Chapter 6: Settling in, part 1.

Wei Caihong kept coming back on his litter and Nikola kept dancing for him as if he were dancing for Penemue. Except, the noble begun to stay around for the whole day as time went by.

The crowds didn't dare to show the same amount of excitement they did as before. They still had smiles on their faces, and more than one woman had asked Nikola to teach her how to dance as he did.

Nikola never had the time for it, even though the old trader Hua had melted the spear and sold the gold and had left his house and shop to the former emperor.

He had ended up with four thousand and five hundred fifty-one silver coins, plus the three gold pieces he had gotten for the gold and silver ornaments of his old tunic.

He didn't need to keep performing for old granny Nuo Nuying anymore. But he still came back every morning. He needed to speak with Wei Caihong, but he also knew the noble's kind.

 If the man wasn't the one to approach him first, he would get nothing out of him. So, he kept at his seduction game and prayed that Penemue didn't get a whiff of it.

One day, as he was taking a break from dancing and going back to reading fortunes, Wei Caihong ordered his litter to be lowered, and he approached Nikola.

"Once you are finished with her, read mine," said the noble, and for the first time Nikola saw the man's face.

Wei Caihong had brown eyes, although there were golden flecks in them. His hair was loose with a bun high up, as it was the fashion of this land.

 He had sharp features, high cheekbones, and a sharp, strong jaw. He was rather handsome, Nikola had to admit. Still just a spark in comparison to Penemue's moonlight-like beauty.

"Oh, Master Wei! I just have one more question! Gege, will my husband remember our anniversary this year?"

Nikola concentrated, and then he winced.

The woman huffed and a man begun to both glare at Nikola and apologize for a slight not even done yet. Nikola checked the man's future and saw that even with the yelling that was commencing, he would still forget.

 And what was worse, the anniversary was tomorrow. He shook his head and then looked up only to see Wei Caihong had already sat down and had extended his hand towards him.

"Will I meet the love of my life soon, Gege?" the noble asked, and Nikola stared at his palm. He didn't need to, but he still traced a finger over the life line.

 He did see love in the future of the noble, but he didn't want to believe when he saw himself wrapped happily in Wei Caihong's arms.

There was no way he would ever forget Penemue! The noble cleared his throat, and Nikola noticed that he was gently rubbing his thumb over the life line.

"Ah…yes. Soon. An exceptional lady will come from the capital and sweep you off your feet."

Wei Caihong raised an elegant eyebrow, smirking.

"You give me half-truths, Nikola of Troy. Try again."

Nikola sputtered, and some women from the crowd smiled knowingly at him. Does he tell this noble the truth? But he was only a stepping stone to getting to Penemue!

 Still…he had looked so happy.

And Penemue had cheated first, hadn't he? They had been so miserable by the end, raising Pallas together, although their hearts weren't into it.

 Perhaps old lady Nuo Nuying was right.

Had he stepped down and given Pallas the throne, none of this would have happened. Perhaps Penemue thought so too, and that was why he never answered any of his prayers.


"Well? I'm waiting for the truth," Nikola was broken out of his musings by these words. Oh, to hell with it!

"You've met a man who has already swept you off your feet," Nikola said, stubbornly looking down. That gave him a nice view of Wei Caihong's lap and his fine, long fingered hands.

 A musician's hands.

"I thought so, too. But my love is very dishonest and hurt and prone to stubbornness," a woman near the noble "ah'ed" and suddenly the women were clustering together and whispering. Stealing looks every so often at the two talking men and giggling.

 Nikola blushed in shame.

"Yes, well, good luck with that. Next!"

Wei Caihong gripped Nikola's hand and brought it to his lips. He looked remorseful as he did so.

"Come and spend some time with me in the palace. Dance just for me. Better yet, let us dance together," the noble's lips turned up in a gentle smile.

Nikola huffed.

"Can you even dance with a candle?" He asked.

 Wei Caihong pulled him closer to himself, hand still gripping Nikola's.

"You'd be surprised at what I can do just for you. You've been trying to get my attention for days now. I have a slight idea why. A litter will be waiting for you in front of your residence at Nuo Nuying's. Get on it and my servants will bring you to me. Until then, my Emerald."

The women were all but foaming at the mouths, but Nikola didn't pay them any attention. Only Penemue called him that! He wanted to shout at Wei Caihong to come back and explain himself, but the man was already getting on his litter and the next woman was showing him her palm.

"Will my arrangement marriage be happy?"

A quick glance into her future showed her with many children and grandchildren, all crowding around her bed as she told them stories.

He told her this, his mind still fixed on that one word, and she clapped happily. The next woman came, and Nikola paid her just about enough attention to answer her question.

This continued until the sun set, and he stood up when it got dark, leaving granny Nuo to count her winnings and heading towards the house. The litter was indeed there, and Nikola got on without a second thought.

The sharp roofed building showed itself in the distance, but as he got closer and closer it gave way to gardens and blossoming trees. There was what passed for dragons in these parts engraved on the gate. It was far from the real deal.

There had been dragons, once, but Azazel had killed them all off when he realized he couldn't use them as beasts of war.

 This long creature was dreamed up by some scholar who had heard the word and let his imagination run wild.

One day, the same would happen with Atlantis, Nikola knew that much. He wondered what the people would tell each other about his homeland.

Would they curse it, would they be awed?

Or would they speak about it so, as if it had never existed? As if Nikola had never existed?