Twelve for the Twelve months

"Yeah, it's your first anniversary gift. Happy Anniversary". He said.

It was an Interlocking piece forming a heart. It was diamonds and I love it, because Girl, who doesn't love diamonds?

"Babe diamonds?" I was so happy. He pulled my nose and said, "Yes, you deserve only the best."

"Thank you I love it." I gave him a kiss on the cheek as I went to the mirror to see how it looks when Kelvin took it and put it over me. Then back hugged me as we stared into the mirror together.

"I want you to wear it today". He said, okay.

"I also got you something. Your gift will arrive later today. Shipping got extended hence the delay." I apologised.

"No problem. Let's have dinner at Il Giardino Segreto." He said nonchalantly.

"Il Giardino Segreto??? Are you serious? We've been trying to reserve a table for months. You got a spot?" I almost screamed. I was super excited at this point.

"Yep, baby. See you at 7. You will be late for work if you don't leave now." He said and wanted to shoo me out.

"I'm a Partner, don't worry. Tell me, how didn't you do it." I waved it up, this was more important, don't blame me. I'm just a girl.

"I promise I will tell you all about it at dinner. So just got to work for now okay. I love you" He said as he placed a kiss on my lips and headed back to the dinning to clean up.

"I love you too. Bye" I called out back as I left the house in very high spirit.

I got to work and I sat down to prepare for my morning meeting with my team. My assistant came in. Yes, Catherine is back.

"You have a package" She said.

"Sender?" I asked excepting a file or something.

"Husband" She said driving the bag on the table smiling.

"Give me that, thank you" I said and smiled back. She left.

I checked the package to see it was an oil diffuser with a card that read "This is 2/12. You will be getting 12  presents for the twelve beautiful months you spent with me. Happy Anniversary again."

"Thank you babe. I received your gift" I sent a text to Kelvin and placed the oil diffuser in a perfect spot and headed out to the meeting room for the morning brief with me team.

After the morning brief, I received a call from Sharon, my best friend who called to wish me. We talked a little and I returned to work. We have a meeting with P & O Groups of Companies. I needed to give final touches to the model agreement we agreed on when I heard a knock on my door. "Come in" I said as I continued typing.

"It seems you have another package from Mr Keith again." Catherine said as she dropped yet another box on my table.

"Thank you." Thank you. I took the box off the table when she continued "Also we need to leave in 15 minutes for our appointment with P&O Group of Companies." I nodded to that.

"Yeah, I just finished putting the final touches. I will be with you shortly. I smiled as I looked over the pages once again.

She was on her way out when she stopped and said "And Happy Wedding Anniversary Ma'am"

"Thank youuu." I responded as she left.

I opened the boxt to see it was a very lovely bracelet with tiny charms from Tiffany and Co. I called Kelvin to thank him and packed my laptop to head out.

The meeting was long but fortunately we finalised and could proceed with other things. As I got into the office building, the receptionist informed me that I have a package, three in fact.

"Okay, where are they?" I asked

"They are in your office, ma'am." She replied. I thanked her and went to my office.

I got a flower bouquet with a box filled with lots of chocolates this time.  I also got an Etrez Spa voucher that admits 2.  Valid for 3 months. with a note that said." Take a break and go with Sharon when you can. Love, Keith. The third box was the anniversary gift I got for Kelvin that got delayed. Looking at the gifts from Kelvin, As much as I keep loving this, he needs to stop. This is my workplace. As Catherine dropped my laptop and some files that we brought she teased me and left.

A while later, I picked the phone to call Catherine.

"Do you need me to come ma?" She asked as she picked up.

"No, it's almost lunch time. It's my wedding anniversary today so lunch is on me for the team. Please order something for everybody." I happily said.

"Thank you ma'am. I will do that right now." She respomded. "You are welcome. I replied as I ended the call. I decided to rest a little before getting back to work. Family and close friends called and texted to wish me and I took the time to reply and thank them.

Few minutes later, my phone rang againand Catherine informed me that my husband ordered lunch for me and my team members. I went put to see it and after numerous thank yous from my team members, I picked mine with the giftbag that had ruby earrings and went into my office. I called Kelvin to thank him and to not send anything again. I wouldn't hear the last of it at work.

Around past three, Catherine came into my office again "You have another package from Mr Keith. Are you sure you don't want to go home? She teased. I mouthed, "Sorry, Thank you" to her as she left.

I opened the bag to see it was a luxurious, limited edition silk charmeuse scarves with a beautiful but unique design from the MrsFishkin Brand.

I contemplated going home but this workload would come back to bit me in the ass if I don't finish now. So I would not allow my personal life interfere, I decided to finish my work, then head home to prepare for the dinner.

At home, I saw there were two more presents, a Hand bag from Louis Vuitton that I get to add to my collection and new couple sneakers.

I dorned a black dress with a sweetheart neckline that hugged my curves perfectly with diamond earrings to match my necklace with black heels. I sprayed my perfumes and added finishing touches to my makeup, grabbed my anniversary gift to Kelvin and left the house. I ordered a ride to the dinner venue.

Sitting across Kelvin in the famous Il Giardino Segreto, still feels unreal to me. I gift Kelvin his gift which was a Limited Edition Wristwatch. There were only six of its kind and he was so sad he couldn't get it not knowing I got the last one months ago. My gift seemed so small to me comparing it to all the gifts I already received from him today.

"I'm sorry it's small. You did so much for me today." I apologised.

"I love it so much. I didn't expect I would get it. Your presence in my life is enough and no gift is too much for you, my queen."He said as he kissed the back of my hand. He took of the Wristwatch he was wearing and put the new one he just got on.

"Thank you darling." I said and took a sip out of my drink.

"My final gift for tonight" Kelvin began

"Another gift, Mr Keith?" I asked.

"Yes, the last one for tonight I promise" He raised his hand in defeat.

"Okay." I said as I prepared myself for another box.

"So a friend of mine, Richard the one in Clifford, he told me he needed a good firm to work with Dinton LLC and I gave him your card. He recommended you and after going through your firm's portfolio. They would love to have you on board." He finished. It took every restraint in me not to scream. I just looked at him beyond speechless." The Dinton LLC with me?" I rambled. The retainership is enough to sustain my firm for over 5 years and I get to work with them just like that? I thought over the moon at the news.

"How did that happen? I mean thank you. I am super happy and very thankful fight this moment" I said trying my hardest not to ramble.

"I know and you are welcome." He grinned at me

"You are World Best Husband. I need to get a trophy to give you right now." I said and I was serious. We laughed and I stood from my seat to go hug him. I was supper excited. We ate dinner, smiled, laughed, talked, took pictures and had a great night. It was a perfect night indeed.