SCC Tuatara

Some weeks later

As I stepped out of the office building, annoyed after a stressful day. I have been calling my husband for a while and he isnt picking. He promised to pick me up today and now i have to grab a cab. As I got out of the gate, I caught sight of my husband, standing proudly beside a car twilrling the keys in his hands, smirking at me.

I had been looking forward to this moment all day, but I hadn't expected it to be quite so...dramatic. He could have just picked my call. What is all these drama for? I asked amused. Then I realised that he was standing beside a black SSC Tuatara, yes the ome with a 9-liter twin-turbocharged V8 engine with 1,750 horsepower. I remembered us talking about taking a ride in something like this and he brought this to pick me up. "A Tuatara? Are you kidding me? I asked mouth wide. He flashed me a charming smile, and I felt my heart skip a beat. "Hey, beautiful," he said, opening the passenger door for me. "Your chariot awaits."

I laughed, feeling a rush of excitement as I got into the passenger seat. "You're kidding, right?" I asked, though I knew he wasn't. "Not at all," he replied, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "I figured you could use a break from the usual routine. Plus, I wanted to take you on a little adventure."

I grinned, feeling a thrill of anticipation as we set off and as we rode, the city transformed around us. Eventually, we left the city behind, following a winding road that led us through rolling hills. The sun began to set, casting a golden glow, it was so beautiful and I felt my heart swell with emotion. We pulled over at a secluded spot overlooking the city. My husband killed the engine, and we sat there in silence, taking in the breathtaking view. "Thank you for this," I said, turning to him, and enjoyed the moment.

The next day

It was the third Friday of the month and we had decided to have games nights today. We played ludo, and I won him 3:0. He claimed I was cheating and decided to play chess. I won twice, claimed I was cheating again. So we decided to play PS4, and finally he won. S I also decided to change the game when Kelvin pulled me towards him. I fell on him and laughed. He kissed me, the kiss was delicate, and fragile. My lips parted, inviting the gentle invasion, as his mouth claimed mine with tender authority, coaxing me into a surrender of sweetness and delight delight.

At last, it is a Friday evening, the last Friday of the month, Kelvin and I had discussed plans to try out a new restaurant for dinner. Work was so stressful, my assistant, Catherine was on leave and the temporary assistant assigned to me could just not do a single thing without me interfering. It was infuriating.

I got off work and decided to text Kelvin

"Hey babe, where are we meeting for dinner?" I thought we were trying out that new Italian place we talked about.

There was no response till like 30 minutes later. It read, "Oh, I thought we were just going to wing it. I didn't make a reservation." I decided to put a call through.

He picked at the third ring. "You forgot to make a reservation? I specifically asked you to take care of it."

I didn't want to transfer work aggression on him or something but I was getting annoyed at this point. Then he went and replied, "I didn't forget; I just thought it wasn't necessary. We can just go somewhere else." You didn't do the right time and you want to get defensive?

I was frustrated at this point. "That's not the point! The point is you didn't follow through on our plans. He laughed and said "Vivian, it's not a big deal. We can still have a great night." Not a big deal? What?

"You always do this! You never take my plans seriously. I responded angrily. Jut listen and do your part! He raised his voice at me, "That's not true! I do take your plans seriously.

The conversation continued, we both got agitated and I did not like that Kelvin was not taking responsibility for his mistake, and he kept saying I was overreacting. We said a lot of things but then close to tears I said "You always disappoint me".

"That's not fair! I'm trying to make it right." He retorted. I just couldn't deal with that right now. I packed my bag and decided to head home.

I got home almost an hour later, then Kelvin arrived. He sat on the sofa looked at me and after a few minutes of tense silence, he stood up, crossed the room and sat beside me. He took my hand in his and apologised "I'm sorry I forgot. I should have confirmed the reservation." At that, my anger disappered so I said, I'm sorry too. I overreacted."

"Let's start over. Where do you want to go for dinner?" He asked smiling.

I laughed "Okay. It is too late right now. How about that new taco place?" Perfect. Let's order in. We placed and order. Laughed about our day and the night ended on a nice note.

We decided to visit our families on the weekend. We came back with lots of food enough to last the whole week. I got on my weekly call with my girls to catch up on what we missed and decided to meet up for one of the girl's birthday. It was Abiagel's birthday in a week. We decide to throw a little party. Just us girls. I told Kelvin about it so he could sort himself that day as I might not get back till the next day.

The last couple of weeks have been hell for me. Thank goodness for Abiagel's birthday, the only time I could enjoy a weekend. The temporary assistants HR keeps sending keep getting on my nerves. I really need Catherine back but I can't cut her leave off. I'm just very tired.

Kelvin strolled into the bedroom. I was on the bed staring deeply at my laptop. He laid beside me and i think he tried to get my attention. "Babe.." "Yeah" "I'm really stressed about work. I just need someone to talk to." He said

I was just focused on his laptop and I forgot to give a response "Vivian" He nudged me. The file in my hand fell from my laps to the bed. "Can't you just deal with it yourself? I'm busy." I snapped.

"It's fine." He said almost immediately. Realising what I just did. I tried to apologise and put the laptop and all the files aside but he just stood up went into the washroom and banged the door.

I am working on a merger and I can't seem to find a way out, Catherine is still on leave and the temp working with me just seems to keep adding to it. I just feel overwhelmed and I just don't know.

I will just apologise when he gets back. He came out after a shower, went straight to bed and put off the lamp at his bedside. I went under the duvet, put my hand through his hair and apologised.

I asked him what was wrong but I guess he wasn't having it tonight because he just said. "I don't want to talk anymore. I just want to sleep" and truly he went to sleep.