Chapter 31: Ride to Gorington

Chavu outfitted twenty gnomes with liquid soap jars and turned to Marcellus.

"Remember, if anyone tries to rough them up..." Chavu began, and Marcellus chuckled.

"I am to rough the scum in return. I know. You repeated it a couple of hundred times, Chavu. We will be back safe and sound before you know it," Marcellus leaned in and pecked Chavu on the cheek. A couple of gnomes clapped, and the rosy tint that the vampire adored seeing on the Naga's face returned.

The gnomes pilled in the wagon, as Marcellus turned around. The driver was looking at the small humanoids with wonder. She was a portly woman with freckles and a heart shaped face. Marcellus saw no danger coming from her.

Chavu sent them off as far as the dungeon grounds would allow them, the wagon moving slowly to allow him to do so. As soon as the dungeon lines appeared, Chavu stopped, a fist on his chest. Right over his heart.