Sometimes, the question may be asked about what life is... if we are all really born equal in everything and also in the eyes of God, well I think yes or no it depends only on your point of view.

Well my name is Kurt.....or used to be, I had a normal lower middle class life, being born into a family with a lot of children makes you not so special, I don't think anyone in my family was special, well they don't matter that much now that I'm dead, I don't see it as a bad thing as if I didn't care about my family when I was alive, but.... we weren't that close.

But enough about them, I had a relatively normal life, I like to think, I finished school, I went to college to study civil engineering, but I had a lot of difficulty getting clients... well... disadvantage of living in the poor part of the city.

I managed to do some projects like small houses, some support pillars for public works... I didn't study so much to do such small things... look on the bright side, I also made a playground for the children in my neighborhood, it was good to see the smile in their eyes.

Well, I lived my life simply, work, eat, house, sleep and I repeat this again. I did this every day of my life, I ended up becoming the old man who throws bread to the birds in the square, yes, the same square with the playground that I designed for the children, it was a beautiful sight I think, I died without getting married or even sleeping with someone, I don't know if it was because of time or lack of effort on my part...whoever can hear me can call me a loser if they want.

I think I can be considered a loser in this case, dying of a heart attack when withdrawing money from an ATM, at least I think some poor guy got my money and not a thief.

Well after I died, I felt like I was floating in a vast immensity. I was never very religious, but I felt like something superior to me was touching me, the sensation of being in a rough and warm palm, feeling your body start to melt in your palm, only to then feel your body disappear and leaving only an essence of what once was, which I can bet would be my soul or something like that.

??- Very, very small, your life faded away, well I won't say it was the most beautiful, nor the most hectic, but rather... more... peaceful, well that's a privilege that few souls have, but you were even more peaceful.

??- When I say that, I'm referring to your karma

Don't ask me how, another scale appeared in front of me, leaning to one side, and on the other side the scale was broken.

??- Look at this, this scale measures what you did good and bad in your life, and there is almost nothing to judge, neither good nor bad, when this happens the side of the scale is empty, the good side is only on this scale because of the park you created in life.


??- Well, there is no lap to judge you correctly... that's why you are going to a new life, well I'm going to roll a lot of things in your new life, but you can stay here by my side while I do that.

I was put on the ground I think, while I feel the entity begin to move away from me, leaving me alone for a long time I think, is there time here?




. Well, when I went to question this, I felt a comforting energy nearby, don't ask me how, but I started to get closer to it, it seemed like I felt very close to it, until I was in front of what I think would be the source of it.

??- Well, child, I'm back, I'll give you the results but... GET AWAY FROM THE SOURCE OF LIFE!!

That was the last thing I heard before being sucked in and losing consciousness, as if I was dying again.