Gyapong and Yaa on journey 2

After walking for two hours, Yaa sighed, "Gyapong don't you think one of us should carry the other on his back?" Yaa asked Gyapong. "What do you mean by his?" Gyapong asked. " This guy is not a good hearted one" Yaa said to herself. Yaa didn't answer Gyapong's question. After a while, Gyapong asked, "so, why are you going to the Sefwi-Bekwai school of magic?". "Why do you ask?" Yaa threw back a quick question. "It's fine if you won't tell me" Gyapong said as increased his speed of walking. Gyapong walked forward leaving Yaa behind. "Why is he moving fast now?". Yaa runs forward to bracket Gyapong. "Why did you speed up?" Yaa asked Gyapong, but he only gave a reluctant smile.

After four-teen hours, night fell. Gyapong and Yaa already had their small hut built behind a stream in the lonely forest. The hut had only one bed, which rightfully belongs to Yaa. Yaa slept on the bed looking up to Gyapong who was standing also looking down to Yaa. "Aren't you coming to sleep?" Yaa asked Gyapong, "no..., I just don't feel sleepy, I will go out now, you can have a rest don't worry I will protect you" Gyapong said as he turned and walked out from the hut. At first, Yaa did not really care about Gyapong's sayings, until an hour later, after she found it difficult to sleep. Not only that, she also kept thinking of how lonely Gyapong will feel outside in the cold environment. "Let me go and check on Gyapong". Yaa stood up and walked out from the hut. Yaa saw Gyapong on a green grass looking up to the beautiful dark sky. The full moon only made Gyapong feel comfortable outside. Yaa starred at Gyapong for a while before walking to him. "Can I sleep behind you?" Yaa asked Gyapong. Gyapong already heard Yaa's footsteps, "yes". With a smile, Yaa threw herself down to the ground, right behind Gyapong. Now, both Yaa and Gyapong looked up to the beautiful dark sky. Within half an hour, Yaa fell to a deep sleep. "Yaa, I would like to see some of your fighting skills, and I would also show you mine, so let's have a duel?" Gyapong asked turning his head to Yaa. Yaa was already in a deep sleep. Gyapong's eyes set on Yaa's beautiful and charming young face. Gyapong starred at Yaa for sometime, before taking her in his arms and sent her into the hut and slowly placed her on the bed. Suddenly, the pain Gyapong felt in his eyes at the time of his breakthrough, started again. Gyapong stood up, unable to open his closed eyes, only screaming in pain. In Gyapong's inner spiritual realm, a flame was evolving, and boom!, It exploded. A dark and red gas exerted out from Gyapong's eyes, his eyes opened. Gyapong's eyes had turned a gleaming red. 

Master Adowa was there to help Gyapong when his eyes changed to this state, but now who would help him change his eyes back to normal? Gyapong was able to bear the pain now, just like the last time it happened to him. But this time, the point of view was different from the first one.

"So like how the story started, in-front of a house stood a boy sitting on the ground. Standing and sitting can't be possible at the same time. But with this eye, I will call "dimensional eye", it is a possible state to be. This means, there might be creatures who can be in two state, but with just a normal eye, one would only see the normal state" Gyapong said, before he fell down on to the bed behind Yaa. Gyapong's temperature had increased at a high rate, causing him to sweat. Yaa woke up feeling tired, she turned around and saw Gyapong in a deep sleep behind her. Yaa quickly stood up, "he came inside to sleep, Gyapong". Yaa got out and went straight to the stream to take a quick bath. After some minutes, Yaa came back from the river, into to the hut. Yaa looked beautiful and younger than she was. Gyapong was lying on the bed the same way he was when Yaa woke up to see him. Yaa only took a glance at Gyapong and went to pack her belongings for their journey. After packing, when Yaa looked back to Gyapong, she was frightened seeing Gyapong in the same state as he was. Yaa called "Gyapong" in a low tone. Gyapong didn't respond, and looking at the way Gyapong was motionless on the bed, he symbolized a dead person. Yaa quickly run to check Gyapong's temperature, she found out Gyapong's body has caught fire. Yaa almost cried, she checked if Gyapong was breathing, yes he was. That gave her a happy mood. Yaa sat behind Gyapong and casted a spell "healing soul" on Gyapong. 

Healing soul spell is one of the ultimate skill of peak immortal Antibadu in the upper realm. When peak immortal Antibadu was to be defeated, she casted the healing soul spell to heal the other immortals who stood with her to fight the other peak immortals.

Yaa's healing soul spell casted on Gyapong helped Gyapong to heal at a fast rate. After an hour, Yaa setoff the spell, "oh, he would come back to life in no time" Yaa said as she went out to search for fruits and drinkable water.

After Yaa left, Gyapong's eyes opened slowly to the brighting sky. Gyapong slowly stood up to his feet and walked out from the hut. Gyapong went to sleep on the grass and looked up to the sky, just like he has being doing. Yaa returned and saw Gyapong resting on the grass, Yaa herself don't know why, but she was happy to see Gyapong. Gyapong stood up quickly and run back to hut,"where's Yaa?" He asked himself.

 Yaa stood in a nearby bush looking at Gyapong's reactions for not seeing her. Gyapong searched everywhere around just for Yaa, he was worried, looking at his emotions. Gyapong quickly went into the hut, after a moment, he came out with his belongings in a cloth around his neck. Before he could leave, a small size stone from nowhere hit his back. Gyapong turned to look at the direction where the stone came from. Gyapong dropped down his belongings, and asked "who is there?".