Part 25

Full story at:


I opened my eyes and saw the white hospital ceiling and I was instantly gripped by panic. Was everything I'd experienced just a dream? Was it all just a play played out in my head? And absolutely unconsciously, in one dexterous leap I found myself standing on my feet, near the bed where I had been lying a moment before.

- Oh!' I heard the symbolic voice of the symbol of peace, and looking around, I realised that it was not a dream. The panic was starting to let go, - and you doctor says he's very tired, he's jumping around.

- Well, Toshinori, keep your comments to yourself,' said the miniature grandmother, who appeared to be a Healing Girl, with my quirk, it takes a lot of effort to get here, 'and you, young man, lie back down immediately. You need proper rest. You are extremely exhausted from the rash use of the quirk, and yes, I know you can treat yourself and others with the quirk, but don't even think about doing that. You will have to completely give up any manifestation of the power for a few days. Recover in the normal way, it will only do you good. - I nodded, having been instructed. - Very well then, I'll leave you to it.

- We need to talk young Kayama. - the hero addressed me after the doctor left the infirmary.

- Well, not that I mind,' he lay back down and made himself comfortable. You can't be cured, so be it, rest is always good, - but last time I heard that from a girl, and I'd rather talk to her alone than to a man over fifty....

- Very funny,' replied the teacher with a stony face, 'how do you know about my situation?

- Um,' he scratched the back of his head, making a stupid face, 'I have no idea what situation you're talking about....

- What?' the teacher jumped up from his seat, "so I made a mistake," he whispered under his breath, but I heard him, and then he turned to me, 'I'm sorry, I think there's been a mistake, then I won't bother you anymore, rest, recover and go back to class. You're still waiting to be punished for disobeying your teacher's instructions....

- Well, thank you...' he said to the hero's back as he headed for the exit, but it looked like it was time for this conversation, 'but if you wanted to talk about being weak, then I know that....

- What did you say? - The Almighty turned round and closed the door he had just opened.

- I must have put it wrong, I mean that you're not always like this,' he mimicked the thought process. I realise I'm going to be full of crap right now, but I don't know how else to get into the circle of confidants without arousing suspicion. And I've been planning to cure him for a long time. I'm not going to become a villain, so it's stupid to lose the strongest ally, - sometimes, in class, you make me feel weak, as if you were an inflatable balloon - poked with a needle and it burst. Just such a feeling from you was on the range, and I foolish behaviour took fire on myself, you saw for yourself, my quirk in the fight with people is very good ...

Hero Number One slowly walked over to my bed and looked me in the eyes, then shifted his gaze to the window, pondering my words.

- You don't feel it at the moment? - The hero clarified and I immediately nodded confidently. I'll agree, I'm counting on pure luck, well, where would he spend his time in hero form in the early morning? Especially after the attack. He wasn't with us because he wasted his energy on the way to the academy. He wouldn't be so careless a second time, unless he was a fool. - Hmm...' He stretched out at my answer and began to shrink in size right before my eyes.

- Huh? - I pretended to be surprised, I'm trying so hard, even with the sound accompaniment! - Do you have some inflatable quirk?

- No, - calmly answered the hero and began to take off his jumper.

- Hey, hey, I was talking about girls, but it has nothing to do with you, and in fact, I think you're overstepping your bounds!

- You're joking, that's good, it means you're on the mend,' the man replied and pulled up his top, 'what do you think?

- Fucking hell! - I knew what was wrong with him, but in reality it looks terrible, how can he still be alive in such a state, with his side torn out...?

- I didn't mean it like that,' the All-Powerful One said, "but I understand the reaction," the hero nodded, 'what you felt wasn't an illusion, maybe it's one of your quirks, I've never seen it before. Because of this injury, I can only use my powers for a few hours a day.

- That must suck...

- 'Not a word,' the hero backed up, 'actually I was supposed to be the second chaperone teacher yesterday, - yesterday? Did he say yesterday? I've drained myself so much that I've been lying here all day? I overestimated my strength when I claimed that I would pull the enemy with the Almighty's level of strength. I could barely contain Noma for a dozen minutes,' but I wasted all the time in hero form on the way to the academy and was only able to join you when the situation was already catastrophic. - He's probably feeling the worst right now, because all the injuries he got during the attack are definitely on his own account, it sucks to be a person like him, it's a good thing I'm not a hero. - But that's not the point, I wanted to ask....

- No need,' I interrupted the hero, 'I can heal you completely and more!