Dilemmas Can Get Complicated

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- Mnhmmm!... - Terry squeezed my shoulders tightly as our lips were joined together.

- Mnmmm... - a little tired, I decided to make the situation more savoury by slipping my hand through my top and....

There was a deafening slap, my hand slid back out on its own, and my cheek became quite sore.

- Hey! What are you doing? - I burst out at Terry's overreaction.

- You're asking me?! Bart, where are you going?! - She's right, I could've asked first, but....

Three weeks had passed since the first time Terri invited me to her house when no one was there. In that time, there had been plenty of situations where we'd been alone together. But what did we do in them? Kissing! She wouldn't even let me open my mouth! When I tried to suck on her lip, Terry pushed me away and said with a puzzled look on her face that it was too soon. At the time, I thought it was cute. Now, I'm not redeeming, how long do I have to wait until it's not early! Seriously, if she wanted to get to know each other better, to see if we were right for each other, no problem, but she could have started with friendship instead of proposing dating! Am I wrong somewhere?!

- Haa... I'm gonna go. - Finished with the thoughts that would most likely lead to a scandal, I took a deep breath and picked up my jacket.

- Right, you should go. - Without a kiss goodbye, Terri continued to sit on the bed, hugging her body as if I hadn't just squeezed her breasts once, but tried to rape her.

Seriously, if she's so uncomfortable with my touch, why do we keep breaking the comedy with this relationship!

Knowing the McLberrys' house well, I took a quick step to the hallway, went into the kitchen, poured some water into a glass to cool off, and then headed out. Where I met...

- Oh, what guests? - Sherry, who was unbuttoning her long boots. - You're leaving already? Would you like to stay, play a little bottle in my room alone?

And as has become her custom, she pinned me against the wall. Of course, I'm much stronger than her, but it's not good to hit girls, so I'm not comfortable using force against her.

- I-I heard you're taking modern dance classes, huh? - Shit, Sherry's cleavage is messing up my vision. Seriously, why is one sister a hottie and the other a hottie? And more importantly, why did I, a teenage boy with a high-testosterone sport, get the latter?!

- Yeah, I do. We go through a lot of stuff there, hip-hop, reggae. - modern in the sense of what, a 50-year-old granddad? - By the way, do you want to see some dancing?

- Make it quick, okay? - I don't want my girlfriend to find me flirting with her sister.

Next I wanted Terry to see me flirting with Sherry, because if she saw her voluminous arse pressed against my groin, it would be much worse!

- You have to arch your back in the twerk, will you hold me? - Why ask when she's got her hands on my waist?! - Then the art begins.

More like torture. My own personal hell. There's no other way to describe the steady thrusting of her firm arse into my mate. It didn't help that my hands were not on the flap of cloth, but on the hot, soft skin. Sherry was looking me straight in the eye, speeding up her movements, and with that, her breathing....

- Oh, well, I'd better get home. - I finally managed to find my composure and pushed Sherry to the locker across the hall, quickly putting on my trainers and getting out.

I made my way to the gym at a run, rubbing not only my nipples this time, but also something that refused to drop. Running was uncomfortable, but I didn't have anywhere to jerk home, and I needed to lose steam.

In the end, I ran fifteen kilometres, and found myself at the entrance to the hall, although all sweaty, but without a boner. I made the critical mistake of checking my messages when I got into the locker room:


- Bart, I'm sorry, I overreacted. I shouldn't have been violent, I'm really, really sorry. - followed by smiley faces pleading for forgiveness.

With a smile, I wrote that everything was fine and that I was wrong to get involved. What can I say people are simple creatures, rarely able to stay angry for long.

After a five-minute, rather sweet correspondence with Terry, I noticed a message from her sister too, and not expecting anything good, I clicked open. Still, I'm not the possessor of so much willpower to overcome curiosity.

- You left so quickly, I was just getting ready. - There was a photograph attached to the message. It was taken from the top downwards, so that at the very bottom you could clearly see the buns, followed by a bent forward fragile looking back, if you looked closely, you could notice the breasts pressed against the wall, the edge of the oval of which was beckoning under the force of compression. And the photo was completed by a head turned to the lens with its face turned to the lens with its tongue sticking out, licking the delicate looking lips.

- Here comes the boner... - the blood quickly left my brain. - Am I cursed? Definitely cursed...


My problem is that I realise the consequences. If I cheat on Terry with Sherry, it will surely come out and break her heart. That's why it's not good to cheat, actually, because it's weird to talk about liking someone and then deliberately do something that will only hurt them. Sure, I could have broken up with Terry, but isn't the reason too dumb? I mean she can be described by saying 'you won't let me and your sister is ready, so we can't be together'.

- Haaah. - what am I supposed to do? Wait for me and Terry to get married so we can finally have sex? Dump a girl just cos I've got an itch in my trousers? Become a bastard and start cheating?

- If you don't make a decision, you're gonna die a virgin. - came from the guy behind me.

- What?! How do you know about my problems?! - We even have psychics at the gym?! Wait, there are psychics?!

- Huh? - the guy behind me, holding a book and talking to someone on the phone, got embarrassed. Ah, I see, a typical mistake when you overhear someone's phone conversation and think that the person you are talking to was talking to you. - Yeah there's a weird type... And so yeah, the title of the novella is 'If you don't make a decision, you'll die a virgin, even in the other world after your tenth rebirth in...'

The pronunciation of the full title of the little book with hieroglyphics lasted another minute or so..... I felt as if I had realised that there was a whole unseen world beyond the horizon.


Training ended with me realising that anime people are weird and should stay away from them, plus Coach Engle announced a date for a trip to the state capital where I'd be spending five days, four of which I'd be wrestling.

- I'm not sure if I should say this, but for the rest of the tournament, refrain from sexual activity. - before closing, my coach admonished me.

- Don't worry, my girlfriend's got it covered. - My sad answer embarrassed him no end.


So my dilemma has been postponed for a week. One way or another, I'll have to hold off. But while I'll be in the capital, I'll be able to think about everything once again, and weigh everything.

- Purely theoretically, if I proposed an open relationship? - texted Terry.

- You'd be physically bereft of testicles. - and I got the obvious answer.

- Good thing I was joking, lol.

- Yeah, you did. Bart, will you pick me up after school tomorrow? - her offer made my balls feel like they were hiding inside me.

- No problem. - I'll have to remember to wear my mouth guard.


- I'm complicated, aren't I? - Terry said in the café.

- No, it's nothing like that. - While I unconsciously covered my groin with my briefcase, I was wearing my mouth guard, along with my tight woollen pants.

- You see, I didn't have anyone, I mean. - tearing off the cola wrapper with a pink-painted fingernail, lips painted the same bright colour, Terry almost whispered.

- Oh... Wow. - my reaction wasn't their best, but who could blame hearing that a hot chick like Terry was a virgin. It's a good thing I didn't ask her if she was kidding.

- I won't say it was because of strict parents or anything. It just didn't click with other guys, you know?

- Uh-huh. - What is she talking about?! I don't even have the faintest idea! I hope that question doesn't come up on the sex test.

- Have you never been in love, Bart? - Clearly not believing my lies, Terry squinted.

- Have you? - Unfortunately, the number of stupid questions my mouth was holding back was overflowing, and one popped out.

- Yeah. Sort of like you, ha ha..... - Terri's laugh came out awkwardly, clearly embarrassed.

- Why would she be embarrassed? - and my unleashed stupidity had no plans to lessen the awkwardness. - We've known each other since we were kids, but you weren't in love with me as a child, were you? And now we only know each other for a little while.

- Well about childhood, I wouldn't be so sure, after all, I liked to tease you at the time, and you can see why.... Boys and girls tease each other. - someone was in love with me from such a young age. Ha, hard to imagine. - Anyway, you're cute, strong, funny and handsome.... I don't know if those are the reasons why I'm so excited to be in your presence...? Haa. I don't know how I feel.

But I'm supposed to understand them? Terry, maybe you've forgotten, but I'm not a smart sophomore.

- Okay, fine! - Terry slammed the table. - Let's do this, no one will be home tomorrow at lunchtime, you come to my place and we'll do it.

Yahoo - that's probably what I should say. But for Terry, all that love, first sex, it seems like the big things. I'd be a dick if I took advantage of her complicated feelings. So I have to say it:

- Yahoo~! Shit, that's not it! I was going to say we have nowhere to rush and why don't I try this whole love you thing, I hear it's pretty popular.

- Mhmm!... - At my smile, Terri hovered over the table and kissed me on the cheek. - I promise, Bart, you won't have to wait long for me.

- Just how do I fall in love? - my strange question made Terry tilt her head and think.

We spent the next hour creating theories on how I could fall in love. We searched the internet, tried to apply logic. Terri suggested I describe my ideal girlfriend, to which I offered to illustrate. Next thing I knew, I was drawing big tits on a white sheet of paper with a pencil ... My joke was not appreciated.

- You got a tournament coming up? - on the way home, we held hands. It was kind of awkward walking. - I'll be rooting for you.

- Don't be. I'll probably get creamed at it. - especially if I run into those guys, Bron or Dolph.

- Don't be daft, you were so good in the final. I'm sure you'll do just as well in the capital tournament.

- No, I really shouldn't. - it's kind of annoying when people refuse to listen to you.

- Mm-hmm. You'll be fine, Bart, you'll do great. - and it was time for my other cheek to be kissed.

- You're not-- Haa. Okay, thanks. - I can't get mad at that simple but sweet smile. And my heart's giving me a weird twinge. Am I having what? Cramps?


- Are you going to get water? - I turned to Boyfriend A. Can you buy me some colic pills?

And all day long those cramps continued at the thought of Terry, reminiscent of when Laura was my babysitter or when I went out of my way to be nice to Jessica.

- Ha! It's like I was starting to fall in love with Terry, funny. - Who knew stomach cramps could be like falling in love? It's a strange world we live in.....