
"Ah!! Sofina!!! "

Sofina bit his ear so hard that even she tasted his blood in her mouth.

Hardin Gripped her hand tight , making sure it hurts her.

"Ah!! " Sofina let out a scream and immediately released his ear.

"Damnit!!" Hardin yelled.

He covered his right ear that Sofina just bite , with his hand then get down from the bed.

Sofina almost immediately started regretting biting his ear.

"I am so dead " She mumbled as she looked at Hardin who was frowning in pain , the blood that was flowing from his ear was now dripping on the floor.

Hardin was confused by the fact that he was feeling pain from his ear and the wound was yet to heal fully , his mind trailed back to the day he first met Sofina , she cut him with a knife and he noticed the wound healed slowly.

Sofina shifted backwards with her butt on the bed when Hardin looked at her Suspiciously.

Hardin remained standing as his eyes watched her Keenly , different thought were running through his mind.

Could it be possible that the reason he feels pain and the reason why his wounds takes time to heal was because Sofina is his bride?!!

If that is the reason then , does that means Sofina can kill him!!!

He looked at her one last time before disappearing.

"Jezz I thought I was gonna die " Sofina mumbled and sighed peacefully.


"Pearl!! "

Pearl stepped out of the Ice cream shop when she heard her name , she turned around to see Max running towards her.

"Oh , Hi Max " She said and smiled shyly when Max walked up to her , he also had a nylon that contains a bowl of ice cream in his hand.

"Hi I can see you also came to get ice cream "

"Yh , my mom and dad aren't around and I happened to be Craving for ice cream so I came to buy on myself " Pearl said.

"In that case if you don't mind let watch a movie together , Sofina texted me and told she wasn't coming home tonight and it would be boring to watch a movie alone "

A tiny blush crept up Pearl's cheek.

"OMG!! He is asking me to watch a movie with him!!! " She screamed inwardly.

"Sure " Pearl answered and he smiled.

"Alright then let go " Max said and lead the way.

They got home after few minutes , the ice cream store wasn't really far from Max and Sofina home so they walked home.

"I will go and get some biscuits from the kitchen you pick the movie you want us to watch "

"Okay " Pearl mumbled and picked up the remote.

Max came back with the biscuits and he dropped it on the table then sat beside her on the couch.

The movie started playing and the two diverted their attention to it.

Few minutes into the movie , Pearl suddenly flushed red when the scene in the movie changed to a erotic one.

"Ahem! excuse me " Max Said and stood up from the couch.

He mistakenly hit his leg with the edge of the couch and fell on Pearl, with his lips on hers!!

Pearl's eyes widen to the size of a watermelon when their lips connected with one another.

She felt lots of butterflies in her tummy!! Pearl was expecting him to quickly get off her but he did the opposite.

He placed his hands on her face and started kissing her , Pearl held the couch tightly , holding her breath as Max kissed her slowly.

She started melting like ice , his lips were soft as she had imagined.

Just when she summoned the courage and wanted to kiss him back , he broke the kiss and get off her.

Pearl bit her lower lip slightly then also stood up from the couch and took her nylon of ice cream.

"Mm it getting late , Goodnight " Pearl said in a hurry and ran out of the house.

Max watched her run away through the window.

< HELL >

Hardin was sitting on his throne looking cold and Furious.

His Chief stood beside him , shivering in fear as they Wonder what made the king angry this time around.

"Chief North is it possible for a immortal like me to die ? "

Chief North is one of the chiefs , he is the second hand man who takes care of hell whenever Hardin is absent.

"No , Lord Hardin you can never die no one can kill you " Chief North answered with his head hang low.

"No one except your Bride Lord Hardin , she is the only one who can take your life " Another chief called , Chief Fire answered.

"My bride ? "

"Yes Lord " chief fire answered.

"You can all leave " Hardin said and they all bowed before stepping out of the throne room.

Hardin remained on his seat looking bothered , the fact that Sofina can kill him is quite disturbing.

"Daughter what are you doing here ? " Chief North asked his daughter , she was standing outside the throne room with a tray of fruits in her hands.

"I heard king Hardin is back and I wanted to pay him a visit " His daughter Amber said and smiled lightly.

"My dear the king is not in a good mood so let him be " Chief North said and Amber grumbled.

Amber is chief North only child ,she is currently in her eighties but she still looked really young and beautiful.

She had been in love with Hardin even since she was little but he never spared her a gaze , she had to work tooth and nail before the Chief agreed to make her Hardin's bride if Hardin gives up on waiting for his Bride , which they had no idea that he has now found.

"Why is he Angry dad ? " Amber asked.

"I don't know but it best to stay away from him when he is like that , come on let go home , I have something to show you " Chief North said and dragged her away with him.


"Does it hurts ? " Lucia , Cole's mom asked and Cole glared at her.

Cole was rushed into the hospital yesterday morning , his mom came home after her night shift and she meet him unconscious in his own pool of blood.

She called 911 and he was taken to the hospital immediately , he had been unconscious since yesterday and had only regained consciousness this morning.

"No it doesn't , infact I am not in pain " Cole answered Sarcastically.

"I am sorry " Lucia apologized and he rolled his eyes.

"Don't ask me silly questions again , this wouldn't have happened to me if you were at home , you would have at least protected me!! This is partially your fault!!! " Cole yelled angrily and his mom sniffed sadly.

"I am sorry "

"F**king stop it!!! Stop saying sorry!!! It changes nothing!! You are the worst mother ever , not only can you not provide enough money to take care of me you can't also protect me your only child!! " Cole yelled.

Tears flowed out of Lucia's eyes as her son insulted her , Heaven knew how hard she was trying her best to take care of both her and Cole.

She even does different jobs that were meant for men just cause of him but Cole never appreciated her , he had always hated her and blamed her for giving birth to him prematurely.

He once said it was her fault that his dad left them.


"I don't want to hear your voice it irritates me now get out "

"Cole I...."

"I asked you to get out what are you still waiting for ?! " Cole yelled.

"Take care of yourself I will come back and check on you " Lucia said and picked up her old worn out handbag.

"It would be nice if you don't " Cole mumbled and she stepped out.

"Finally " He said and raised his hand up but immediately regretted it.

"Ouch!! " He screamed and gently dropped his hand , all his body was in pains.

"I have to find the bastard who did this to me and make him pay " His hands balled to a tight fist as he remembered how he was almost tortured to death.


Sofina was wandering around when she found a beautiful garden in the clan.

"Wow , who knew the devil also likes flowers ? " Sofina said and touched one of the sunflower that looked really beautiful.

"Hey! What are you doing here ?! "

Sofina turned around only to see a girl around her age , glaring hard at her.

"This is my Garden , who gave you the permission to come here?! " The girl yelled.

"No one I saw the flowers and thought of admiring them " Sofina mumbled.

"Well they are mine now get lost! " The girl shouted.

"I just came over to admire them , there is no need to snap at me like that " Sofina said and the girl scoffed.

"I will snap at you and I don't care if you like it or not, Crush snatcher!! " The girl snapped again and Sofina frowned.

"Crush snatcher? " She asked.

"Yes you literally stole Viper from me"

Sofina frowned as she tried to recall who viper was , her eyes lit up when she remembered him.

"And who told you I liked him ? " Sofina asked and the girl angry expression died down a little.

"You don't ? " She asked.

"Of course not , how would I like a guy I barely know ? Girl you are weird " Sofina mumbled and planned to walk away but , Chole held her hand.

" I am so Sorry for accusing you wrongly , I am Chole by the way " chole said and offered Sofina a handshake.

"Sofina , my name is Sofina " Sofina said and accepted her handshake.

"So are we cool ? " Chole asked.

"Yeah , I don't like to hold grudges " Sofina said and chole smiled.


Owen stepped inside with his Female manager beside him.

"Welcome home sir , your parents have been expecting you " A Maid said to Owen and bowed down.

"Where are they ? " Owen asked.

"They are in the dining room " The maid answered and Owen waved at her to get going.

"We will discuss about the Project later , you can head home and rest "

"Alright sir , Goodbye " The manager said and bowed before leaving.

Owen walked into the dining room he met his dad and mom sitting in the dining room.

"Hi mom , hi dad " He said and took his seat.

"How was work today ? " His mom asked.

"Good , the maid said you were waiting for me , why ? " He asked.

"We want you to meet your wife " His dad answered and he chuckled.

"Wife ? What wife ? "

The dinning room door opened and Penny stepped in with her mom and dad , she was putting on a expensive black dress with heavy make up.

"Good afternoon mom and Dad " She greeted Owen's parents.

Owen scoffed upon hearing her call his parents , mom and dad.

"Mr Wilson long time no see " Mr Dixon said and shook hand with Owen's dad then they all settled down.

"Owen say Hello to your wife " His mom said .

Owen stood up from the chair and tucked one of his hand in his pants Pocket then strode to where Penny was sitting.

Everyone watched him confusedly as he picked up the warm bowl of soup that was Infront of penny.

"Slut " He mumbled and started emptying the bowl of soup on Penny's head.....