The fight

"Yaa you've improved greatly within just four months" the old man said walking forward. Gyapong and Yaa quickly freed themselves and turned to look side ways.

"Yaa you've blossomed to the level, well done" Lucy Asante, one of the children said as she too walked forward.

Yaa's shyness grew at a fast rate. "Yaa, do you know them?" Gyapong asked turning to Yaa. "Yes" Yaa answered softly. She turned to Gyapong with a smile and run to the old man and her four colleagues.

Yaa is an official member of the Omanhene academy. A man dressed in a red robe and black boot with a ponytail black hair tied with a golden band, came to take Yaa back to her hometown, "her mother wanted to see her so badly" the man in red robe said. Yaa agreed to go with him, because Yaa said he was his uncle. Before she left, Yaa promised to climb up to the peak level of the Beginners level.

The four children were two males and two females. They were all well dressed in a good fitting dress.

Yaa swang herself into Lucy Asante's opened hands.

The two males had black, clean and tidy short hair. Afonope and Tawiah is their name. Afonope is taller than Tawiah; both are handsome with charming eyes.

The females are beautiful with black ponytail hair. Adoma Nti and Lucy Asante.

"Yaa, can you tell us who you came with?" Afonope asked in a different voice. "He is,

Yaa turned to look at motionless and speechless Gyapong, "Gyapong, a good friend".

"He has to past my test before he will be given the title, a student of Omanhene academy" the old man announced in his old man voice. Everybody's attention drew onto Gyapong.

"Afonope, have a fight with Gyapong, that's the test and let's all see if he has what is needed to be accepted as a student of Omanhene academy".

Afonope clenched his fist as he walked towards Gyapong.

"I'm Afonope, at Beginners level 9, an aspect in combat and acrobats. My unique self is my jet-black spear that has the abilities of 3 ancient high ranked wild animals, the ancient dragon, the ferocious serpant and the ancient blue peacock. Please I would like to hear about you".

"Master Adowa once told me unique self is your innate power, weapons or abilities that differ you from others and also, make you feel unique and think you're unique forever" Gyapong remembered.

"What, beginners level 9, how am I to compete with him?" Gyapong asked in mind. "Please, Gyapong" Afonope said to Gyapong giving a smile look on his face.

"No matter how strong and powerful your opponent is, always remember you can win" Gyapong muttered before letting out, "I am Gyapong, at Beginners level 7, an aspect in combat. My unique self is my sword, skills and techniques".

The other children, except Yaa laughed. "Gyapong, Beginners level 7, you're the one at the lowest level among us here, but you don't worry, I won't use my jet-black spear and innate power, am just trying to help you win, but if you will win or loose, it depends on how skillful and how well you take the advantage I've given you" Afonope said in a teasing tone. "Hmmm" Gyapong smiled. "Okay, now begin" the old man announced.

"Becareful of this move Gyapong, striding run" when Afonope's mouth ended, he had got very close to Gyapong. "So fast" Gyapong said as he jumped backwards. Afonope missed his punch, quickly, Afonope looked up to Gyapong and saw him almost landing on the ground, with the same skill striding run, Afonope run forward timing the distance from Gyapong's feet to the ground, "hmm" Afonope smiled. As soon as Gyapong landed, a punch was thrown at him. "So fast" Gyapong dodged the punch moving back quickly. Another punch was thrown, Gyapong blocked that one with his left hand, "Gyapong, you're quite something" Afonope praised. Gyapong threw a fast punch to Afonope, in the face, Afonope saw the punch and smiled, walking backwards. Gyapong jumped forward with another fast attack, Gyapong punched Afonope in the stomach. The punch was not a hard one, if it was, Afonope would have knelt down with both hands on his stomach, either crying or pressing his stomach hard to reduce the pain.

Afonope was sent backwards by Gyapong's punch. "Okay, now it's my turn" Gyapong said as he run forward, towards Afonope with fast footsteps. Afonope stepped one leg back and jumped forward to meet Gyapong's attack. Now, the real fight began. The ambidextrous combat skill of Gyapong was surprising and wonderful, for a child of his age.

The old man grew a sudden interest in Gyapong and already signed him as a student of Omanhene school in mind. "This child is special" the old man muttered.

Yaa was very happy to see Gyapong beat Afonope. Tawiah watched the fight between Gyapong and Afonope as if he was an audience; he payed a hundred percent attention to the fight between Afonope and Gyapong very well.

Afonope at this point of time was exhausted and feeling weak. Gyapong had given out all his combat skills to defeat Afonope; he too was somehow exhausted. With the final blow, Gyapong gave a backwards flying kick to hit Afonope's left cheek. Afonope was sent down to the ground, when he woked up, his left cheek had swollen badly.

Tawiah and the other children, except Gyapong laughed.

"Do you want to continue?" Gyapong asked Afonope. "Afonope gasped,"you won" as he walked away to join his colleagues. "Gyapong, good, very good. You're now a student of Omanhene academy, congratulations" the old man said. "Congratulations" all the other students too said.

Gyapong walked forward to join them, in group. "Line up" the old man ordered.

All the six students of Omanhene academy lined up in a horizontally, looking straight and only to the old man.

"Greetings all students. This is Omanhene academy's assemble grounds, therefore the new rules, and other information about Omanhene academy will be shared and discussed here. Today, as you can see, a new student has appeared in our midst. Gyapong is his name. From today onwards, Gyapong is part of the Omanhene academy's training, teachings and team. Gyapong you're welcomed. Your safety, health and problems are also in the hands of the people here with you, your family. And we will be your family in the future too.

Now, you're a brother and friend to each one of your colleagues.

Omanhene school is down in grading and homage across all the four poles. The students who were once students here were ashamed to be students here, because of the names we were called,they left. Now, it's you now, 6 students, any one of you who wants to leave can raise his or her hand right away, don't worry I won't force you to stay, you can go wherever you want to. It's your life and not mine".

The place and atmosphere broke silence for a while.

"Okay since nobody wants to leave, let's come to our studies for today.

With the fight between Afonope and Gyapong as a topic and example today. Learn from what am going to say, one: during the fight, Gyapong started dodging Afonope's attack to get him exhausted. That's a good trick, but you should know whom and when to use that trick. A more irresistible opponent, who has a formidable speed, would not be that easily beaten by this trick. Secondly: Afonope went all in, thinking because Gyapong's level is low, he could beat him. This is a deadly thought when fighting an unknown opponent, how could you know their level if he or she does not show his or her level mark??. Never underestimate anybody, especially unknown opponents. And this is to you all.

And also, if Afonope had studied Gyapong's move and trick, he would have stood a chance of winning. Another one is, Afonope, when you were exhausted and Gyapong came on to attack, instead of either trying to escape or dodging his blows, you rather jumped forward to meet his attack. If it was to be deadly attack, I don't think you would have survived. The instant you made that move, I anticipated you will loose. And lastly, your speed, Afonope is an expect at speed among the students here, yet he was defeated because of underestimating the opponent. Let's all try to keep this in our heads, and improve upon our skills and learn some tricks in fighting, Omanhene students" the old man ended.