I'm The Worst

*ding*ding*ding*the door bell rang

"heyyo"Lucy said

"afternoon"Vivian said

"welcome"Edna said

"I see you didn't bring the kids"she said

"yeah,their dad's home today,so they're staying with him"Vivian said

"okay"Edna said

"have a sit"she said

"what would you like ?"she said

"nothing really"Vivian said

"I'll just have juice"Lucy said

"okay,I'll be right back"Edna said then went to bring it

"so why did you call us here"Vivian said

"oh...haha...w..well...it's...umm..."Edna said

"go on"Vivian said

"....it's about my husband"Edna said

"I knew it"Lucy thought

"what about him?"Vivian said

"....it's....it's about our sex life"Edna said while blushing

"oh,is it still about you running away?" Vivian said

"well no"Edna said

"really"Vivian said

"the thing is....we haven't had sex in two-three weeks now"she said

"wow,that is worrisome"Vivian said

"it is?"Edna said

"yeah, approximately,a couple of a year plus should be having sex 2-3 times per week"Vivian said

"really?"Edna said

"mm-hmm"Vivian said

"but have you actually initiated the topic before?"Lucy said

"....no"Edna said

"wow,I really thought you could put this hot body of yours into good use"Lucy said

"I mean,maybe he wants you to make the first move"she said

"really?"Edna said

"well,I guess it'll be embarrassing"

Lucy said

"if only we had someone who's experienced in this kind of stuff"she said then looked at Vivian

"what is it?"Vivian said

"don't pretend like you don't know what we're talking about"Lucy said

"tell us how you got your man to eat you up"she said

"for heavens sake,don't put it like that" Vivian mumbled

"ahem....well if you must know"she said

"we don't just have plain sex, actually,we spice things up a bit"she said

"like how?"Lucy said

"like using toys and accessories,then after that we could go shower together and help each other wash up,if you know what I mean,role playing is also included and then if you like,you could just do it as a surprise and...."Vivian said

"w..wait that's too much"Edna said

"woah, you're more horny than you look"

Lucy said

"well,I'm not too blame"Vivian said

"but have you done any of that to improve your sex life"she said

"no,not at all"Edna said

"....okay,what about when it comes to positioning,which positions have you tried out?"Vivian said

"...well,we've done...umm... missionary and doggy I think"Edna said

"....wow, you suck at this"Vivian said

"I'm sorry"Edna said

"speaking of suck"Vivian said

"have you given him head yet?"she said

"....n..no"Edna said

"that's it,I can't do this anymore"Vivian said

"aw come on"Lucy said

"she's a lost cause"Vivian said

"I'm sorry"Edna said

"wait a minute,could that be the reason?"Lucy said

"what is?"Vivian said

"....maybe you aren't satisfying him enough in bed,so he's giving up on you and went ahead to look for people who can"Lucy said

"h..huh?"Edna said

"shut it,what are you tryna say?"Vivian said

"just think about it"Lucy said

"n..no, he'll never do that,he promised never to cheat on him a..and he...."Edna said

"girl, forget about promises, that's exactly what my boyfriend said and yet I caught him red handed having a threesome"Lucy said

"you don't have to tell us that" Vivian said

"hey!"Lucy said

"*sigh*I'm just saying you should try to meet up to his needs on the bed"she said

"okay?"she said

"okay"Edna said

they chatted for a while then took their leave

"we'll be on our way now"Vivian said

"byebye"Lucy said then they left

"....whoo...if that's what it takes,I'm gonna do it"Edna said

"....but how am I gonna bring it up....no, don't back down now"she thought

she thought for a while sitting on the couch


"coming"Edna said then went to open the door

"I'm home"Bruce said and kissed her

"....welcome back"she said

"whoo,my whole body aches"he said while removing his suit

"looks like work's a bit tiresome these days"she said

"yep"he said

"I'm gonna go shower"he said

"....kay"she said while carrying his clothes

*shaaaaaaa*the water poured down

"....okay, now's my chance"she thought as she rested on the bed

"but....what exactly can I do for him right now?"she thought

"*sigh*it's hopeless.....I'm a terrible person"she thought

"....he did say his body's aching him,maybe I could give him a massage"

she thought

"alright I'm gonna ask him"she thought

"what are you thinking of?"he said

as he came out of the bathroom then went to wear a jean knicker

"oh....umm"she said

"it's...just that I was thinking of giving you a massage since you said your body's aching and all"she said

"....oh,thanks, that'll help a lot"he said then sat on a stool

"go ahead"he said

"okay"she said and started massaging his back

"....haa,...yeah, you're really good with your hand"he said

"thanks"she said

"mm....yeah,that spot right there"he said

"....I'm giving him a massage but how's that supposed to get him turned on?" she thought

"you like it?"she said

"yeah"he said

"....you could lay on the bed for a proper one"she said

"okay"he said then laid flat on the bed while she sat on top of him and continued to massage

"haa....this feels great"he said

"kinda too good actually"he thought as he got excited

"...could you turn around?"she said

"sure"he said then turned

"....he's hard"she thought while blushing

"good job me"she thought while smiling

"but I still have to initiate it"she thought

"I have to kiss him,...it's not that hard,I mean we do it all the time"she thought

"is everything alright?"he said while sitting upright

"yeah"she said then looked at him

*chuu*she pecked his mouth then looked at him

"....she just kissed me,....that means she's asking me to fuck her right?"he thought while staring at her then saw as she kissed him again

"shit,this is too much for me"he thought then leaned in deeper

"mm...mmm....haaa"she said

"...mm....haa....mmmm"she said

"I want to fuck her,I want to fuck her,I want to fuck her!"he thought then remembered what his doctor said

"Erectile Dysfunction...."Doctor Stewart echoed in his head

"noooo"he thought

"*sigh*...this is the worst"he said out loud

"....huh?"she said

"huh?"he said

"oh..I..I'm sorry"she said then got off from him

"ah,I didn't mean it like that,I just thought of something"he said

"you don't have to apologize"she said

"I am the worst"she mumbled

"I'm kinda tired,so I'll go ahead and sleep" she said then covered herself in the sheets

"no I..."he said

"idiot,idiot,idiot,idiot"he thought

"my wife's being all cute and considerate and she even wants to have sex with me, but yet the best thing you could say was "this is the worst", fuuck!"

he thought

"I'm the worst"he thought

"*sigh*....hey Edna,are you asleep"he said but she didn't answer

"I'm really sorry,I wasn't referring to you when I said that"he said

"please don't be mad"he said

"I'm not"she thought

"I'm more of embarrassed"she thought while blushing hard

"I'm so stupid"he thought as he laid down

it was morning and Edna woke up first so she decided to make breakfast

"uuuuugh"Bruce said as he came down from the bed

"I couldn't sleep well"he thought as he was going to the bathroom

he showered then headed downstairs and saw Edna arranging his food

"....morning"he said

"...good morning"she said

"your food's all set"she said

"oh thanks"he said while carrying it

"bye"she said

"see you"he said

"haaaa,I'm the worst"Bruce said

"why's that?"Donald said

"haaaa, you won't understand"Bruce said

"okay"Donald said

"....but since you're asking, might as well just tell you"Bruce said

"you know my doctor told me to give sex a break for a while"he said

"yeah"Donald said

"well,that's what I was doing so Edna made the first move...."Bruce said

"told you"Donald said

"and at that time I wanted to have sex with her so bad but I remembered what Doctor Stewart said...."he said

"go on"Donald said

"that's when I said"this is the worst" Bruce said

"and she misinterpreted it as what she was doing was the worst"he said

"wow"Donald said

"I know,I know,I'm the worst"Bruce said

"you are"Donald said

"....I know, then I apologized but I don't think she's forgiven me yet although she's talking to me fine"Bruce said

"she's definitely not forgiven you yet" Donald said

"could you try to be encouraging"Bruce


"I'll still have to apologize"he said

"....good luck with that"Donald said

"how many more days is it gonna take for your dong to heal?"he said

"I'm in the third week already"Bruce said

"that was fast"Donald said

"I just can't wait for it to be over"Bruce said

"so you could have sex?"Donald said

"well,yeah"Bruce said

he did some work then he decided to head home


"bet she doesn't want to look at me"he thought then saw as she opened the door

"w..welcome back...s..sweetheart"she said

"I said it"she thought

*thud*his bag fell on the floor

".....haa"he said while bending down and hugging her tightly

"I'm sorry"he said

"....for what?"she said

"I'm sorry....that I said "this is the worst" he said

"oh...you don't have to...."she said

"you keep saying that, but you're actually mad at me"he said

"....no I'm not"she said

"I was just really embarrassed,that's all"

she said

"really?"he said while looking up

"yes"she said

"we're you thinking about that all day?"

she said

"....yes"he said

"....hehe, how cute"she said while patting his head then saw him blushing

"....oh"she thought

"you should go undress"she said

"okay"he said and went upstairs