(For those who were in doubt, Pitou did not cut Logan's limbs in half, She literally ripped the part with the joints off, like someone pulled her leg and shin off up to the knee, Which is exactly what happened, it was ripped off up to the knees, and even the elbows)

*fuck, this girl is crazy*

I think realizing what Pitou did with Logan that she is already bringing the members together again, along with the rest of the X-Men, who are already meeting next to the professor.

"So can I know why this intrusion on my lands?" I ask the question bluntly.

"We see in peace, or almost that, a group of leaders of our race sent us to identify if you and your ..... Species had a capacity for communication" Cyclops spoke, still stunned by the situation.

"Do they know what this means?" Kurt asks, looking at Cyclops with Sweat on the forehead.

Few saw it, and even fewer managed to see the movements, Logan could only notice in an abnormal way the growth of the thighs of the crazy woman next to him, and his instincts vibrating when witnessing it,A huge volume, bulging veins, even the fibers were seen in those thighs,And then a curtain of dust, the girl was standing in the air, with one hand almost touching Kurt's face,And he himself refuses to believe that she jumped at that speed.


The boy didn't even have the reflexes to teleport, he just trembled seeing the hand almost on his face, above the girl, everyone saw a puppet that looked like a ventriloquist of a king, with lines That descended to the girl, and came from the hand of the king

"You're lucky I have control over anything boy, and even more so this ability I'm showing you now, it created this for me. I didn't think I would use it to contain it." I say smiling, with a hint of imprisonment for the very ability she had created for her king.

"and yes, I was born a week ago, I am the king of all chimeras, you can say whatever you want, I've studied everything in the world, including you mutants, this internet thing is really useful"

I say pulling the threads and bringing Pitou to me, making her sit on her knees next to me, even in her evident anger.

"and you calm down, this goes for everyone here, this matter concerns me "

I say, starting to caress Pitou's head, who quickly loses his angry expression and goes into surprise, followed by tranquility and pleasure.Running my hands in a circular motion over the top of her head and ears, I'm pretty sure I can hear a purr.

"One... One week, you've been alive for one week and you learned all this? You are a frightening race," Xavier said speaking to himself in self-conscious thoughts.


10 minutes later


"So you expect me to believe that you can relocate my race to a better region and all without any kind of retaliation And so that we will not have any kind of retaliation"

"Yes, exactly... This organization SHIELD and we, the X-Men, can help you, especially my group, we can accept you even if you are from another race, You, by all indications, have a mutant wall in your composition. We can really give you a good destiny, one where you can govern your race in peace."

"It's an interesting proposal... It really has some benefits, but tell me..... If not even your race was accepted by humans, why would mine be?"I ask the king who was now looking stoically at Xavier who was tense throughout the conversation

This conversation itself wasn't very long, Xavier highlighted the similarities between chimeras and mutants, especially their special abilities, linking a reasoning that they were Getting their space in the world and that the only condition to help them would be to stop killing humans, They could talk to the government to help them move around the world and settle in a better region for their 'kingdom'.

"Think, the attacks on the anthill will stop, will you go to a corner with better availability?" He says with a slight urgency in his voice.

"Sabe , uma parte boa de ser o rei e parte de minha You know, a good part of being king and part of my responsibility is knowing the role of every individual under my command."

"No rare jewel is wasted, each one who was born to serve me, arrived in this world knowing what they would do until they died, and recently a monster became a good pillar for his species and king, Millena come closer."

At that moment, in the view of all the X-Men, a woman in a purple swimsuit and a mouth mask comes out in the middle of the chimeras, she had a very hourglass body, muscles in her thighs very evident, The largest one was no bigger than a beach one but it seemed made for combat.

Seu cabelo curto até o pescoço, liso e bem alinhado, seus olhos de cor dourado eram bastante evidentes ,duas armas sais de batalha em sua cintura firme .

Even without wanting to, she was quite attractive in the eyes of the team, except in the eyes of the professor and Jean, who noticed something wrong with her as she walked to the king's side in a military salute.

(she literally has Millena from Mortal Kombat)

"He called me king?"

"Yes, show your great talent for our future"

Xavier,He had never been so tense until he saw what was happening.

This newly arrived girl took off her mask, revealing a mouth full of teeth, keeping the mask at her waist,She extends her hand forward and a circular energy surges in front of her until she looks at the king.

"What is my destiny, my king?"

"how... What do you mean destiny..

Xavier speaks in a cold sweat

"Take them home Millena, we don't need them, nor their proposals, humanity didn't accept them, they are We don't even need them to move around the world, thanks to you we can go wherever we want"

In front of them, an energy portal opens showing the front of the X-Men mansion, it doesn't take long for students on the other side to notice the portal.

The king moves at breakneck speed behind the group and pushes them inside.

As Logan fell, he saw Pitou waving at him, and Xavier saw Millena giving him a crooked smile.

Right after the portal was closed, all of this was done at an insane speed, not letting the X-Men react.

"We will speed up the plan to evacuate the anthill, Millena, You will take the groups to the previously determined regions of the world I want a group in the woods looking for the vehicle they used to get here, finally I want a small group outside the guard with me for the attack they are about to make, let's go quickly'

When I finish speaking, everyone quickly goes to do what was said, some of those present run into the forest after the jet that is probably invisible,And another runs back to the anthill

"My king, may I know why it's urgent?" Evelyn asks, walking slowly towards me and kneeling down.

"They were the scouts, we will probably suffer a major attack soon, you are one of those who will help me buy time if necessary"

I say starting to walk towards the anthill next to the royal guard, and Evelyn who is blushing due to the sense of usefulness I gave her now.

"Soldier, tell Millena that after the evacuation, she should return to the rear with me to end our retreat, and select a soldier to pilot the ship when they find it."

This leopard chimera runs to inform what was requested

*If I had Millena to take us, it would most likely be that I would have to accept the proposal. but that would be a horrible fate for us, we would probably have the same prejudice they have against mutants And we would be experiments, extinction."

I look at my hand and squeeze the four fingers

"there is no other way than to occupy a space in the world by Showing strength, making them be forced to live with our people even if I have to be a big damn villain to achieve this *

*I don't doubt that they will send the Avengers, I have 2 plans, which will depend on whether or not they will bomb the region, in any case they will be in the air during the initial approach*

We are now at the top of the anthill looking at a tiny speck to the east while a mass evacuation takes place through several portals below.

"We have less time than I thought"I comment, seeing a chimera eagle coming towards me

"Sir, we found the vehicle and have already unlocked it, we have the pilot too"

"Great, send the royal guard to board with the rest of the support team, I'm on my way."

*I wonder, even if chimera ants didn't eat humans, would they accept us....... No,They can't stand knowing that they're not on top, and my job in this life is to show that*