Chapter 15: The ritual, part 2.

The moans of the damned echoed in Nikola's ears, but he searched for only one voice amidst the cacophony of the damned. Azazel had always loved to make him work for his gifts.


Nikola shook his head. As if him sacrificing everything he loved and held dear resulted in him getting gifts.

No, the angels had given him only that, which he had taken.

With blood, with sweat, with tears.

Hello there, your imperial pratness! Came Azazel's voice inside Nikola's head. Missed me?

Like I would a wart. Lamia didn't have a sunlight problem. How does Wei Caihong get rid of his?

Nikola could not keep the annoyance out of his voice. The disaster of that dreadful morning being fresh on his mind.

Azazel hummed deep in his throat. Nikola wanted to throttle the angel.

I want out of here. When you pull out lover boy, you will make the portal big enough for two. The rest are wimps who were only in it for the women.

I have plans, my dear student.

Penemue never liked it when Nikola played into Azazel's hands, but now, it wasn't the time to think on what his lover approved or not. Nikola needed help and Wei Caihong, with his newfound strength from the curse, would be the perfect assistant.

Fine, how do I get rid of Wei Caihong's problem?

Oh, it's simple. You have to drink from his blood until he nearly dies. Then you need to let him drink you actually dry. No chanting, no carvings. Just good old-fashioned blood drinking.

Nikola blinked. It sounded too simple. And when something sounded too easy, then it was a trap. His long life had taught him that.

What's the catch?

Azazel laughed cruelly at that. Nikola gulped.

You might become a little addicted to his blood. You won't die without it, but you will need it desperately. For all intents and purposes, you will become obsessed with the thought of his blood. I don't know how you'll manage a threesome, but once you drink from my champion, you won't be able to let him go.

Penemue was going to be livid if this happened. It was one thing to allow your lover an affair when you choose to abandon him. Another to allow the third wheel to remain once you get back with said lover.

 Nikola took a good look at Wei Caihong and tried to imagine him with Penemue.

Would the angel prefer the cursed being and set Nikola aside? Letting him tag along, but never giving him any affection?


Penemue wouldn't do this to him! And Nikola couldn't wait another nine hundred years.

Deal. Do I need to look out for something in particular when I make the portal? Or can it be done any time?

Azazel's chuckle made Nikola uneasy, but he still refused to think about the consequences. What did it say about him, that he was willing to risk it all for someone who refused to speak with him?

Well, you are the expert. If your calculation show, that you can get us out without having to stare at the sky, then it can happen. You were taught by the best, and you made many spells that we can't even begin to understand. Now, off with you.

This was the closest to a praise he had ever gotten from Azazel. He fought hard to get the bad feeling in his stomach in control, moving towards Wei Caihong with small steps.

"You listened in, didn't you?" He asked, as he knelt, immediately being pulled into the noble's lap.

"I have missed the sun," Wei Caihong whispered.

 Nikola nuzzled Wei Caihong's neck and opened his mouth.

 He bit down as gently as he could, but Wei Caihong still inhaled sharply. Then Nikola begun to drink. Had he ever taken from the noble's blood? He didn't know. But he knew now that it was sweet as syrup and going easily past his lips.

 He felt a gentle hand hold the back of his head, and then there were fangs in his neck. They stood like that, robes, his silk ones, and Nikola's cotton ones, pooling together.

 Hands roaming over each other's bodies. High on the feeling of blood loss and the taste of each other's blood. Nikola moaned into the bite when he felt Wei Caihong's tighten his hold on him.

Wei Caihong didn't let go of Nikola as he lowered him down and begun to kiss him. Nikola wrapped his legs around the noble and breathed heavily. He couldn't take any more blood.

His teeth let go of Wei Caihong, but the man wasn't letting go of him. Throwing his head back he moaned loudly and for the first time it wasn't Penemue's name on his lips.

Wei Caihong stopped abruptly and dislodged himself from Nikola. He was smiling, his eyes twinkling.

Nikola couldn't help but be infected with his joy.

"You finally moaned my name," the noble moaned breathlessly.

"I guess I did," Nikola was blushing, darn it all. Legs still wrapped around Wei Caihong and hair pooling on the floor behind him. He would have cut it long ago, if the fashion of this land didn't demand otherwise.

"You are so beautiful, my Emerald. I will never leave you."

That calmed Nikola. He didn't like thinking like this, but even if Penemue refused to share Nikola's bed, the former emperor wouldn't be left alone.

Just when had he begun to consider Wei Caihong as a companion?

"You're everything I need. I will never hurt you," continued the noble as he peppered Nikola with kisses. Nikola chuckled and pressed his nose to Wei Caihong's.

"Can you make this work even when Penemue enters the picture?" He asked, daring to hope that the man would say yes.

"It hurts me when you talk of him," the noble said, as he kissed Nikola's neck. He was rewarded by hearing his name again between heavy pants and gasps for breath. "But I'll do anything for you. I'll even share you. I don't know if he would agree to do the same."

"I'll beg him on my knees," Nikola breathed out. Lazy kisses followed the desperate movements of before.

 Wei Caihong had always been careful with him, but now he was oh so tender. Nikola feared what a look in his future might show him.

He closed his eyes, choosing to remain ignorant.

Just like he had always done…