The Gap

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- Ahhhh...- Terri's whole body went limp and she collapsed onto the bed.

- Haaaa... Haaaa... - I collapsed next to her, wiping the sweat from my forehead. - Thanks baby, I needed that.

My gaze travelled from her lustful eyes, through her blue hair, along her graceful backside, and finally settled on the epitome of the gods, her round, juicy ass.

- Bart. You could at least-- Change it. - Terri pointed to my condom as my cum was rising again.


After spending time with the girl, I returned home afterwards. Of course, before that, there was the unpleasant incident in the shower with Sherry. Which I don't really want to talk about, except that now she, like Jessica, has taped dirt on me....

But I doubt anyone will be interested. So I can go up to my room and relax, after a long journey....

- Huh? Maggie? - suddenly my room was occupied and my bed was occupied.

When I walked in Maggie was lying on my bed, staring blankly at the ceiling with her body sprawled out. It must have been the unfamiliar sight of her younger sister that made me approach her with some uncertainty.

- Huh? Bart?! - Maggie's face transformed and she leapt off the bed to hug me.

- Oh, easy. - my sister slammed into me almost at full speed, as if she wanted to smash into me. Even her hug was much tighter than usual.

- Bart, it's so good to see you! - and Maggie was smiling a lot more than usual.

- Baby, what's wrong? - I cuddled up next to her. And, of course, I wanted to address her in a softer, more affectionate way, but 'baby,' really? Am I the one who's hearing police sirens outside my window?!

- Huh? Nothing.

Children have an interesting characteristic - they have a need to tell what's on their minds. As we get older, we learn to read the atmosphere, to keep our mouths shut on sensitive topics, to realise that most people don't really care about our existence. It's different with children...

- No reward today, so take a gift of candy.....

A child always wants to tell. Even when he's shut up, even when he realises that the others don't care, that it's useless to tell. Because when children are shut up, they still have a desire to be heard. When as an adult, over time, you don't care.

- How about we watch a horror film on my smartphone with candy and juice?

As Maggie ran to the kitchen to get juice, all I could think to myself was that I know full well what it's like to be on her side.... But what am I supposed to do as an adult?

- Bart, I got a 'D' on my test. - Maggie said, during another stupid chainsaw gut-wrenching scene. By the way, it's hard to believe this film is based on a popular mob.

- And that upset you so much? - I couldn't contain my surprise.

- Bart, what do I do?

- Well, you could always fake a grade or burn a report card--

- That's not what I mean. And we don't get report cards, it's all electronic. - Maggie elbowed me in the stomach, telling me not to fool around. - I don't know what to do. You and Lisa are so talented, and I can't do anything at all.

- But haven't you taken up singing recently? - I tried to stroke Maggie's hair.

- It was ages ago! - but before she got mad at me. - You don't understand! You and Lisa are both going to university! You're both succeeding in life, I don't even know what I want to do!

Wow - was the only thing I wanted to say. I thought about how, at nine years old, Maggie shouldn't have to worry about something like this. Thought that if she should, I was surprised at how fast today's kids grow up. Naturally, I thought about how I should respond to my sister's genuine concern.

- I don't know either... - I answered honestly. Maggie glanced at me uncomprehendingly. - Maggie, I've only been wrestling for three years. And I don't know where it's going to lead. It's not exactly the most sustainable way to make a living. I could always get injured, get out of shape, or fall behind the newcomers.

Maggie was on the verge of tears. It was hard for me to believe that this little creature was plagued by such heavy questions and problems. Not every adult is capable of dealing with them, let alone a child.

- Don't worry, one day you'll find something you like. Something you'll want to hold on to even though you have problems, despite falling behind your peers, despite all the challenges of being a beginner, a novice.

My words came from a calm heart, which became so after meeting Mary. Thank you to this sweet freckle-faced girl who loves to chop animals' heads off for what she is!

- Look at you! - I picked Maggie up and lifted her into the air. - You're still so young, you've got so much time ahead of you! - After spinning her around for a while, I held Maggie to my chest. - So stop making money, just stop for a moment and take a full breath.

- Haaaa... Hoooo... - Maggie with painfully lowered eyebrows took my advice literally.

- You'll be fine as long as you remember to breathe. So try, as hard as it may be, not to get too much in your head, okay?

- Okay... - the younger Simpson said in a near whisper. - Bart.

- Yes?' I said as affectionately as possible.

- I don't recognise that smell. Did you shower at someone's house? - her same voice sent shivers running down my spine.


I spent the next few days on a standard schedule - school - gym - walk to Jessica's house. At school I enjoyed the sweet attitude of Isabella, who didn't hide her affectionate feelings at all:

- Sometimes I feel like you've participated in an experiment to transplant a monkey brain into a human. - Isabella reacted with joy well disguised as annoyance when I was assigned as her project partner for chemistry class.

- Geez, Isabella, is it true what they say about pupils constricting when one looks at the object of one's affection?

- They dilate, you idiot. And if you want to know how I feel, close your eyes and let me hit you.

- Oh, my God, that's what hitting means love!

- Haa. It's gonna be a long three hours.

- Every second is precious with the one you love, right?

- Haaah.

Isabella ended up kicking me in the knee under the table. But if you ignore her active flirting, we successfully completed the assignment and got our well-deserved A's. I was glad, but my partner, when I complained to the teacher about her flirting, kicked me in the knee again.

In the gym, I went hard on the grapples. In sparring, I once again didn't use throws, forcing my body to think of passes. Determined to thank Becky for her support, I invited her to the gym a few times. Where she got the attention she deserved from such a sweet girl.

- Tired? - after sparring, a happy Becky handed me a towel.

- So, did you like anyone? - Wiping my sweat, I asked her about the other guys. - If anything, feel free to ask, I know a lot of their dirty secrets. I can even tell you exactly who puts socks under their tights.

- Ha-ha-ha-ha. Bart, you're so funny. - Becky's been staring at me a little too long. She knows I have a girlfriend, right? Or am I the weird one who just looked at me and thought I should mention Terry? - But I'm not interested at all.

- Are you sure? - For a second I thought her words were about me having a girlfriend. - I can even tell you who's putting two socks up.

- Ha-ha-ha-ha. You are so much fun. - Becky took a lock of golden hair behind my ear and looked straight into my eyes again. - 'You don't mind, do you?

- I have a girlfriend. - In the end my armour of loyalty nearly cracked.

- А?

- I mean, if you don't want to date someone, why not?

With Jessica, on the other hand, I was able to go jogging once in a while. Surprisingly, it was her initiative. It was even an excuse for me not to waste my time. Of course, we rarely went jogging. For Jessica was more than once too tired or in the wrong outfit.

- Hmm. It's kind of dumb that I'm coming home with someone I'm not even dating. - Jessica said suddenly. It contradicted what she used to think was cool about having a bodyguard.

- I'm even seeing off someone who's blackmailing me, and I'm not complaining.

- Hmm. Maybe I should start dating someone. - Naturally my comment was completely ignored by her. - But he'd have to be cool enough, good looking, able to protect me, and also so that I could easily twist him around as I wanted.

As she finished thinking out loud, Jessica stared at me with a devilish grin. All I had to say to her was this:

- I wish you good luck in your search.

- Haa... Men...

Then I took the day off by going on a picnic with Terry. The weather was perfect, plus my head was already swelling with all this technical wrestling. I'm afraid if I do it any more, I'll grab a chair and smash one of the guys' heads in.

- Bart, say 'ah,' - holding the sandwich, Terry handed it to me.

- Yeah, say 'ahh.' - but they fed me from the other side.

- Bhummmm! - the force with which Sherry shoved the chicken into my mouth nearly killed me.

Naturally, my girlfriend's sister also tagged along. I'd like to say we weren't happy to see her. But, um. Terry invited her.

- Bart, I have a question. - my girlfriend turned to me with a serious look on her face. - Who is Mary Spuckler, and why did you sign up for her?

- Huh?' the fact that my girlfriend keeps track of who I subscribe to on social media threw me off balance for a few minutes.

- She's not like the usual chickens who post their arses that you follow all the time. - hey, they don't post their arses! They post pictures that happen to be of arseholes, and that's art! - And you don't have much folk music on your playlists. So, who is she?

Why does finding out that Terri has been so diligent in trolling my social media make me feel naked? And not in a good way, as I usually feel naked around Terri.

- She's an old friend of mine.

- Oh, yeah? A friend? I see. - can you explain it to me? Because your tone makes me feel like we're talking about something completely different!

- Terry, don't push it. - said Sherry with a strained smile.

- Huh? Okay, I guess you're right. - Thank God we have Sherry with us, the saintly girl I'm always glad to have with me!

- Anyway, can I ask Bart? - what's the future heroine of the icon above my mantelpiece talking about?

- Ha ha ha, whatever. - and why is Terry blushing and smiling so playfully?

- Bart. - Sherry turned to me with a smile.

- Yeah? I had no idea what was going on.

- How about a threesome?

I looked at Terry. She's smiling. That's a good sign, right?

- Yeah?

- ... - With a smile, Sherry turned to her sister, who:

- Bart, you're insufferable! - resentfully got up and walked away.

- You want to catch up? - Sherry said to me, looking after her sister as she walked away.

- Nah, it wasn't my fault, but this scandal wasn't my fault. Refusing to have a threesome with the hot twins would have lost me the right to call myself a man.

- Hot? - Sherry sprawled out on the grass, which pulled up her pink beacon a little, exposing her firm, flat tummy. - How about sex in a public place?

After answering her offer with a no, Sherry and I were in no hurry to part ways, spending a couple of hours talking about her dancing and my struggles.