Chapter 50: Rescue, part 2.

Grandpa Cao's shack was on the outskirts of the village. There was still a light shining through the windows. Wei Caihong recognized this place. He had visited it just today after his lessons to check on the kind grandfather.

He knocked and Grandpa Cao's granddaughter came to greet him. She ushered him inside, claiming that it was too cold outside, and soon he had a steaming cup of tea in his hands, and he was talking to Grandpa Cao.

"He wants to call the lady Pen to him. He wants me to agree that the three of us should be married," Grandpa Cao hummed and sipped from his tea.

"My treasure never did something like that to me," he said, as he placed his cup down on the floor. "I can't begin to imagine what it must feel like for you. So soon after you two exchanged vows."