A promise is a Debt

Chapter 1

A very familiar face entered my house with 2 luggages packed and said. "Oh, the Mrs Keith for now, I am pregnant and yes, this is Kelvin, my sweetheart's child.

Confused, I responded, "What?" I couldn't comprehend what all of this was.

I turned to Kelvin and the look on his face said a whole lot, he took my hands and said "I can explain".

I was shattered! How could they do this to me?


"Vivian, where are you? Vivian! Vivian!! VIVIIIVIAN!" Sandra's voice woke me from my beautiful sleep.

"Oh God, why can't I sleep peacefully on a Saturday morming!" I covered myself with the duvet, maybe if I just went back to sleep, she would leave me alone and I will be free.

The door opened and in just a flash the blanket was snatched away from my body, "I won't give up, I will continue to sleep. Maybe just maybe when she sees that I'm sleeping soundly she will go. Yes yes, let's sleep", I thought.

"Wake up, sleepyhead! wake upppp!" She shakes me awake.

I yawned, "Please let me sleep, it is a Saturday please." I begged. And like a miracle, she left me and the door closed.

My prayers were truly answered. Back to dream land, I thought as I pulled the duvet over my head and continued to sleep.

Suddenly, I heard, "Fire! Fire!! Fire!!!" I'm up in an instant, Fire where? What has Sandra done like this? I ran out of my room. "Fire where?" About to pick my fire extinguisher. Instead this nonsense girl was laughing, i mean she just stood there and was laughing really hard.

"Sorry, there was no Fire," she said.

"What? No Fire? Sandra!" I sighed and stared at her.

"I'm sorry, you didn't want to wake up and I had no option but to do that. I'm sorry" She was laughing really hard that I felt like punching her hard but instead I sat on the couch thinking of ways to just escape this girl. Breathe, I told myself and let's look for a way to get this troublesome girl out of my apartment so I can sleep more.

"Sandra, what do you want?" I asked.

"Why are you here on a Saturday? When are you leaving? Please, I want to sleep". Looking all serious and in a defensive mode, she retorted, "It's 1pm already, why do you still want to sleep? Go and wash up, we need to leave."

Puzzled, I asked, "Leave? How? To where? I'm not going anywhere with you today. I want to sleep and watch K-dramas today." I decided to lay on the couch and get some rest.

Sandra stood up and folded her arms. "But Vivian, today is Saturday!"

"Okay?"  She didn't say anything as if expecting me to understand what that means.

Then she responded, "you promised that we would go to the dinner tonight together." Yes, the birthday dinner, I just remembered. What do I do? I thought.

"Sandra, please go on your own today, I will make it up to you, okay? Another time please." I tried to pacify her, hopefully it works."

"Vivian, this is unfair, you are either too busy to hang out with me on a Saturday or you are at Kelvin's Place. You can't do this to me. A promise is a promise, we have to go today. I don't want to attend the dinner alone, please."

"Oh God, Sandra, Alright, Can you at least let me wash up first then? I begged.

"And let's agree on the time first." I stood up and then remembered that it was just past one pm.

"But wait the dinner starts by 6pm. Why are you here this early? It is just past 1." I said and looked at her.

"Yesterday, you said you do no't have what to wear and look at your nails, they are not even done yet." She held my hands, took me to the couch to seat and tried to talk sweetly, "We need time to prepare."

"Can't i just pick one of my dresses and go? Or lets hus order something online?

"Vivian, We will go out and be back soon, I promise. We won't spend too much time shopping. Moreover you need to do your nails. So 3 hours should be enough."

"3 hour? To get a dress and do my nails."

"I am not going." I stood up. "That is too much. 1 hour is enough."

"What are we supposed to have gotten by then?, she stood and started pacing. "3 hours, please, just 3 hours and you are free." Then she gave me a bright smile which I found scary. Just what is this babe on, 3 hours of Torture? God forbid. What's that? I need to think of a way out of this real quick.

"2 hours? Thats it!" Yeah I needed to stand firm too.

"Just 2 hours? Vivian please now." She said almost crying. Fake tears. I just looked at her, then she said,

"Alright, alright, just 2 ½ hours. I promise." Seeing as I can't get out of this now. Oh, Pepper soup, that's right. I just remembered, so I Said, "Just 2 hours, but only if you will make your special peppersoup for me tomorrow. I have been craving it my darling".

She sat straight and crossed her legs, "So you want something, let's make it 3 hours and you get your special peppersoup tomorrow.".

"3 hours? No o. Don't worry about the peppersoup again, I'll be fine. Just one hour is enough and we are back". I refuse to subject myself to that just for peppersoup.

"Alright, fine, fine, 2 hours and you get the peppersoup tomorrow." I was about to jubilate then remembered what a social butterfly that she was.

"One more thing." "What again?" She whined.

"We won't spend more than 2 hours at that birthday dinner." I needed to be sure I wasn't going to be there the whole night.

"Fine. I promise." She said in a song like voice.

"Just 2 hours. Are you sure?" I needed to be sure she wasn't tricking me or something.

"Yes,  Go and Bathe. Let me fix you something to eat before we go. I'm sure you haven't eaten anything today." She shooed me away.

With that, I sighed knowing I'm almost free and I went to take my bath, dressed up and came out after hearing her scream my name. "Vivian, we are running late, come out."

Applying my lipgloss, "I'm coming. I'm on my way, I'm coming" I replied and came out.

"I packed sandwiches for you. You will eat it in the car. Let's go."

Puzzled, I asked, "In the car? How?"

"Yes, hurry. Let's go." And with that we are off to the mall I guess.