Chapter 71: Expectations, part 1

Wei Caihong ran his hands through his hair as he watched Nikola flip the omelet in the pan as he hummed. Nikola had never been this happy after sex before.

 That made Wei Caihong think with dread that his husband was going to do his best for Wei Caihong himself to be stuck as a woman. But then maybe Nikola simply liked delicate things?

 Even Penemue's vessel had often been mistaken for a woman, had it not? He should have let Nikola top him back when he was a man for a change. He wouldn't be having this problem if he had.

Wei Caihong was…jealous. This new form made Nikola wild with desire. Nikola hadn't let him rest the entire night and if Wei Caihong hadn't been a vampire and thus not really needing to sleep, then he would be asleep on the dining table.

Next to him were the three children. Han Fengfan had latched onto him when he had picked her up and was now staring at him with pure adoration.