Chapter 26: A song for Alaric

A month passed, and there was no word from Goglina. The town was complete, so, Chavu loaded up his gnomes on the wagons and prepared to leave. Alaric was coming with them, tired of ruling.

The blonde prince disliked the small, day to day task distributing. His father had people who did the job for him, and he used to have the council of five.

However, it was like a spell had been placed on the remaining three members. Or was it a curse? They asked Alaric about everything, didn't put forward their own ideas. They didn't so much as argue Alaric's propositions.

So, Alaric had decided to make a new council of grasping goblins and leave it in charge. The old council was a part of the new, but it was clear to everyone that the old council played second fiddle.

The prince often asked himself if the three goblins had always been like that. While Goglina had numbered in their ranks, they had been bursting with ideas, yet, nowadays, they came up blank.