Chapter 64: A change

The water in the wells and the fountains looked cleaner, somehow. People were drinking water like they had never drunk before. It was refreshing, not the somewhat sweet taste that it used to have before.

Covered in gore and mud, the three champions made their way out of the castle and towards the residential area. They garnered some looks from the passersby, but, in general, people were too busy being happy about their new water supply situation.

They found the royal family in the market, just as they had said they will be. Alaric looked bored, ladened with boxes to the ears. Taniel, who was standing next to him, too was used as a pack mule.

Marcellus chuckled at the sight and went to the blonde prince.

"Your rat problem is done with," the vampire told the royals.

Tearie turned to them, and then she gazed at the fountain in the middle of the market.