Chapter 51: Vorrans Attacked On The Nest

Azure's focus shifts, with a mere thought, he zooms in on the scene. Before him unfolds a chaotic battle in the remnants of the third Vorran village—a ruined village that once belonged to Vorrans.

In the dim light of dawn, the scene is grim yet alive with fervor. Azure's eyes narrow as he takes in the sight: Kov, the Vorran chief, leads a force of over a hundred warriors, all braced and ready to attack. They are crouched low, muscles tense, their eyes fixed on the earth below where the enemy lurks—the Grimcrawlers' base, burrowed into the earth beneath the ruins of the third Vorran village.

Kov stands at the front, his silhouette dark against the rising sun. You can even see a miniscule prana pulsing faintly around him, creating an aura of power and calm. He raises his hand, signaling his warriors to hold. The group halts, their breath barely audible as they wait for his command.