His Beloved. Esti.

Tiel knew everything he had felt throughout his life, and nothing had ever come to par with the elated bliss of being with Celeste.

He knew the fiery heights his anger could reach, the darkness his crippling grayness could become, the cruel clutch his sorrow could tighten, and the bottomless depths his disappointment could sink him to.

Yet he realized that in the twenty-two years of his life, he had never felt something so light and bright. A thrill so gentle, it compelled him to escape the office.

So then, as he stood there in the cafeteria, Tiel found himself assuring his office boy he had done nothing wrong, his office assistant that no extra scolding was needed, and stopping the kitchen lady from stepping in to avoid the tragedy of him making his own beverage.

Tiel had never made his own tea in the office before, but now it seemed the most logical thing to do when his office all of a sudden felt too small.