, due to which, even if angels and Fallen angels are weaker than us, they could still fight on par with us, well the entire race does suffer from it, but this does not mean that I would rather be a human instead, tried it once before, trust me, being devil is better.

If you are a devil, you don't have to worry about things like morality and stuff, you don't need to think like 'if I do this, I'd go to hell' things like that, cause we are already in hell, and guess what you can act however you want and just blame it upon your sins, well it is not entirely wrong though, I guess my sin is greed for sure, for someone whose dream was controlling time in his past life, it was fulfilled as soon as I was born, I should have been content and lived a worry free life, but my greed flared my desires, and now I wish to surpass the universe, or even the entire multiverse, if it exists that is.... well, I am happy that my sin is greed, if it were something like pride, sloth or envy, it would be bad, but greed....nope, greed is the driving force for growth, I mean just look at humans, their greed has brought them hunter gatherers to being the rulers of the planet, of course that is ignoring the supernatural.

time to wait now, and soon about an hour or two, Tsubaki stepped out of her abode, well she also had to do some odd jobs around, they won't just let her be since she is a witch (she isn't, but according to them, she is), and this also make things easier for me, what easier way for me to orchestrate a fierce scolding for her than to make her break something expensive, then the adults of the shinra clan are sure to start cursing at her, and just as she goes back crying, I, the kind hearted saviour appear, presenting to her a solution of all her problems.

So I waited, watched as she entered an expensive looking guest room while cleaning, now was the time, there were around four elders of the Shinra clan in the guest room, and one look at them, and I could tell that they were not the kindest ones, and when she tilted a large framed picture on the wall to clean it's edges and behind, I put her in an illusion, and she put a bit more force than what should have been applied and 'boom' the picture fell making a loud noise, the elders all looked towards her, and soon their expressions turned into one of fury, my work here was done, I stopped the illusion and Tsubaki was left in a daze, the broken glass and frame in front of her, I did change her memories for it to be like it was her mistake that led to breaking of the picture....

well what happened next can be expected, she was scolded, badly....somewhat beaten too....I didn't wish for that to happen, but oh well....makes it easier for me, the worse the Shinra people are, the better I would be, and she went back to her after the escapade and sat down crying silently, and it was my turn to appear, of course, I also had some cookies with me.