Buying Madam Malkin's Store

NOTE: I reuploaded it to see if those glitches are still there or not. These did reduce but not completely gone. So, please bear with me. I will try to find some solution to this problem. Thank you, everybody.


After getting out of the Ollivanders, Snape was quiet the whole way. He just showed me the way without saying anything. Suddenly, Snape said, 'We are going to the Madam Malkin's to your robes. You want to ask me about something?'

I said, 'Fine with me. No, I don't have anything to ask you.' Finding my words insufficient, Snape asked, 'Are you not going to ask me anything?' He emphasized on anything.

'What do I need to ask?' I said with a confused look. Ah, I knew what he was asking about. Sometimes, acting deliberately like a fool can you feel good.

Snape scoffed, 'Stop your acting. You know very well what I am talking about.'

I said, 'Listen, I don't blame you. Maybe someone would blame you but not me. If I didn't know about your character, I would have blamed you. So, no need to worry, there is no bad blood between us.' Honestly, if I didn't know about Snape's character, I would have blamed him. Him complimenting me is not equivalent to us being friends.

Snape turned his head and looked at me. He said, 'You are mistaken. I am not worrying about anything. It's fine if, you don't blame me to defend you at the Ollivanders. Though I should have said something. Also, how could claim to know me? We have met each other today itself. Aren't you being too cocky?'


'Maybe I am cocky or maybe I am not. Do I need to explain anything to you?'


Satisfied, Snape became quiet again. We reached a store which was pinkish white in colour. Infront of us is Madam Malkin's. It's not that I knew that it was Madam Malkin's, I saw a sign which said- Madam Malkin's Robes. It was in the north side of Diagon Alley. Hmm, so this is where Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy first met, at least in the comics they met here. 


We entered the store. As soon as we entered it, a woman with white hair, dressed in mauve clothing, came to greet us. She had a huge smile on her face. She giggled and said, 'Welcome to Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions. My name is Madam Malkin. Haha, ah, you must have guessed it already from the sign, right? You are here to buy clothes for this little girl, professor Snape, am I right? Oh my! Why am I even asking you this question? You must be here for this, not to flirt with me or anything? Or maybe you are here to flirt with me. Is she your daughter? You have brought her here to meet with me. Oh! You—'

'Calm down your horses, Malkin. I don't have any intention to flirt with you and also, she is not my daughter. We are here for to buy robes for her. So, take her measurements and do your goddamn job.'

Wow, unbelievable. This is beyond my comprehension. Madam Malkin has some kind of crush on Snape and I daresay, it's creepy. It's like looking Kamala Harris flirting with Donald Trump. Yuck! I don't even know which one is more disgusting out of two. Both are equally disgusting. Think about Snape and Malkin kissing each other. Yuck, yuck, yuck, I am going to be sick, it's completely disgusting. Blllonlanala... just destroy the mental image and forget about it.

Malkin asked, 'What's your name, little girl?'

I replied, ' Stark. Eloise Stark.'

Malkin said, 'It's a great name, Elose. Let's take your measurements. Please, follow me.'

*Sighed* My thoughts are diverting, focus, just focus on your aim. Yes, I need to do what I was here in the first place.

I said, 'Before that Madam Malkin, I would like to offer you a business deal.'

Madam Malkin stopped her smiling. Ah, fuck, good, finally she stopped smiling. I thought she would never stop smiling. Like, how the hell can a human be this much happy?

She looked at Snape and asked, 'She is kidding, right?'

Snape smirked, 'I am afraid not, Malkin. She is not kidding. She just became co-owner of the Gringotts. Oh, my bad, Marxe. It's not Gringotts anymore, it's Marxe. She named it. Trust me, she is not kidding.'

Malkin turned to look at me completely in disbelief. It was as if someone just said to her that the earth is flat or men have pussy and they can get pregnant. To be honest, I won't mind either of these. Trust me, menstruation is a bitch. I mean literally.

Calming down, Malkin asked, 'Tell me about the deal you want to offer.'

I said, 'Sell this shop to me. I will give 50,000 galleons for it.'

'No! I can't sell you, my shop. This shop is passed down from generation to generation. I can't just sell my shop to you, just like that,' Malkin yelled in utter horror and disbelief.

'100,000 galleons'

'No, I—'






'1,00,000 galleons'

Madam Malkin's yelled, 'Yes! You can take my shop.'

Bravo! I did it. I am now, the owner of this store.

Now, you all must be wondering two things. Oh, no need to be shy, I know your thoughts very well. Come on, ask it. Loudly! Speak it loudly. Hmmm, whmmm, yes, ok, hmmm. Woh, wait. That's enough. No need to ask me about your depression. I know you sorry souls have it rough. But then again, that's why you are here. To escape from reality. Believe me escaping from reality is very easy but accepting and embracing it, is too damn difficult.

Fuck! I got distracted, again. Ok, the answer to the first question is— 1 galleon is equivalent to 500 dollars. Oh, come on, a galleon is basically like a gold coin, which for some reason is equivalent to 500 dollars. I don't know if I am lucky or unlucky, only the time will tell.

The answer to your second question is— I am gonna tell you later. Now, some of you may think what I am blabbering about. Look, I can't spoon feed you everything. Sometimes, even you lot need to exercise your brain. I know it's difficult but I believe you in all, you can do it.

I said, 'Thank you. It's a pleasure to business with you. Professor Snape, here, would bring the contract on behalf of me on Monday. That means, tomorrow. So, be prepared.'

Snape said, 'Fine.'

'Oh, I certainly will be,' she said.

'Also, Madam Malkin, can you prepare my robes, I mean personally?'

'Yes, I will. It would be kind of like a farewell to my work. Can I ask you something?' I nodded, signalling her to ask, 'are you some kind of rich little lady or something? You are a muggleborn. Your dress speaks for itself.'

I smirked, 'Yes, you are right. I am muggleborn and you are also right, about me being a rich little lady. Though, I would say, I am not just rich. I am filthy rich. I can buy anything I want. Understood.'

Malkin looked impressed. She said, 'Yes, I understood.'

After that, Malkin took my measurements and told that she will deliver my robes through Snape, tomorrow when he will bring the contract to her. We bid farewell and exited her, no, my shop. I will rename it later.

I asked, 'Professor Snape, why did you agree? You agreed in both the cases. Tell me the reason. I mean the real one.'

Snape looked at me for a minute and then, averted his gaze. He replied, 'You have potential to become great. Today's performance proved it. I don't want such a potential to get wasted just like this. That's all.'

I nodded. I knew this was the reason. Like, Snape is not someone who would agree to do this out of goodness.

I said, 'Hmm, it's good. Then, please deliver the drafts, tomorrow.' He nodded his head at my words showing that he agreed to do these tasks.

Repeating the process in the morning, we reached my home. Just before leaving, he asked, 'You didn't buy a wand. So, what are you planning now?'

I smirked, 'That will be a surprise. No need to worry, I know what to do about my wand problem. I will give you the surprise on my first day at Hogwarts. So, stay tuned.'

Hearing my words, he chuckled and went in his way.

You all must be wondering— what am I going to do? Let me tell you something. I am a genius and I am also very good at building things.

So, I will just make a fucking wand for myself. I don't need a wand from that fucking idiot, Ollivander. I can and will make a wand which is not only better than him, but also will go down as the greatest wand in the wizarding history.