Chapter 55: Going To The Heart Of Their Lair

The morning light filters gently through Azure's window, casting a warm glow across his room. He stretches, feeling refreshed, and takes a moment to clear his thoughts. Today, something feels different—a strange anticipation lingers in the air. He sits up, running a hand through his hair, and speaks quietly.

"Nexus, what happened while I was asleep?" he asks, already suspecting some new development.

Nexus's voice answers promptly, a touch of excitement coloring its usually calm tone. "Host, significant progress has occurred. Rion has achieved a breakthrough to a level-1 life form. His prana surged to an unprecedented level in response to a full-scale assault by the Grimcrawlers."

Azure's brows lift in surprise. "A level-1 breakthrough? Impressive." He pauses, considering. "What happened after that?"