Gregor's words hung in the air, heavy and unsettling. My stomach twisted into a knot as his beady eyes lingered on me a little too long. I took a small step back instinctively, trying to make myself invisible, but in a room like this, there was no place to hide.

"What do you mean by that?" Alex asked, his tone cold and dangerous. He didn't move, but there was an edge in his voice that made me glance at him.

Gregor smiled, leaning forward in his creaky chair, the sound grating on my nerves. "It's simple, really. You want something from me, I want something in return. Fair trade, right?"

Alex's jaw tightened. "I don't deal in vague offers. Say what you want."

"Oh, I'll be very clear," Gregor said, his gaze sliding back to me. "Her. I want her."

My heart stopped.