
Days flew so quick, and before I knew it I was getting married. I looked so beautiful standing here with my husband listening to the officiating officer.

"Dear friends and family gathered here today, we are about to witness the union of Miss Vivian Adams and Mr Kelvin Keith in holy matrimony. Marriage is a sacred bond between two people, built on love, trust, and commitment."

He signaled to the ringbearer to come with the rings, I took a ring and the Priest began

"Miss Vivian Adams, do you take Mr Kelvin Keith to be your husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, to love and to honor, and to obey, till death do you part?"

I do, I responded and put the ring on his finger.

Kelvin took the other ring and the Priest continued.

"Mr Adams Keith, do you take Miss Vivian Adams to be your wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, to stand by her side through all of life's joys and challenges, and to be her faithful partner, till death do you part?"

I do, He responded and we smiled at each other as he put the ring on my finger.

The Priest continued, "By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may seal your union with a kiss." There was a thunderous applause, and whistling as we kissed.

Then the Priest concluded, "May your love continue to grow and flourish. May you always find joy in each other's company. May your bond be strengthened by faith, trust, and commitment. Amen." I now reintroduce to you Mr and Mrs Keith.

My husband and I took our first walk as a married couple out of the hall with the most radiant smile on our faces. Love they say is beautiful, and I am glad to take this journey with my Keith. We met at the University and have started our love story 4 years ago and finally two souls have become one.

There was a lot of content creation, my bridesmaids were superb. Changing outfits was stressful but I loved my looks From the church to the reception to the afterparty. It was lit!

I was literally so exhausted as we left the afteraparty. We got to the hostel, washed up and tried to prepare for the wedding night, you know but I was so tired. Why do Bride's not say how stressful this is. I guess it is because it all makes sense doing it with the right person. I washed up and put on a lingerie, waited for Kelvin to come out of the washroom.

He came out looking all yummy, came to the bed and whispered in my eyes. ,"Sleep now, my darling, you must be tired". I just smiled and as if that was a spell casted on me. I slept off without knowing.

The Next Day

I opened my eyes and smiled, truly I was now a married woman. I looked around and saw Kelvin looking at me smiling. I smiled back and covered myself with the duvet.

He came to bed, kissed my forehead and said "Good morning Mrs Vivian Kelvin Keith. How are you feeling this morning?"

I laughed and said. "Good morning, her husband. I feel very good. You must be hungry. I just placed an order for breakfast. Our flight leaves by 4pm, so we still have lot of time together." And started to kiss me all over my face.

"Kelvin," I giggled. Then he pulled me over him, I placed my head on his chest, he started to caress my hair. "I finally have you as my wife. Legally you are all mine now".

"And you are all mine now!" I retorted.

"Haven't I always been?" We both laughed. "Let me have my bathe first, I will be back." I stood up from the bed but this man tackled me back on the bed, and wanted to kiss me with my bad breathe. So guess what i did. Don't blame me. Yes, i tickled him off me and ran into the bathroom laughing my head off. Thank goodness that he is also ticklish.

I felt well rested. Everything still feels surreal. I kept looking at myself at the mirror as I brushed, smiling sheepishly too. I took my bathe and was surprised my husband didn't come to disturb. Husband, I gushed, the word still feels foreign on my lips. I came out to see breakfast had arrived. We ate and prepared to leave for our honeymoon.

We had a week for our honeymoon, and were going to spend it at Sereney Resort located on a private island in the Maldives surrounded by crystal-clear waters and coral reefs. I can't wait to see the breathtaking ocean views. I have always wanted my honeymoon to be at a place with ocean views.

We arrived at the reserved villa and instantly were enveloped in an atmosphere of unbridled romance. The bedroom was a serene sanctuary that beckoned us.

Don't get me started on the bed! It was a majestic centerpiece, carefully adorned with an exquisite floral arrangement/ pattern, a delicate dance of petals in shades of rose and gold. Fresh orchids and I think hibiscus blooms intertwined, releasing their heady fragrance into the air. Then there was a pathway of velvety rose petals, that led to the private pool, the soft glow of candles, strategically placed around the room, cast a warm, golden light, infusing the space with an aura of tranquility. A dreamlike honeymoon that I would never forget. I know!

As we settled into the place, soft music wafted through the air, a gentle melody that soothed the soul. While still taking in everything, Kelvin whispered to me that a Private Beachside Dinnner awaited us. Well, I should enjoy all of it right?

It was a personalized, five-course gourmet dinner, crafted by the resort's culinary masters as we were told and they were presented with impeccable service. Each dish truly was a masterpiece, we savored each bite, their eyes locked on the horizon, where the sky met the sea. The stars twinkled above, a celestial canvas of diamonds.

The ocean breeze carried the sweet scent of frangipani, entwining with the aroma of exquisite cuisine. We made small talks with Kelvin being naughty as usual. Naughty naughty Kelvin