More Than Just A Dungeon Raid

Standing in front of an ominous searing shadowy rift, Ace's mind was far tangled in some deep thoughts, allowing him to take no notice of the dungeon's forefront which had a dark, foreboding entrance that looms ominously, shrouded in shadows. 

The air around the rift was thick and the light of the day wouldn't shine around the domain. The scent of damp stone and decay, with flickering torches that casted eerie shadows all over with jagged rocks and twisted roots protrude from the ground, creating a treacherous path. 

At least, he wasn't bothered about what was to come, but the words Jinx had said to him the previous night battled an unforeseen war in his mind.

"Just because you're a new student, I will let it slide, but for now, you have to sit back and obey the laws of this academy. Break one more rule and I promise, I won't take it easy on you if you don't want to end up like the ones who— broke the rules."

"What do you mean by that?" 

With a snap of her finger, the locked doors opened like it got face-slapped by the wind, gesturing he should head out already.

"Right!" She had said, halting and collecting his attention once more. "If I were you, I would go to bed now because tomorrow is going to be the beginning of your journey at Nirvana— I doubt you will survive here for long after tonight, anyway." She added, a sinister smirk gracing her lips.


"Hey!" Armin, who had been dying due to his continuous silence called, jerking him out of his thoughts. "What are you thinking about, Ace? Don't tell me you're scared of a… dungeon?" He said teasingly.

Ace gave him a little smile, trying to hide his worried look. "The guide said we might not survive this raid. And besides, it's not just a raid, we are to tame beasts into our summons in this endless dungeon."

Armin gave him a nod, agreeing to his words, but he wasn't the type to get scared at such tests. 

"It's a D-rank dungeon by the way— less danger for us first years. And besides, if anything happens, your best friend is right behind you to help." 

"That's enough talk!" A voice boomed from behind, announcing their presence as they walked up to the duo. 

It was Damien, and walking behind him as well were two other girls who seem to be on the same team as them. Ace could remember the first girl vividly as she was the same girl he had seen in the boy's dorm— Nia.

Although she was a little different from what she looked like yesterday as she had dyed her white bob hair into a blue color and again, she was chewing some gum as she approached.

Suddenly stretching his hands as the rest of the team members approached them at the forefront of the dungeon, Armin grunted some words.

"Who's that pretty girl walking towards us?" He grinned, pointing at the second girl.

Ace took notice of the second girl for the first time as she walked confidently towards them, her small frame moving with purpose in front of the dark, ominous dungeon, yet a sight of fret could not be seen overshadowing her seemingly cold demeanor.

Her deep purple hair bounced slightly with each step, catching the dim light. The air was thick with tension, but her bright green eyes shone like jade relics. Dressed in a simple dungeon fit and sturdy boots, she looked ready for anything as she walked up to them in all her glory.

"That's your girl, dimwit!" Nia sneered, spitting out the gum in her mouth as soon as they had arrived.

"Oh, you're right!" Armin said, smiling continuously like a fool. "That's my girl."

Hearing him admit to this, Damien fumed, clenching his fists tight as he was sick of Armin already. 

"Are they the members you talked about?" Ace asked, turning at Armin briefly. He wondered what he was thinking to have invited Damien. The same boy he had had a duel with yesterday.

'What is he thinking?'

His selection was entirely wrong. First, Damien was not a good pick for the team as he is rivals with Armin. And Nia doesn't seem to like him one bit at first encounter with her. Adding his girlfriend to the guild is like going on a suicide mission as Armin would be bent on protecting her instead of fighting his own demons.

"Don't you think it's a bad idea bringing your girlfriend along?" Ace continued, his face etched with an indifferent look.

"Well, it's a lot better than keeping a fat kid in the bag." Nia, who was now unwrapping a new roll of bubble gum, retorted.

The tiny rift swirling in front of the dungeon slowly began to open more widely, announcing to its sojourners its entrance was getting ready to embrace them. The rift shrouded some ominous dark clouds with tiny sparks of purple lightning searing through and soon, it tore open further enough to fit as a dungeon gate.

The team booked their steps towards the dungeon's gate, ready to sail through.

Suddenly, a notification tab popped up in front of Ace.



Back at the academy, Kaito can be seen walking cautiously towards the directors office. His approach was slow and calculative, but his mind was filled with an endless void since the news of Ace's adventure had reached him.

'It is not time yet.' He said in his thoughts bitterly.

His feet knocked a continuous harmony on the well polished marble floor and as he walked by, the lights hanging on the corridor seemed to dim out slowly as if they were being consumed by his seething rage.

Finally, he arrived at the director's office. Without withdrawing his hands from his pockets, the door slammed open as he harnessed the wind to make an opening for him.

Despite this, the director who was standing by the window, looking far beyond the walls of the academy didn't flinch upon Kaito's arrival.

"I heard you put the boy's name on the list of an A-ranked dungeon on the pretext of D-rank. I wonder what you're trying to hide by selling him off to death already."

The director turned, taking a look at Kaito before heaving a small sigh. 

"That child should have been killed before his birth. You know that, Kaito." He said, glaring at Kaito intensely. "I have failed once and this second chance I have received is my redemption. Ace Kiryū will die in that dungeon or everyone else dies."

"Everyone?" Kaito chuckled. "Fine. While you are bent on ending that child's life, I will be up against you."

"Do you think you can survive?" The director asked rhetorically. "You still have a lot to learn, Kaito. Don't waste your time protecting a boy who doesn't appreciate your existence."

"You don't make decisions for me, Kai." Kaito said, his eyes narrowing dangerously as he shot at Director Kai so fast, pushing him out through the walls which caused a sonic boom with the debris of the wall falling after them towards the ground as they raged like eagles.