Gyapong on a journey

Gyapong's mind raised against time."what should I say, what should I say?" Gyapong asked himself in his mind. A fear grew in Gyapong, his body, almost shaking.

After a minute, "what's the choice, the wisest kid made?" Master Adowa asked Gyapong in a smooth talk. Gyapong didn't really know what to say at that particular time, but out of scare, he let out "I would like to go to school". A smile drew on master Adowa's face. Master Adowa closed his eyes and relaxed in his wooden standing chair. Deep-inside Gyapong, he was both happy and sad, because it has always been his daily dream to make a break-through to join the Sefwi-Bekwai school of magic, mainly to explore the vast world. And leaving his master's side, it was like he just can't. "You're leaving tomorrow, the carriages for transporting food stuffs to Alata will set off tomorrow early in the morning." Master said in a dozen tone. "We will say our last good byes" master Adowa added. "Master, what's the meaning of our last good byes?" Gyapong asked his master. Master Adowa sighed, "when you grow, you will get to understand everything" master Adowa said. "And, when you get to Alata,

master Adowa paused "why am I even talking alot?" master Adowa asked himself.

"Go to my art room, you will see a small map on a circular wooden table, that's the map of half of this world, drew specially for you, go take it."

Master Adowa had explored the world for almost over a hundred years. During his exploration, he drew maps of different hidden and unknown places and treasures in the lower realm. Master Adowa had even gone too far to gather all the superior treasures in the lower realm to avenge the upper realm, but it wasn't successful. "Wish I could pay those old friends a visit in the upper realm with a powerful attack" master Adowa said to himself. He was really eager to be more powerful to the extent that, he and nature will be on the same level, in-terms of strength and control. Master Adowa really didn't know how to pay his visit to his old friends. One day, when he was researching about an ancient room deep underground in the lower realm, he came across a red bow, with small red lightnings striking around it. The aura of the arrow could make Adowa exert out almost all his full power. Though, the bow was small in size but it was powerful enough to push master Adowa to exert out almost all his full power, before being able to catch the peak level weapon into his inner spiritual realm. When master Adowa came out to the surface of the ground, he was surprised with how his body was weak. Being the strongest peak immortal in the upper realm, he thought nothing in the lower realm could harm him.

He continued to draw maps of the world as he explored further. Master Adowa had made an official speech as well as a mission to the people in the lower realm before he started to explore the world. "There's a realm above us, and only powerful creatures exist there. Because of who they are, they respect us for nothing. I heard

rumours when I was there that, they are planning to wage a bloody war on we the people in this world, they call, lower realm. Because we are not powerful enough to own a world.

At the very moment master Adowa said this, a scarry atmosphere fell on the citizens who had gathered at the Nawaa clan to listen to the man who could raise a mountain with just his foot steps. And that's why they took what he told them serious and crucial.

" But don't be enveloped by fear, there's a way to become strong".

Master Adowa had taught and helped lots of people in cultivation to reach a higher level to be on the level of compare between a lower realm beign and an upper realm beign. He also said before one could enter the upper realm, he/she will have to reach an immortal level.

After a hundred years, finally four people had reached the immortal level.

Master Adowa was very happy and satisfied with the news he heard about the success of four people reaching the immortal level.

But Nana betrayed the other immortals and their plan.

Gyapong came out from master Adowa's art room, holding a yellow map in his hands. "Take it with you, it will help you alot" master Adowa said.

"And, the chest I told you never to open it until I tell you to, you can open it and everything in-side belong to you now" master Adowa added. Gyapong opened his mouth, "don't vomit out any questions, swallow them. Go pack your stuffs, get some rest, and prepare for tomorrow's trip".

With hesitation, Gyapong went to his room. A chest wrapped in a red cloth was on his wooden bed. Gyapong looked at the chest for a while, "what is in the chest all the time that it's now that I can open it?" Gyapong asked himself in a whisper. He walked forward to sit on the bed, lyed the map slowly on the bed and turn to take the chest. Gyapong took a long look at the chest before unwrapping the cloth, wrapped around it. The chest was black in colour, with an ancient drawings all around it which Gyapong had never seen before.

"What are the meaning of these?" Gyapong asked himself. "To know more, you have to go beyond your expectations. Master once told me, we live in a vast ocean but know only a drop of it. One has to travel across the world to explore lots of the ocean" he said as he looked up.

"Huhh.!" Gyapong sighed. "Let's first open this chest."

Gyapong opened the chest and to his surprise, it was lots of gold coins he didn't know about, however he would ask about it soon. And a tied paper with a blue cloth. Gyapong took the paper and untied it. The paper opened, it had writings in it. For this writings, Gyapong understood it. It was a letter;

"Am not not really sure, but maybe by the time you read this letter, I would be gone. This world is very vast and you can't stay with me in this Village, while there's much things you can do and find outside and inside this world. Gyapong, Gyapong, Gyapong, am very proud to have you as my student. I would have blamed my self for loosing a precious treasure if I didn't take you at the shore of lake of no life. Now let's get into life. The power you exerted that day at the shore of lake of no life, never utilize it except for only a life and death situation. Take care of yourself the day I would give a map to you, saying it's a map of part of the world. Go to the Sefwi-Bekwai school of magic to enhance and advance your power. And whenever you come across a person who is tough, I will leave a weapon in my room for you.

And remember, you've never entered my room before right?, take this chance to see my room. Gyapong, you have to reach the Grand-master level at all cost. Apace village had never had a citizen to reach the Grand-master level, you have to gain the village a name and glory so we will be respected. Remember, never utilize the power inside you unless for a life and death situation. The weapon in my room is now for you, but you can only use it when fighting a powerful opponent. You have to rely on your-self in the future and trust shouldn't be given out easily. Use your devine sword as your weapon. Don't cry when am gone." From master Adowa.