Chapter 18: The plot

Bas was certain that the rest had cheated, somehow. It was the easiest for Goglina, for she had provided the straws. Yet, he was certain that the rest had found a way to pull a fast one on him, too.

He had snuck out, unnoticed because his four co-councilors had created a racket in the dumping site. As far plans go, it was a good one. Goglina pretending to have had a stone fall on her would work to keep the vampire in the town, at least for a while.

Bas was not afraid of the rest. Oh, how he looked forward to eating them all. Making their skin into clothes. Using their hair for pillow stuffing.

The goblin got a dreamy look on his face. It would be worth it to address the giant if the invaders died. Bas just hoped he lived to tell the tale.

He would be hailed as a hero, most definitely. A great liberator! Then, he would kill Goglina and take her place. Gog will side with him, for he was easily influenced. A nice Naga roasted tail would be enough to get the goblin on his side.

Bob and Gaz would be trickier. Bas knew that they wanted the leadership role for themselves. He didn't blame them for that. The title of chieftain came with the extra meat, beer, and women.

Another dreamy look went through Bas's face. Yes, once he became chieftain, he was going to make sure that there were goblin beauties using fans to keep him cool in the summer, and ones who would snuggle with him in the furs come winter.

Bas let out a lecherous giggle, not seeing the rope beneath his feet. The trap sprung, and the goblin ended up hanging upside down from a tree branch. A pain exploding in his legs.

"Help! Somebody!" Bas yelled at the top of his lungs. What if this was a trap set up by nasty adventurers?

They disliked goblins on principle. You are monsters, they would say, as they captured innocent goblins to work in their numerous mines. Only hard work will fix you, they would insist, as they forced goblins to farms. To plow the land all day and all night.

Bas began to wiggle on the rope, trying to get a grip on it, so his claws could cut it. In truth, it would have been a truly hard task to accomplish, indeed. For a goblin's claws were not very sharp, and the rope was thick.

"What do we have here? A stinky goblin," came a booming voice from up above. Suddenly, both Bas and the tree were in the air. The goblin still hung upside down, but now he was face to nose with the giant he had been searching for.

"I came to warn you, brave giant," Bas began, but then the giant let out booming laughter, and shook the tree he was holding. Which ended up with Bas swinging violently in the air.

"The only good goblin is a dead goblin," the giant said, and then placed the tree before his mouth. He opened it, and Bas's life flashed before his eyes.

All those hunts. All those robberies. Was this his punishment? But, had the other goblins not done the same? Why was he the only one getting punished?

Maybe it was because they decided to change, a traitorous voice in his head told him. While you remained greedy and grasping.

The giant began to lower both the tree and the goblin down. The stench of the rotting breath of the giant wafted over Bas, threatening to make him sick to his stomach.

It would be good if he barfed in the giant's mouth. A little revenge before the end.

That has always been your problem, Bas. You never thought that, by getting even, you sometimes stand to lose more. Think, what would the giant do to you if you throw up in his mouth?

The voice was back, Bas blinked. His eyes blazing.

"If you want to tell me something, it better be useful," Bas yelled. The giant stopped and closed his mouth.

"Wait, you talk to yourself?" The giant asked.

"I hear voices in my head, what of it?" Bas snapped at him. He remembered how the human had been brave when it appeared like the old chieftain would eat him. Bas was not going to give up his dignity when a human had not done so.

"I can't eat crazy. What if you are contagious?" The giant threw both the goblin and the tree without a care in the world and went on his way.

Bas screamed when he hit the ground. The tree had fallen on his right leg, crushing it. The goblin whimpered. He had not gotten eaten, but this was worse.

For, now, the goblin was going to die alone. Eaten by some animal that would not bother killing him if he didn't fight back. With such a leg, how was he going to fight back?

Bas the goblin is with a broken leg and in a hostile environment...

Health insurance applied...

Life insurance covers the cost of the rescue and transport...

Retirement funds verified...

Next of kin informed...

Dungeon core Chavu informed...

Sit still, Bas! Help is on the way!>

Bas blinked back tears. He had come to speak to the giant to get it so enraged, it would attack the dungeon core on sight. Yet, the dungeon core had really paid their insurances. Bas even had retirement funds.

He would work, even with just one leg, the goblin decided. No longer will he work for Goglina and the rest. He would rat them out and be the best goblin worker the dungeon core has ever seen!

Bas heard footsteps, and his blood froze in his veins. The last thing the goblin saw before he died was a sharp rock risen high. He never got the chance to change, or even make something of himself. Live a peaceful life, a good life.

For, his next of kin was his sister.
