Chapter 17: Fire Dragon King, Igneel

Boze's desperate pleas for mercy were met with silence. Mirajane had no intention of adding him as a friend. Meanwhile, back in the guild's tavern, cheers erupted.

"We won! All thanks to Mira!"

"Mira, bring the drinks! Let's get this party started!"

The mages celebrated as if they had just won a hard-fought battle, their faces beaming with genuine joy. Nate couldn't help but admire the guild's atmosphere—it was strong, united, and everyone treated it like their home.

"Alright, but try not to drink too much," Mirajane called out as she closed the forum and grabbed drinks from behind the bar. The guild offered food and drink services, keeping the money circulating within. Not a single Jewel was saved.

In no time, the tavern turned into a lively party.

"Nate, come join us! Should I treat you?" Cana called out from the corner, drinking straight from a large barrel. Her invitation was quickly echoed by others.

"Yeah, Nate! Don't be shy!" Macao added with a grin.

"I'm afraid if I get drunk, I might accidentally take down the guild," Nate said, waving his hand. He stood up, offering an excuse. "I just remembered I haven't fed my cat yet."

With that, he made his escape!

"You guys, stop trying to corrupt Nate!" Mirajane scolded, hands on her hips.

"Ohhh, the waitress is getting protective of Nate!" some of the guys teased.

"Looks like there's something going on…"

The guild's women joined in the teasing, their eyes full of curiosity and gossip. Mirajane blushed at the playful remarks but had no choice but to shrug it off.

"Silly drunkards."

Magnolia was a city divided by a wide river. After leaving the guild, Nate wandered aimlessly along the riverside. Occasionally, his ring flickered—Siegrain was still trying to add him as a friend.

"This guy really is persistent."

Nate thought for a moment and decided to accept the request. However, he immediately set it aside, choosing to ignore whatever messages Siegrain had sent for the time being.

Before long, Nate found himself in Magnolia Park. At the center of the park was a large tree, and beneath it, two people were engaged in a heated fight.

"Ice block idiot!"

"Flame moron!"

Natsu and Gray were going at it, trading punches and kicks, each blow hitting hard. The two took turns in a strange, turn-based battle: one punch, then the other, as if giving each other time to retaliate. Their foreheads collided, neither backing down, as they tried to prove whose skull was harder.


Happy, who was perched on a nearby park bench, waved at Nate when he spotted him. "So that's where you two are. No wonder I didn't see you back at the guild." Nate smiled, adding, "You two really get along well."

"Aye~ It happens all the time," Happy agreed, nodding earnestly.

Hearing this, Natsu and Gray stopped mid-punch and turned toward Nate.

"Nate, thanks for the ring you gave me yesterday," Gray said, still shirtless, with his top discarded on the ground nearby. "I found a perfect job for you and me. Let's work together."

No… If you want to treat me to a meal, that's fine, but please spare me from more work.

Nate opened his mouth, trying to find a polite way to decline the invitation.

Before he could answer, Natsu butted in. "No way! I've already decided that I'm teaming up with Nate! Deal with it, droopy eyes!"

"Who are you calling droopy eyes, you hanging-eyes freak?!"

"You wanna fight?"

As expected, the two started brawling again.

Nate couldn't believe he was witnessing two guys fighting over him. Deciding to change the subject, he asked, "By the way, Natsu, did you manage to find Igneel?"

Distracted by the question, Natsu was caught off guard by Gray's punch, sending him crashing into the park's tree.

"I asked Gramps, but he didn't have any ideas either," Natsu answered while getting back up, ready to punch Gray again.

"I might be able to help," Nate said, happy to see his diversion working.

"What? Really? Wait… what happened to your eyes?" Natsu froze mid-punch, noticing Nate's changed eyes for the first time. Gray, panting from the fight, also took note of Nate's new, brilliant blue eyes, like a reflection of a clear sky.

"They're called Six Eyes. It's a type of magic."

Nate placed his hand on Natsu's chest. "These eyes might let you see Igneel… maybe."

As he spoke, Nate used his Six Eyes to peer into the flow of Natsu's magic.

But there was something more.

Within Natsu's body, there was a vast, dormant source of magic. Nate narrowed his eyes, focusing on it. Suddenly, he disturbed Natsu's magic flow.

Nate's vision blurred for a moment, but when it cleared, he found himself standing in a sea of lava. He was walking atop the molten rock as if it were solid ground, his steps light and sure.

At the center of the lava field lay a small island. And there, resting on the island, was a colossal, crimson dragon.

Suddenly, the dragon's eyes snapped open.

"Nice to meet you, Igneel."

Nate sighed with a bit of regret. "Looks like I failed. I couldn't bring Natsu along."

"Who are you?" Igneel growled, his deep voice echoing. He was astounded. This young mage had somehow managed to insert part of his spirit into Natsu's body by manipulating magic. It was unheard of!

Igneel had lived a long life, but never had he encountered a mage with such delicate control over magic.

"I'm Nate, a mage from Fairy Tail, and a friend of Natsu."

"Natsu knows that you're inside him. He's been trying to find a way to meet you for days."

"I just tried to help him out, but it seems I failed. Apologies."

Nate had only obtained the Six Eyes the night before and wasn't yet proficient enough to bring Natsu's consciousness into the vision.

Igneel fell silent. Though mostly dormant, he was always aware of Natsu's situation and would step in with magic whenever Natsu was in danger. But lately, he had been too deep in slumber to know what was happening.

"Who told him?" Igneel asked with a frown. This information was known only to a select few. Could it have been the Sky Dragon? Only Grandeeney would meddle in such matters.

"A person named 'Voldemort.' It's just a username; we don't know his real identity."


Igneel's voice rumbled with frustration as the sea of lava began to boil. Could it be a demon created by Zeref?

But that name didn't ring a bell.

Unfazed by the molten rock surging around him, Nate calmly asked, "Does it matter who told him? Natsu really wants to see you. Do you have any message I can pass along?"

Since he was already here, he might as well take something back.

Igneel calmed himself and closed his eyes slowly.

"Thank you, young mage. You're unlike anyone I've met. Those eyes of yours—they're quite powerful, aren't they?"

"Keep honing them. I sense they hold great potential."

He settled back into his resting position.

"Tell Natsu this: The day we meet again is not far off. Until then, he should keep training and live happily."

Nate nodded, his body beginning to fade as if it were just a reflection on a calm surface, dissolving with the ripples.

"Goodbye, Fire Dragon King."