The Calm Before The Storm

The next morning, sunlight streamed through the thin curtains, bathing the room in a soft golden glow as the pack stirred awake. The warmth of a new day was a welcome change after their grueling journey.

Sakura opened her eyes to the cheerful melodies of singing birds. Stretching with a loud, satisfying groan, she crawled out of bed, feeling the stiffness in her muscles ease. Her gaze wandered around the room, taking in the chaos that was her pack.

The twins, Alex and Alec, were tangled in a playful wrestling match on one of the beds, their laughter echoing in the small room. Jack sat nearby, his arms crossed, shooting them a sharp glare. "Bloody hell, Will you two ever grow up?" he muttered.

By the window, Michael and Athen stood shoulder to shoulder, their postures relaxed but their focus intense as they examined the terrain outside. They spoke in low voices, strategizing the best route to meet the pilot and ensure a smooth departure.

Sakura's stomach grumbled loudly, cutting through the morning chatter. She rubbed it absently, her thoughts drifting to breakfast. She crinkled her nose at the idea of the raw meat the boys preferred and muttered to herself, "I need some real food. A nice, hot meal for once."

With a determined sigh, she decided it was time to hunt for something more satisfying than the pack's usual meals.

Suddenly, a plan came to mind. She wanted to teach her wolf companions the simple joys of consuming human food, a skill that could prove invaluable when they found themselves in public places. She stretched her arms and said, "Good mornin', me handsome besties. Time for a full Irish breakfast."

The twins glared at her. Alec said, "Random, but thanks for the compliment." Alex said, "You're in an oddly good mood this morning." 

Confused, Jack said, "She's never this cheerful. What's going on?"

Athen rolled his eyes and replied, "It means she wants something from us." 

The boys groaned and whined, recalling when her kind gestures resulted in them carrying all her merchandise from the stores. Sakura twinkled with excitement as she giggled her way to the door. 

Athen was the first to approach the door. "What do you want now?" He whined, hoping to get it over with. 

"We're going to eat breakfast together downstairs," Sakura replied.

"Human food?" Alex asked. 

"Yuck," Alec added. 

Jack offered supportive advice: " Human food would provide us with the extra sugar we need to get through the day." 

Sakura nodded and said, "It's time for a crash course in human dining etiquette. We can't always rely on eatin' raw meat when we're out in public. It's not only inconvenient, but it draws unwanted attention. So, I thought it would be a good idea to familiarize ya with human food and table manners."

Athen smirked and said, "Come on, it's not that bad. It only took me half a year to get used to human food. You all can manage too."

Jack leaned back in his chair, arms crossed, raising an eyebrow. "Alright, then. What was the first human meal you ever had?"

Athen paused, thinking back. "Sakura's mother gave me mochi when I was just a year old. I think that counts."

Michael burst out laughing. "No way! You lucky dog. Only those in the mansion ever got to eat human delicacies. The rest of us had to survive on scraps and whatever we could catch."

Athen shrugged. "Our circumstances were… different. We had to fight for our food. No family, no money. Meanwhile, the people in the cities have never even had to think about hunting for their meals."

Before anyone could respond, Sakura's stomach let out a loud growl. She rubbed it sheepishly. "Sorry, lads, but can we save the heartwarming trip down memory lane for later? I'm starvin'."

Jack chuckled, getting to his feet. "Fair enough. Let's go."

The group shuffled to the door, the twins dragging their feet as they lagged behind. Michael glanced back at them and laughed, shaking his head. "You two are hopeless."

The pack hustled to the dining area on the first floor, where the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and various breakfast items wafted. Sakura spotted a large booth and brought the pack to sit down.

Sakura guided them through the menu. "Start with somethin' simple, like scrambled eggs or toast. And don't forget to order a hot beverage, like coffee or tea."

With Sakura's guidance, they each ordered a T-bone steak meal from the server, who welcomed them warmly to their humble hotel. She wrote everything on a notepad before departing for the kitchen. Sakura had no problem with a cooked steak—it was better than eating it raw on a makeshift plate.

"Are the lot of you ready for this?" Sakura asked.

"Cooked meat is unnatural," Alec muttered, wrinkling his nose.

"We lose most of the nutrients when it's burned on a fire," Alex added.

Jack chuckled, leaning back in his chair. "Need I remind you both that humans have to eat cooked food? Eating raw meat could lead to, you know, potential death."

"Potential death?" Sakura scoffed. "More like an almost guaranteed one. Don't worry—I'll show you how it's really done."

As if on cue, the server arrived, placing a steaming plate in front of each of them. In the center was a perfectly cooked T-bone steak, seared to perfection, with vibrant mixed vegetables and creamy mashed potatoes. Everything was arranged neatly on the platter, the aromas wafting and making Sakura's mouth water.

She grinned as she picked up her knife and fork, ready to dig in. "Now this is what I call a proper meal."

As their food arrived, Sakura began showing the art of slowly using utensils, sipping coffee, and chewing their food. Sakura explained, "It's all about blending in and not drawing attention. Eating in a civilized manner is just one way to do that."

The boys observed and followed Sakura's lead, some more gracefully than others, as they tackled their first human breakfast. Michael and Jack were the best listeners, unlike others who ate like toddlers. The few travelers at the hotel tried not to stare too much, but thankfully, they left in a rush.

As they finished their meal, Sakura could not help but smile. "Not bad for your first time," she commended. "We'll keep practicing, and soon, you'll be able to enjoy human food with no trouble."

The twins stared at the meal with horror, visibly repelled by the steak but surprisingly drawn to the mashed potatoes. They poked at them cautiously before realizing they actually enjoyed the creamy potatoes. Meanwhile, Athen found endless amusement in watching Michael choke down the mixed vegetables, his face scrunching dramatically with each reluctant bite. On the other hand, Jack savored every bite on his plate with such enthusiasm that you'd think it was his last meal. With this group, there was never a dull moment.

Sakura signaled the server to settle the bill before stepping out into the crisp morning air, her new companions close behind. She could not help but smile. Each day, she grew more attached to these quirky yet loyal packmates.

Athen led them down a narrow side street as he gestured toward a small airfield at the edge of town. "The captain's got the plane parked just over there. If we hustle, we can make it in thirty minutes."

The pack nodded in agreement, quickening their steps as they moved through the bustling town. Despite its small size, the streets were alive with energy, the hum of activity underscored by the occasional roar of small private planes taking off or landing nearby. The airplanes were sleek and clearly owned by CEOs, wealthy doctors, or others who could travel swiftly between cities or countries.

When they reached the airfield, the captain was waiting beside his gleaming plane, a well-worn cigar clamped between his teeth. His rugged face split into a bright smile as he spotted them approaching, his posture radiating pride for his aircraft. The good old captain greeted them as they came. "Good day," he drawled through the cigar. "Ready to go?"

Michael stepped forward, nodding. "Yes, we're headed to a fort in New Mexico. Can you take us there?"

The captain squinted at them momentarily before a crooked grin formed beneath his cigar. "Of course. Anything for the missy."

They boarded the private Jet and took seats as the engines roared. Sakura, however, could not hide her unease. As she settled into her seat, she hovered nervously over the table, trembling like a leaf caught in a gust of wind. Her wide, anxious eyes darted around the cabin.

Athen sat beside her, trying to offer comfort. "It's alright, Sakura. We're all here with you."

Meanwhile, Alex and Alec couldn't resist their usual banter.

Alex laughed, "Sakura, you're more scared of flying than you were of that forest."

Alec couldn't resist adding, "Maybe we should get her some doggy treats to calm her down."

The twins suddenly heard the aggressive growls from Athen. They sat quietly, speaking only amongst each other in whispers and giggles. 

The plane's engines roared to life, and the aircraft began its ascent into the sky. Sakura's grip on her seat tightened, and she let out a panicked yelp as the plane's nose tilted upward.

Athen placed a calming hand on her shoulder. "We'll level out soon."

Michael said, "You are the only one here spazzing out. I'm not telling you to calm down, but we gotta find a solution to ease these panic reactions."

Sakura took a deep breath, her trembling gradually ceasing as she realized they were now cruising smoothly in the air.

With the initial fright behind her, Sakura smiled at her companions. "Ya lads are the worst," she teased, though a hint of gratitude shone in her eyes. In the end, their playful teasing had helped distract her from her fear of flying, and she knew she would not have it any other way.

The private Jet cruised through the endless expanse of the sky, and the rest of the pack began to relax and enjoy the flight. The cabin was comfortable and peaceful, with only the faint hum of the plane's engines filling the air.

They peered out the windows, admiring the panoramic view of the world below. Rolling hills and sprawling landscapes passed beneath them.

However, Sakura remained jittery, her anxiety still noticeable. She clung to her seat, her gaze flitting nervously from one window to the other.

Michael started a conversation, leaning forward to address the group. "Alright, we need to plan how to get the information from that facility. We can't just waltz in and ask for confidential details, so we have to be smart about it."

Athen nodded in agreement. "We'll need a plan to infiltrate the base without arousing suspicion."

"It won't be easy," Jack added.

"I heard it's impossible to get over those barb-wired fences without bleeding out to death," Alex said.

Alec nodded. "If we're caught, we need a cover story ready."

Athen spouted out, "No one is getting caught. It's not impossible to sneak past a bunch of overworked guards."

Sakura chuckled, leaning back in her seat. "Oi, who said they're overworked? Most of them sit at desks watchin' tutorial videos on how to do their jobs properly."

Athen raised a skeptical eyebrow. "And how exactly would you know that?"

She shot him a sly grin. "Remember those AA meetings I attended?"

Athen's eyes widened slightly as he glanced out the window at the passing clouds. "Wow. That's messed up… but also makes a lot of sense."

Michael, frowning, turned toward Athen. "Isn't this the same base Lily visited all those years ago? Feels like we're walking straight into a death trap."

Athen smirked, he said, "We won't know until we try."

"We're all gonna die," Jack said. He rubbed his head, feeling intense anxiety before the plane prepared to land.

"No one is dying," Athen argued.

"I don't know, Athen," Michael said. "You were pretty set on leaving me behind in Ireland to die."

Athen glared at him. He replied, "If it meant saving her life, I would sacrifice your life in a heartbeat. Do not tell me you wouldn't do the same."

Michael whispered, "Before that, not so much. Now, yeah I would."

The plane descended gracefully toward the sprawling expanse of Gila National Forest, the lush greenery and rugged terrain stretching out as far as the eye could see. As the aircraft touched down on the airstrip hidden inside the wilderness, the pack prepared for the next mission phase.