the first person she killed

"SHE HAS BEEN WEARING A WIG THE OWN TIME!!!! " One of the students yelled and the whole Cafeteria was filled with laughter....

Sofina was still in shock, she had no idea that Cindy was wearing a wig it looked just like a real hair and it was hard to detect that it actually a wig.

She felt bad , for pulling it off and immediately wanted to apologize but Cindy's next word made her blood boil.

"I will make sure you forever regret doing what you just did, you poor mouse!!! Mark my words " Cindy yelled and all the students stopped laughing but some were still mumbling and taking pictures of her almost bald head .

"Can't believe I almost apologized to a spoilt brat like you " Sofina said and threw her wig at her then storm out of the cafeteria.

Cindy's hands were balled to a fist , she was even gritting teeth angrily.

She also left the Cafeteria not caring to pick up her wig , penny picked up the wig and ran after her, shouting her name.

Meanwhile Sofina was heading out of the school when Owen bumped into her, actually someone posted the video of her and Cindy on the internet and Owen came right away to look for her, he was worried about her.

"Are you okay ? " Owen asked and held her hands.

"Don't touch me you are all the same , you are no different from them , you guys think you are better than us cause your parents are rich!!! " Sofina shouted and yanked his hand off her.

"Sofina please clam down, I am not like that " Owen said and made to touch her but she harshly slapped his hand away , before it could make contact with her hand.

"Please Stay away from me " she muttered and walked past him, Owen sighed as he watched her stopped a taxi and got into it.

Sofina broke down in the Taxi , she knew Owen didn't deserve to be treated the way she treated him , he was just trying to help her but she is just to overwhelmed and wants to be alone.

First her boyfriend that she loved with her whole heart turned out to be a scumbag , Hardin took her Virginity Forceful and now penny that she thought was her friend turned out to be a Snake.

"Is everything alright ? You haven't told me your destination yet " The taxi man asked and Sofina slowly raised up her head to look at him.

The taxi driver was an old man around the age of sixty, he had old wrinkles all over his face even his hands.

"I am fine, drop me at the nearest bar "

"Oh my , A beautiful young lady like shouldn't turn to a drunkard , I know you are not Fine , I know a place that is much better than a bar how about we go there , okay ? " The old man asked.

He didn't look harmful at all , he is just a old man and Sofina for some reasons felt safe with him.

"Alright " She said and the man smiled.

"We will get there soon " The old man said then focused on driving.

True to his words he pulled over after few minutes.

"This is the place young lady " The old man said and stepped out of car , Sofina also stepped out , she went to stand beside him.

Her mouth part apart when she saw where the old man had brought her.

Infront of them was a River Flourishing with clean water, the place was so quiet and Sofina loved it , the breeze was quite gentle.

"Isn't it beautiful ? I use to come here whenever I am sad and want to be alone, So next time that you feel like crying come here instead of going to the bar " The old man said and Sofina diverted her eyes and Attention to him.

"It is and I will surely come here whenever I am down " Sofina said and the man smiled.

"I don't know what you going through but I hope you pass through it my dear, I myself is also going through a difficult time my Granddaughter Flora , is currently laying in the hospital cause she is sick I became a taxi Driver so I would be able to pay for her medical bills "

Sofina didn't know why the old man that she just met felt like a grandpa that she never had, Tears rolled down her cheek upon hearing his words.

"Don't cry because of me , I am working really hard and I will be able to pay for her surgery fee very soon , see she is getting much better now " The old man said and brought out his wallet that had his granddaughter in it , Sofina collected it and smiled when she saw the girl.

"She is beautiful, can I call you grandpa ? " Sofina said and the old man smiled.

"Yes my dear " The old man said and opened his arm , Sofina sniffed before hugging him.

The two strangers who were just meeting each other for the first time embraced each other like they had known themselves for years.

They were still in each other arms when a loud sound of gunshot was heard.

The two immediately broke the hug due to the loud sound of gunshot , both Sofina's and the old Man eyes widen as they were surrounded with men who were aiming their guns at them .

"Hey cutie , remember me " Stephen said as he stepped out from the car .


The thick smell of blood was smelling everywhere , countless of dead bodies also layed on the floor.

A man who was badly injured was kneeling on the floor with his wife beside him pleading for their life's.

"Lord Hardin please forgive us we will never steal from you again please you killed all my Clan members already just let me and my wife live please "

The man who was begging for his life is also a Mafia lord called Carl , he and Hardin did a business together months ago and he took all the goods and money thinking that he couldn't be found by Hardin.

But he was wrong cause Hardin found him and decided to surprise his clan.

"You can't make a deal with the devil twice , Poison and Sasha l give your gun to the two of them " Hardin ordered his clan members.

Sasha gave her gun to the wife while , Poison gave his gun to Carl.

Carl tried to act smart by shooting Hardin , only if he had known that Hardin saw it coming already and he snapped his fingers.

As if possessed both Carl and his wife aimed the guns at each other and shoot themselves, they fell dead at The spot.

"That enough fun for the day let head back home " Hardin said and the Trainees bowed then followed behind him.


Hardin walked into the computer lab looking gloomy and upset.

He and the other members arrived minutes ago , he went straight to his room to take a shower cause he was covered with blood of those that he killed.

He met sky waiting in his room when he stepped out of the bathroom and he told him that they received a disturbing message from bloody sinners ( Stephen's clan ).

"What is this message about ? " Hardin asked Black sheep , the moment he stepped into the computer lab.

Black sheep is the number he is the best hacker in the clan, the only hacker that is a little bit close to Hardin, people call him black for short.

"Sir it a message from the bloody sinners " Black Said and Hardin looked at the Black's Computer.


A picture of unconscious Sofina was attached to the message.

All the clan members in the Lab including Black , shivered fearfully the aura oozing from Hardin's body now was a dangerous one , his eyes were red and he looked really pissed off.

" Location ? " He asked.

"I am sorry Lord Hardin but I can't track the location they seem to be using a dark web "

Black was expecting Hardin to yell at him for being useless but he just left the Computer lab with a killer look on his face.

" Thanks God , I thought I was going to die " Black said and let out a sigh of relief.

Sasha and poison walked into the computer lab , and Sasha immediately rushed to Black side.

"Did someone hack into our system ? "Sasha asked.

" No " Black answered a picked up a sweet from his table , tore it open and toss it into his mouth.

"Then why did the lord looked angry ? " Sasha asked and sat on Black's lap.

"Master Stephen from the bloody sinners abducted the Lord's girl " Black answered.

"The lord is sure going to end him " Sasha mumbled and shook her head sideways.

"How is my baby doing ? " Black asked and pecked Sasha on the lips.

"I am fine , just that I missed those lips of yours " Sasha said then claimed his lips , kissing him without minding the fact that there are other people in the computer Lab.

Poison had a unreadable expression on his face as he watched them.

< HELL >

Raven was walking around the palace when Amber ran towards him.

"Miliady are you alright ? " Raven asked.

"Yeah , I have a little problem in my room and I was wondering if you could help me "

"I am on duty n...."

"Please raven it won't take much of your time I promise " Amber said and pouted her lips.

"Okay " Raven said and Amber smiled then drag him with her to her room.

Raven stepped in first looking around , wondering what Amber wanted him to fix , Amber Quietly locked the door , then hide the keys.

"Milady what seems to be the Problem ? " Raven asked and Amber smiled sheepishly before she started to Undo her robe.

Raven immediately turned around and closed his eyes.

"Milady what are you doing ?! "

"Stop pretending I know you like me " Amber said and Raven's eyes widen as he Wondered how she found out.

"Mm I don't know what you are talking about " Raven denied it and she chuckled.

"Raven there is no need to pretend , turn around and look at me " She said.

"I am sorry milady but I can't do that "

"Raven it an order and not a request now turn around and look at me "she said and this time around Raven turned around but didn't open his eyes.

She walked closer to him , picked up his left hand and placed it on her now naked b**bs.

Raven wasn't a naive idiot , even with his eyes closed he knew what he was touching.

"Raven open your eyes " Amber said and he slowly opened his eyes.

He swallowed a invisible lump down his throat as he looked at Naked Amber , she was just simply beautiful!!

His eyes roamed around her body , Amber smiled when she saw that her plan was working.

"Raven I am all yours to f**k right now if you take me to the portal room "

There was a portal where they have to go through to be able to go earth , Hardin doesn't go through it cause he is their king and he has his power , but the rest have to go through it if they want to go to earth.

The portal was in the palace but the place it kept is strictly guarded by guards , if she wants to go through it without her dad help, she would need Raven's help.

"Milady I can't....." Raven's words got stuck in his throat causes Amber kissed him.

She broke the kiss then lay on the bed with her legs wide open , she put two of her fingers into her mouth , soaking it with her saliva then she removed it from her mouth and stick it into her p**sy.

"Ah..ouch!! "

"Mmm.. "

She began moaning as she fingered herself , Raven was getting turned on and couldn't resist such a beautiful thing.

He started taking off his robe and Amber smiled seeing that her plan was working , she took out her fingers from her p**sy and licked her per cum off her fingers.

Raven climbed on top of her.

"Milady I won't get into trouble right ? " Raven asked.

"I assure you Raven , now give me the f**k of my life " Amber said and Raven stroke his d**k with his hand before sliding into her.

"Ah! " Amber moaned when he filled her whole with his d**k.

Raven was a little taken back by the fact that she wasn't a virgin, her p**sy wasn't even tight at all!! , being one of the chiefs daughter she was supposed to still be a virgin.

"Milady you are not a virgin ? " He asked and Amber rolled her eyes.

"Lost it years ago now start drilling my hole, can't you see I am so wet "

Raven wanted to say something but decided to shut up and he started thrusting into her , he was planning to go easy on her thinking she was virgin but since she wasn't he plough in and out of her hard.

Amber mouth wouldn't close for a minute , she kept moaning and asking Raven to f**k her harder.

Raven had to cover her mouth with his hand afraid that someone from outside might hear her , and if he is caught in this ungodly position with her , he will be executed.


Sofina's eyelids opened slowly , stain of tears were on her face.

She immediately sat upright when she remembered how she was abducted, she recalled how Stephen ordered his men to shoot the old man and how she was knocked unconscious.

Lots of tears rolled down her cheek , she wasn't crying cause she was abducted but because the poor old man died a gruesome death.

"The sleeping beauty finally decided to wake up from her beauty nap "

Sofina felt more angry then she already was when she heard Stephen's voice , she failed to notice that he was in the room with her cause she was mourning the old man's death.

"You monster , how could you kill a poor helplessly man ?! " Sofina yelled.

"Cutie the Devil you are living with is more worst than me , now make your choice , become my woman "

"Over my dead body! " Sofina yelled and spat on the floor.

"I gave you a nice offer but you refuse now I will make a mere sex toy , strip and let have fun " He said.

Sofina didn't do as he said and that made him mad.

Stephen climbed on the bed and brutal pinned her down , he kneed on both of her hands making sure she was hurting.

"Ah! " She screamed out in pain.

"Are you f**king deaf?!!! " Stephen asked and slapped her , making her lips bruised.

"I asked nicely now you will see what I can do " Stephen said and started ripping off her blouse.

Sofina blouse was a light one so it tore apart easily.

She wiggled under him as he was cutting through her clothes.

"Juicy " Stephen said and licked his lips , her b**bs could now be seen.

"I will make sure you scream my name to death " He whispered into her ear and started trailing her neck with kisses that made Sofina disgusted.

"Now let get rid of your bra " Stephen said , just then the metal iron door in the room was burst opened.

A furious Hardin stepped dressed in all black looking like the devil he was , something in him was filled with angry when he saw the condition Sofina was.

Stephen immediately got down from the bed and brought out his gun from his pants , aiming it at Hardin.

"Don't you dare come near me , I will pull the trigger if you do "

Stephen was terrified at the moment , he tried to look tough but his hands were shivering.

Hardin ran towards him with inhuman speed , grabbed him by the neck and slammed his head on the wall.

The gun in Stephen hand fell on the floor and blood was rushing out of his head like water.

"I was being nice when I stabbed your hands with a knife the day you molested her , I should have killed you right on the spot " Hardin said and lifted Stephen up easily then threw him across the room.

"Arghhh!!! " Stephen screamed out in pain when he used his back to hit the wall, he heard his spine crack , meaning his spine was now broken.

Hardin walked towards him and stepped on his right hand fingers brutally with his black boot.

The sound of the bones in Stephen finger breaking was clearly heard.

Hardin bent over and lifted Stephen up, his hand was around his neck.

Stephen started struggling trying to get Hardin's hand off his neck with his left hand cause his right hand was now useless.

"Let him go " Hardin frowned when he heard Sofina's word , he let go off Stephen neck and half dead Stephen fell on the floor with a loud Thud.

Hardin turned around to look at Sofina who was walking towards him.

"You want him to live after the shit he did!!! " Hardin yelled.

"Who said I was going to let him live ? " Sofina said and pointed a gun at him , it was the gun that Stephen was holding a while ago.

Hardin didn't notice the gun in her hands at first but now he did.

She aimed the gun at Stephen who was begging her to have mercy , without blinking an eye Sofina shot him twice in the head.

His brain blew out of his head and he dropped dead immediately.

Sofina was staring at his dead body motionlessly when a pair of huge hand covered her eyes.

"Don't look at it , you will have nightmares " She heard Hardin's Voice....