Well, they say that governments know many things that the people shouldn't know, the most famous are the so-called conspiracy theories.

Personally, being a zoologist, I've seen a lot, my specialty is cataloging new species, I've been to many corners around the world, lakes, rivers, deserts and forests, I'm currently An exchange in Africa, cataloging types of ants. Of course, you can ask me if I don't have anything better to do, but someone has to do it, right?

My name is Miguel, I'm 34 years old, and I'm with a team of locals who know the area and who I hired (I was robbed).

*I don't understand how my ancestors dominated some lands in this region, it's all so primitive and hot.....very hot*

We are currently heading deeper into a savannah, there are local reports of ants the size of a cat or even a dog, personally I think this is an exaggeration and local fallacy, however this , It's still my job so even if it's superstition I'll still take a look, it might not be an ant but another type of insect or animal.

Although ..

This still gives me a euphoria, or at least helps to relieve the old lady of vomiting, that this rocking car does, and apparently I'm not the only one here wanting to throw up lunch, my translator It doesn't look very good either, but what can I do?







Finally the car stopped, I looked around and we were still in an area with little vegetation but with some very nice bushes "ask them where they saw those ants" I signaled to the translator, The old man is talking to a young man of no more than 15 years old and the young man points forward making strange gestures.

"He said that they were visiting surrounding these areas, and that they may be in the bushes or they just passed by at that moment."

"These giant ant stories are increasingly looking like hoaxes"

I pull my camera out of the car and start evaluating lenses for one with a sunlight filter.


I notice a large number of carrion birds flying over a large radius around us and several dozen meters ahead, and in the east, a very concentrated group of them I think about 200 meters away.

At that same distance, one could see a large bush and the head of a rhinoceros, although only the upper part of its head appeared, the horn making the species evident ,But the curious thing was the large number of birds surrounding that rhinoceros.

"Mr. Arthur, send the team with me, something is not right there"

"What sir, do you think there's something in those bushes?" asked the old man, adjusting his glasses in confusion.

"to many carrion birds around us, especially there and I'm sure there's a rhinoceros there*

I say taking a large transparent sample jar from inside the car, about the size of an ice cream tub, I would use it to capture one of the ants but I may have to catch A sample of other things

"But sir, isn't it better to keep your distance from an animal of that size? We don't want to make it feel threatened." He looks worriedly at the rest of the team.

Which is understandable, everyone outside us is young and we don't have weapons because the analysis was of a small animal or was supposed to be, and if he needed to run, he probably wouldn't be able to.

"Relax old man, with all those birds, he must be dead or very injured, so there's no problem."

The relief on his face was evident, and soon he spoke in a loud voice to the whole group, who, although fearful, accompanied me on the short walk to that bush. ..





The walk itself was nothing impressive, but some things were caught in my peripheral vision, some anthills, with very large holes.

The more I walked, the more of them appeared, with my camera I started taking some pictures until when we were about 20 meters from the bush, I heard one of the locals talking and gesturing. Very actively he pointed to one of the anthill mouths, where incredibly I saw an image that would remain engraved in my mind until I died.

A glowing purple ant with a spiked exoskeleton and a pair of hooks on its curved back., and the most surprising thing was that his head, despite having the typical ant claws, was shaped like the head of a Hercules beetle.

I was completely paralyzed watching her leave the anthill, and a slightly twisted smile appeared on my face. All the stories told about the region were not a fallacy, but a fact. With a sigh I came out of the initial standstill and opened my jar, very slowly under everyone's gaze as I approached it, several ideas came to my mind.

*Dad, you were wrong. I'm not a spoiled brat who wasted his life watching damn plants and animals. You're the shit. I'll make a unique discovery in the world.*

Guided by the fire of action, I violently passed the jar over the side of the ant, taking it disoriented inside and raising dirt in this action, even faster I closed the lid, I could feel the c the creature moving inside that pot and squeaking

Those present began to applaud him, for them it was a brave action what he did, even because he didn't have the courage to repeat the same thing, the adrenaline of the moment was very useful, otherwise he would have the chance of them being paralyzed watching the Ant the size of a guinea pig walk until it disappears.

And Miguel's happiness at that moment was great, this was his first discovery of a new species, even with years of experience, he never really achieved anything new, someone had always already discovered it., someone had always done it, or invented it, and since childhood this was his dream, his father often belittled him, even when he was older, and this was one of the main points of his country .

*This will change my life forever*

But the sound of branches breaking alerts everyone to look back, and at that exact moment another sound can be heard, like something being broken in half.

If a totally different ant had made Miguel and the others' minds go euphoric, what they saw left them paralyzed at once.

From the direction of the dry bushes, a grotesque being was seen, it had the head of a rhinoceros and between its mouth that was gushing saliva along with blood, one could see the head of a child of no maximum 10 years old, still with a silly smile between hippopotamus teeth, of his little body all that was visible was a rib cage, open with its contents hanging, the creature from the neck down looking like a monkey, with evident muscles and a scarred chest and in his large thin arms but large due to his size of 3.20m, one of the boys in the group was pulled by both hands in two directions different, her face crushed by one of the hands that was between the ground and her when the Titan supported himself, and his legs had a yena leg character.

It was necessary for the creature to release a shrill scream for us to come out of the paralysis, I quickly looked at the bush from where it had come out and noticed the absence of the rhinoceros and several bodies It was necessary for the creature to release a shrill scream for us to come out of the paralysis, I quickly looked at the bush from where it had come out and noticed the absence of the rhinoceros and several bodies, Bodies bodies bodies, about 5 outside the child in the beast's mouth before having Cido crushed for him to scream, being in shock again I hear the others in the group being attacked and my legs , returning to my control even though trembling, and I run towards the car, the weight of the pot with the ant in my hands becomes insignificant in the meantime,


I hear a voice that I clearly know is from my hired translator, probably the creature threw him into the air, around us, from the anthill holes, several of them, in the most diverse sizes,They start to come out from within, shapes, colors, molds and sizes are not lacking in variation.

The car seems further and further away even though I know that two others who are racing with me are still strongly determined to stay alive, and that's it, a group of 7 people reduced to 3.

When we finally get to the car, a younger person with me slips on the floor as we get in. In the distance, we see the big mess approaching in a movement that resembles a monkey.Punch one with dog legs when he was running and I must say it wasn't slow at all, in desperation the car was started and we left the poor guy behind, and the last thing I still remember about that moment, it's the poor guy being thrown up in the air probably 20 to 23 meters, and being caught in the rhino's mouth while being shaken in the air.

{{2 months deposed}}

In my room, with a computer in the middle and centered on the screen, those images disturbed me.

Well, I actually won a prize for the specimen I brought as proof of my story even though no one believed me when I told about the monster. , the scientific community together with me named the species chimera ants, just an ant with a capacity that has not yet been studied for sure

Suddenly, my front door is knocking,



Rubbing my eyes, I get up and go to answer it, being surprised by the sight of a red-haired woman, of average height and probably athletic build, accompanied by a squad behind her.

"You are Miguel, we have matters to discuss and you have no right to refuse, come with me"


I tried hard to bring this chapter to you earlier, I wanted to let you know that I want to try to give a slightly more realistic approach to what this scenario would be like.

It's not a story like the protagonist goes out into the world and does whatever he wants, all the characters outside of him look like NPCs.

So I want to hear your opinion and suggestions.