Chapter 14

"Attack on the border! Everyone to the shelter! Warriors defend their own!"

Someone shouted and chaos began. Women called out to their children, running to hide in the shelter. Some of the warriors turned into wolves and ran into the forest, and some stayed near the building, making sure everyone hid.

Suddenly, several fierce-looking wolves emerged from behind the trees grinning teeth and growling menacingly. They attacked the nearest warriors and the fight began.

I saw how Anie transformed and attacked. She was very fast and agile.

And me? What was I doing? I was standing behind one of the trees, terrified to move an inch, watching everything from hiding. Fortunately, ours were well trained and they were starting win.


Suddenly I heard the terrified voice of a child, which belonged to none other than Anie's son. He was sitting few meters away from me, terrified, covering himself with his hands.

Unfortunately, his scream was heard by one of the attackers who rushed towards him. Terrified, I grabbed the baseball bat lying next to me and ran to the crying child as quickly as I could. The wolf jumped at him, but I swung and punched the bastard in the ribs with all my strength, making him fall to the side.

I quickly grabbed the boy's hand and started running towards the building. I did't do much harm to the attacker and he was quickly back on his feet. Enraged, he followed us.

When I turned around, I saw him trying to attack Kylen with his paw, so I quickly pulled him towards me. I grabbed him in my arms and leaned to the side to avoid the attack.

However, sharp claws ran across my ribs before we fell to the side. I moaned loudly as I hugged the terrified boy, trying to protect him from the attack. The wolf attacked us again, but this time he was attacked from the side by two of our warriors and quickly lost his life.

Shaking and hugging Kylen, I watched one of the wolves turn back into Annie and run towards us. Everything must have ended because only the screams of the warriors could be heard.

"Kate! Please hold on! We'll take you to the hospital soon!'

Anie called, carefully taking her son from my arms and hugging him tightly to her.

"Alpha will be here soon! Please hold on!" She held my hand tightly.

A loud howl could be heard in the distance. With my head on the ground, I could hear the running paws of our warriors. I started to feel cold and my eyesight was getting worse. Roaring furiously, Alpha transformed and carefully lifted me into his arms.

I winced in pain, moaning softly, but his closeness strangely made it not hurt so much anymore.

"Kate! Honey! I'm already here! Everything will be fine! The doctor will help you soon!" A nervous Demian explained to me as he carried me to the clinic.

"Conor! Quick!" He growled loudly, placing me carefully on the bed. I started to feel sleepy and my eyes slowly started to close.

 "Kate! Help her!" He shouted in anger as he saw me drifting away.

"Calm down Alfa, I'll take care of everything" The doctor replied firmly, revealing my wound. And it was probably a bad idea to do it in front of a partner.

As soon as Demian saw three long wounds caused by someone's claws, he roared so loudly that the windows shook. He started changing and shouting that he will kill the son of a bitch who did this. Derick rushed in with Zein and several other warriors. Together, they stopped the furious Alpha from destroying the entire room.

"Get him out of here! Let him come back when he calms down!" Konor shouted, waving his hand at them to hurry up.

"Calm down Kate, I'll take care of everything" He said to me in a gentle voice and that was the last thing I remember. Then darkness enveloped me. 

For some time I was very, very cold. While I was in the dark, shivering from the cold, I noticed a small, brightly glowing ball appear. She slowly moved closer to me and when she touched my chest she lit up my body and I felt incredibly pleasant warmth.

In this darkness and silence, sometimes I heard someone calling me. Some familiar voice. I tried to say something but I couldn't. Over time, the voice became louder and clearer until I finally remembered who it belonged to.

To my beloved madman who wanted to chase me around the bed. To my horny partner who wanted to make love to me at every step. To my grumpy Alpha who huffed angrily at me when I upset him. My Demian….

I tried to open my extremely heavy eyelids. Nothing. I groaned and irritated, tried again.

"Conor! Come here quickly! I think she's waking up!"

A familiar voice called, although I thought it sounded weak and tired? When I opened my eyes, I tried to blink to improve my vision. A moment of blinking later, I finally noticed the doctor checking something next to me. On the other side sat a bearded man who looked a bit like an Alpha. 

Damn, at a moment like this I should be moved, happy or something, but not me. I always have to come up with something stupid, unfortunately. His appearance and expression was so…. I burst out laughing and quickly regretted it, clutching my painful side.

"Ow ow ow…"

Demian quickly stood up, not knowing what to do. "Man, did you see yourself in the mirror?" I asked in a weak voice. "Just because I've been away for a while doesn't mean you have to forget what a bath is"

"Kate…. How do you feel? Does it hurt somewhere? Do you need anything?" He started asking with concern in his voice.

"Fine, yes and yes. Now you will go to your room, take a bath, clean yourself up and come back here with something light to eat. "Of you go" I waved my hand at him.

Demian didn't know what to do. Listen? Stay?

"Go and come back with something to eat. I'm hungry and I want to see my super handsome Alpha, not some beggar." I smiled at him, showing him that everything was fine. He got up and left without saying anything.

"So how long was I gone?" I asked, looking at the ceiling.

"5 days"

"I see he didn't take it very well."

"Oh well. This is how partners behave when the other is injured. I'm not surprised at all. Especially since you two recently bonded together."

"Did he sleep at all? Has he eaten anything?"

"Not being here, and he was practically all the time"

"Haaa, what about my wound?" I glanced at covered side with a blanket.

"Much better. Even though you are human, your wound heals very quickly. Possibly because of your bond. Unfortunately, there will be scars."

"Unfortunately? Why? It's my medal that I survived and saved an innocent creature from our pack. I will wear it proudly" I smiled to myself.

Doc looked at me, surprised by my words. After a moment he laughed and shook his head.

"I didn't expect this. You are truly made for our Alpha. In fact, as soon as you recover after so many days of sleeping, you can slowly get back to life."

I nodded, closing my eyes. I felt tired from all the sleeping. Strange, right? Well, apparently that's how it is. When I opened my eyes again, a certain handsome guy was sitting staring at me with a concerned look.

"Hey, handsome." I extended my hand to him, which he immediately took in his and kissed it tenderly.

"How do you feel?"

"Tired. So what about my food? Are you trying to starve me here or what? Haven't I earned it?"

He quickly pulled out a tray of food and placed it in front of me. I took the first bite into my mouth and slowly chewed while serving the next one to Demian.

"Eat with me. Food always tastes better with you" He didn't protest. He ate with me until there was nothing left.

"That was good" I patted my stomach. "And now I want to rest cuddled up to my partner" I stretched my arms towards him, expecting a hug. He got up and walked over to the other side so as not to touch the wound. He climbed onto the extremely tight bed and I snuggled into him tenderly.

"I missed it. Relax with me. Do you want me to start worrying about you despite my wounds?" I purred, staring into his sad eyes. "Demian" I placed my hand on his cheek. "It's okay, I'm okay. It ended this way and we have to live with it now. I hope no one died..."

 "No... Everyone survived. There were a few injured people, but they're out of it now." He replied in a quiet, tired voice. I saw that it was barely holding on so I didn't drag it any longer. "Close your eyes, honey…. Rest… And when you wake up, I will still be with you, forever"

I was stroking gently his cheek and after a while I heard his breathing slowed down. I asked the doctor to let him rest.

For the rest of the day, no one entered my room. The night passed peacefully. At least that's what I think, because I fell asleep on my own and slept soundly. I woke up in the morning in the same position I fell asleep in. Embraced by my man.

I smiled at him and kissed him on the lips. He purred and stretched slightly, and when he saw me next to him, he smiled so divinely that my heart almost jumped out of my chest.

"Mr. Alfa, such a sight and a heart attack is there" I joked and received a juicy kiss and a purr from his chest that sent shivers down my body.