Chapter 16

Two days later,

A sleek computer setup sat on Charles' desk, complete with a high-end CPU and monitor. The screen was lit up, displaying a calibration process for Cerebro, which was connected by a single USB wire.

The helmet, reminiscent of the SAO headgear, had been deliberately designed by Charles to resemble it. He admired the aesthetic and functionality, wanting to blend form with purpose.

On the screen, Cerebro was almost ready, calibrating its intricate settings. Meanwhile, Charles was carefully welding his own version of a smartphone, his hands steady and precise.

Every move mattered—he couldn't afford to misstep and ruin his technology. Time was his most precious resource, and wasting it could mean he wouldn't live long enough to see his plans fully realized.

These three devices were his foundation, the starting point for what would eventually make him a fortune. They were stepping stones toward something far bigger.

A few minutes later, a soft *ding* echoed from the computer. Charles turned his head, glancing at the screen. The calibration was complete. He set the welder aside, ensuring it was safely powered down.

"Hmmm," he muttered as he rolled his chair over to the desk, moving the mouse to scroll through the settings. He wasn't about to take any risks; one wrong move could fry his brain, and that wasn't an option.

"Everything checks out. No errors." He exhaled, relieved, and disconnected the USB cable from Cerebro.

With a calm but focused determination, he lay down on his bed, placing the helmet over his head. The resemblance to a certain death game wasn't lost on him, but this wasn't a game—it was his future.

Here's a refined and smoother sequence for the device:


"Link Start," Charles said firmly.

The Cerebro helmet hummed to life, its surface glowing softly as a faint sound echoed from within.

"[Voice Recognition: ✓]," a mechanical voice chimed, signaling the system was unlocked.

"[User: Charles Xavier]"

"[Initiating Mental Connection...]"

"[Proceeding with Mind Link...]"

"[Mind Link Established: ✓]"

"[Amplifying Telepathic Signals...]"

A soft hum filled the air as Charles felt a slight surge within his mind.


"[Recalibration Complete. Telepathy Amplified]"

"[Expanding Telepathic Range...]"

Suddenly, the system stuttered.

"[User's Telepathy Fails to Expand]"

"[Safety Protocols Activated]"

Charles' brows furrowed as he listened.

"[System Stable. Begin when ready]."

Charles took a deep breath, muttering under his breath, "Damn." His telepathy hadn't yet reached the level necessary to cover the entire globe—that's why his attempt to expand it failed.

Still, the range he achieved was massive. He could now scan the entire United States.

"The things I've uncovered…" Charles said to himself, unsettled. He had seen things he wasn't meant to, things he wished he could unsee.

He got off the bed, feeling nauseous. His stomach turned.

"What is wrong with people?" he whispered, still reeling from the images and thoughts he'd accidentally come across. The most revolting things he'd ever encountered.

Charles gritted his teeth. 'I'll remember these people', he thought. 'They should count themselves lucky I can only probe minds. If I could send a mind blast, they'd be brain-dead by now.'

He took a few deep breaths, trying to steady himself. His mind calmed, but the disappointment lingered.

"This is just the prototype," Charles said aloud, assessing his creation. "It lets me probe minds but doesn't grant access to knowledge, experience, or skills." It wasn't enough. Not yet. But he could improve it soon.

With that, he powered down the Cerebro by pressing a hidden button around the area where supposed to be behind his ear. The device clicked, and Charles carefully placed it back on the table, next to his unfinished smartphone.

But before he could resume his work, he glanced at the clock. Training time.

Charles closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, they were cold and emotionless, like a machine. His consciousness slipped into the heart of his mindscape.

"Maybe I should explore more of the Astral Plane," he mused aloud to no one. "I could find something there—something that could enhance my telepathy."

He pushed his consciousness outward, leaving his body behind, floating in the vastness of the Astral Plane.

"This… feels freeing," Charles admitted as he drifted through the ethereal space. "But I also feel vulnerable."

The thought of his unprotected mind wandering made him uneasy. The Astral Plane, after all, was full of unknown dangers.

"Still," he pressed on, "there's potential here. If I can tap into the astral energy, maybe I can power my psychic abilities beyond their limits."

'But I have to be careful', he reminded himself. 'One wrong move and I could end up trapped here, or worse—cross paths with something I can't handle.'

Charles took a deep breath. "No harm in trying," he said, focusing his mind. He'd read enough to know how to attune to astral energy. Now, it was time to put theory into practice.

As his telepathy spread throughout the Astral Plane, he began to feel traces of astral energy. It was faint but present. He concentrated, pushing harder, focusing deeply.

It took a while, but finally, the energy became visible—a series of glowing blue orbs scattered across the plane, pulsing with power.

"This is like cultivation 101," Charles said, almost amused. "I just need to visualize the energy entering my mind and body."

With careful concentration, Charles began to absorb the orbs. The glowing energy seeped into his consciousness and flowed through his body.

At first, nothing felt different. But slowly, he noticed subtle improvements. His telepathic range increased, if only slightly.

After some time, Charles stopped and muttered, "I should've focused more on this, but the risks… the potential dangers are enough to give anyone to stay away from it."

"That's enough for today," Charles muttered, pulling his consciousness back into his body. He didn't resume control immediately, though—he wanted to let his mind wander, to explore the endless possibilities of the powers he might one day unlock.

His thoughts raced faster than before, and for a brief moment, he allowed himself a small smile. The improvement was undeniable.

"I need to find more ways to amplify my telepathy," he said to himself, voice low and determined. "If I can push it further, I could unlock even more sub-abilities."

His fingers tapped lightly on the console in front of him as he sat deep in thought. "Come on, brain, think... I need a new device. Something that can help take this to the next level."

Charles leaned back in his chair, staring at the ceiling as his mind buzzed with ideas. He could feel it—the answer was there, just beyond his reach. All he had to do was keep pushing.