Awakening The Sliver Wolf

Heat rushed to my face the moment I met Rowan's eyes.

He stared at me with such intensity that I couldn't decipher the look in his eyes.

He'd trade his usual suit for the night, opting for jeans, a white t-shirt, and a matching jacket instead.

His hair, no longer neatly styled, was now tousled, and I had the sudden urge to run my fingers through it.

He looked much younger and so much handsome now, I couldn't bring myself to look away even though I knew I'd been staring too long.

Someone cleared their throat, and just like that the spell was broken.

I looked away, embarrassed.

Why was I always staring like an idiot?

There was just something so captivating and alluring about Rowan that I always found myself staring, not able to look away.

Lilith elbowed me gently and I faced her. "You should go see him," she said, her head gesturing towards Rowan.

"Uhmm… I don't think that's a good idea," I said as I rubbed my neck.

"Ravenna, shut up and just go," she said and she faced the guy sitting beside her.

Okay. I guess I should thank him for throwing the party on my behalf.

I refilled my cup and down it in one go, then I stood up quickly and regretted it immediately.

Dizziness almost forced me back down. I was so tipsy. Soooo drunk.

Everybody at the table was either busy with each other or too drunk to notice me as I left the table.

I walked towards Rowan, trying not to stagger. He held my gaze as I walked to him. His eyes lit under the light.

"Hi," I said as I got to him.

"Hi." He smiled.

"I wanted to uh thank you," I said as I stood beside him. "For the party. I feel honored."

He scoffs. "Honored," he echoed. "It's nothing, Ravenna. You earned it."

"It's not nothing," I said stubbornly. "Thank you."

Rowan chuckled, but said nothing more. We stood in comfortable silence, but I've never liked silence so I looked for something to say.

A soft breeze rustled the leaves overhead, and my gaze drifted to the revelers enjoying themselves.

"I never felt like I belonged back there," I started, my voice carrying a hint of vulnerability. "My old pack. I was always the outsider, the one who was different and unwanted. This party, this welcome... it's the first time someone has actually made me feel like I matter."

I looked up at Rowan when he remained quiet. His expression was soft, a touch of empathy in his eyes. "They're fools," he said softly. "For not seeing what they had."

I felt my shoulders relaxed as I held his gaze, a genuine smile forming on my lips. "They are."

Rowan matched my smile and we turned back to the party.

My eyes caught Joseph sitting with a handsome guy. They say beside each other, no space between them.

Joseph said something and the other guy laughed. Their eyes and hands lingered on each other. And soon they both stood up and went inside the house.

I guess he's really going to get laid tonight.

Rowan chuckled softly and I raised my head to him. "What's funny?" I asked.

"Tomorrow he might not even remember who he went to bed with," he replied, shaking his head as he smiled.

"You should go have fun too," he said as he looked at me.

"I'm having fun."

"Just standing here with me is fun, hmm?" he asked, and I nodded, words failing me with the way he looked at me.

Unthinking, my eyes dropped to his lips and I wet my own.

How would his lips taste between my teeth? Will he taste like he smells? Musky and spicy?

"Ravenna," he said softly, but there was a hint of something in his voice.

I looked away, embarrassed by where my thoughts had wondered to.

It was the alcohol. It was just the alcohol.

I couldn't stand being beside him anymore, ashamed that maybe he somehow knew my thoughts.

"Have a good night, Alpha," I said as I walked away without looking at him.

I walked straight into the house, no longer in the mood for the party.

Why would I even think something like that? He was just being kind, and yet here I was, having thoughts I knew I shouldn't be having.

It's just the alcohol, I reminded myself.

I got to my room, took off my dress and washed my face.

I crawled into my bed and sleep dragged me immediately.


"Rise and shine!"

I groaned as I buried myself deeper into the bed, my head pounding.

"Too loud. Too early," I mumbled.

The blanket was yanked away and I groaned again.

My eyes ached as I opened them to the brightness of the room. "It's too early, Lilith," I said as I rubbed my eyes.

"It's seven," she said, crossing her arms beside my bed.

"Still early."

She rolled her eyes as she walked towards the side table. She walked back to me and pressed a hot mug into my hands.

"Drink that and go wash," she said as she walked to my closet.

"Yes mum," I grumbled.

Who would believe I was older than her?

"Your training starts today."

I sat up, all tiredness fleeing from me. "Training?"

"Yes," she nodded as she set down clothes beside me. "Since you're now a part of our pack you get to train with us."

I flew out the bed and ran into the bathroom. Twenty minutes later, I was standing in the training field.

The training grounds buzzed with energy, the pack moving in sync, practicing their forms, honing their instincts.

You wouldn't know these people had drunk themselves senseless last night.

I stood at the side with Lilith, Selena, and Vera—met her at the party.

Rowan and Joseph stood at the head, looking down at everybody with hard looks. I tried to avoid looking at Rowan's direction.

Joseph looked different. He looked harder and harsh, no longer playful. He was a different person when he was a trainer.

"We spar today," Joseph began, his voice echoing in the field. "Partner up!"

Everybody immediately chooses their partners, including my small group.

But before Lilith left she said, "I would go too easy on you." And I understood that was why she didn't partner with me.

I looked around and saw someone walking towards me.

He was big, with muscles taut under his skin, a smirk curling at the edge of his lips. He didn't bother to hide his disdain.

"Ready for this, outsider?" he asked, voice dripping with venom.

His eyes glinted with something darker, something I knew too well—he wasn't just sparring to train; he wanted to humiliate me.

Well he was in for a surprise.